Anyone catch the history channel this morning on Egyptian Hieroglyphs and Doomsday?

by sinis 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sinis

    They started talking about archeologists in the last 1800's that believed that the pyramids were a key to the future by measuring the passageways of the Great Pyramid of Giza - this method is called the "pyramid inch". Anyways, they supposedly could foretell 1914, 2001 (9/11), etc.

    As soon as they mentioned 1914 it caught my attention. After all, is this not how the WTS originally came up with the year 1914???? I hope Dubs were watching this episode and caught that as well... but then again most are dense...

  • agonus


  • serein

    thats what the bible students beleive still now, they still follow bro russel and beleive that the pyramid in eygipt is important. i go on there site all the time and althoe i find it difficult to beleive the pyramid stuff i find them very helpfull in my quest for true scripture.

  • sinis

    Funny though, that one guy was saying you could basically pick any day you wanted out of the measurements, and the starting date is sort of questionable... I'm sure a dub would pass it over as how once again the Bible is correct and these pagan ideas only validate the one and only true source of knowledge... :puke: Not realizing that this was how the WTS originally got the 1914 date!!!!!!!

  • HintOfLime

    Whatever the current end-of-the-world 'fad' date is, the pyramids predicted it. Last I heard, they "perfectly predict 2012" as the end of the world - yet somehow they didn't until the 2012 craze started up.

    - Lime

  • sinis

    Personally, I believe ALL things are cyclical. I do believe the ancients were tracking events, and perhaps the pyramids are structures that have deeper meaning. ALL mythos has some sort of truth associated with it. What fries me is when religion, under the guise of god, tries to predict these events. In any event it does make you wonder how the ancients, and more importantly WHY the ancients were fascinated with time and tried to calculate the beginning and the end. That in conjunction with some of the largest structures on the planet that, even to this date we are not certain how they were built or why...

  • freskalynn

    I didn't watch that channel just can't get it. I will say if you want to learn more about the Egyptians get the Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary written by: Sir E.A. Wallis Budge. There are two volumes of it. He also wrote many many books about the beliefs of the Egyptians. He showed how the Jews got their belief system from the Egyptians Book of the Dead. He even quotes many scriptures and sh They wanted to please God so much so they could be with him in the after life. The way I understand from Sir Wallis Budges books that they actually didn't worship the statutes they made. The statutes represented the different strengths that God had. That is what they thought of when they were worshiping.

  • freskalynn

    I have the names of several books on Egypt written by W.A. Wallis Budge. If anyone is interested email me as the list is pretty long. [email protected]

  • freskalynn

    They believed that Osiris came to the earth, lived and died and was resurrected and reigns eternally in heaven. That he made men and women to be born again and have life after death in a world beyond the grave. Some of it is similar to the way JW believe and some churches. They always would recite the 42 negative confessions when praying and tried to live by them. You can see where the ten commandments came from when you read them. Its really interesting if anyone is interested in any of the books.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    What was the name of the program?

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