A Bethel Memory #8 - If it walks like a duck... then you're a brief wearing fairy

by LivingTheDream 10 Replies latest members private

  • LivingTheDream


    I personally think that JWs are more obsessed with Homosexuality than most other sins. I don't know if I would label that as homophobia or not, but I suppose by the strictest meaning of the word, it is. I was guilty of it like most of my fellow JWs. I was writing however from my past point of view, not necessarily one I hold now.

    I realized by reading your post that this post as well as the one I wrote about music both brought up the gay theme. Some even think my story about the guys hazing me had homosexual overtones. Wow. So, that means, as of 8 posts I wrote, I mentioned (or to some others implied) gayness as an issue in 3 of them. So, that alone should probably tell you something about the JW mindset. I don't know if you should be offended by that or not. It's just the way it was.

    For the record, I was always a bit curious about why homosexuality was such a big deal moreso than other practices that a JW could zero in on. Please see my post about "My music is holier than your music". I defend the fact that listening to a gay mans music is no different than listening to any other of the OK'd artists of the day. A bit of hyprocacy that was not lost on me.

    Also, I will say, that although I myself am heterosexual, I was, like most of us, turned on by the idea of women being with women, but turned off by men being with men. Hmmmm. This irony was not lost on me either and I mentioned it once to an elder who was decrying "fags" and their "disgusting lifestyles", yet I knew him very well personally and knew he dug girl-on-girl action by the way he joked around. I mentioned this bit of contradiction to him and he simply said "Well, that's different".

    Go figure.


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