I finally made and account...

by AiAi 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • nugget

    Welcome to the board, shunning is bullying but sadly nice people do it.

  • AiAi

    I wanted to post a new topic but I can only do that once every 24 hours? :(

    What is the proper way to respond to someone?

    HHG: or @HHG ?

    anyways, HHG I feel so sorry for those that were in for as long as you, and that have to deal with the shunning. we did finally have our first xmas too this year! :)

    oz: I dont kno

  • AiAi

    I wanted to post a new topic but I can only do that once every 24 hours? :(

    What is the proper way to respond to someone?

    HHG: or @HHG ?

    anyways, HHG I feel so sorry for those that were in for as long as you, and that have to deal with the shunning. we did finally have our first xmas too this year! :)

    oz: I dont kno

  • AiAi

    oz: I dont know where to start with experiences but I was as devoted as a 13yo could be when I got baptized and would witness at school and constatnly get 60+ hrs in field service. some questions that started to come up and change my view from 13 to 18 were things like people pushing me to fill out the aux pioneer form. Why do I need to fill out the form to serve Jehovah? I am doing all I can, I dont need others recognition. Then I noticed Pioneers cheating on hours...so I worked as hard as i could and they were glorified for nothing? wtf is that about? then I started witnessing to intelligent people at school and one told me that there is no basis for a 'principle' of not celebrating birthdays in the bible...and after much research I couldnt prove him wrong. there were many more questions like birthdays but the next big thing was when I was 16 after all my hard work I was told I would be an MS when I turned 18.. at the time it seemed that if i am ready now, why not do it now? but then again my father wasnt an elder at the time so I didnt get special treatment. after that I got into some minor trouble and noticed that whenever the elders handle anything its based on their opinion. then just before i turned 18 I got in trouble for drinking and all my 'friends' turned on me and said it was all my fault even though they were equally involved. well they only got talked too but because they knew about my wrongdoing I had to be publically reproved....were we all not equally repentant? we all did the same thing so how come I was more in trouble? it definately wasnt because their fathers were elders and mine wasnt...

  • yknot

    Sorry about the shunning!

    Keep moving forward.....yall doing Valentines?

  • TotallyADD

    I new just like you what fun we are all having. Welcome form Totally ADD.

  • flipper

    AIAI- WElcome to the board my friend ! It's so typical of JW family to shun us even though we are more upstanding morally than some JW's themselves ! I get that from my family as well. You are not alone friend. Hang in there. Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care of yourself

  • Ding


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