G'day from Oz - My Story part II ;)

by Gemmel 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Gemmel

    Hi all, (I posted most of this last night on the end of the other thread then realised no one knew it was there)

    Thanks for all the words of support and understanding, no one who hasn't been in a cult can really understand it.

    I didn't mention names or locations in the story so that the jw lurkers couldn't find my familly who are still in the jw's but now speak to me. Which has only happened in the last few years. It's only limited and it's not all of them but better than nothing. I'm not going to go into any further details on that score.

    I many ways I was very fortunate after I left the jw's. My educational qualifications were and still are lousy. I'd left school at 14 after being to 11 of them in 9 years. Mum's answer to any problem real or imagined was to move, I couldn't tell you how many different places I lived there were so many. I was the permenant new boy at school and as the world was going to end I didn't ever do any work at school. I can't ever remember doing home work ;) My saving grace was my curiosity and computer games lol.

    Back when I was 22-23 I went over to a bothers place to see a thing called a computer (Apple II+ clone) and ended up playing a game all night, I went out and brought one the next day ;) When the PC came along I brought one of those, I been a PC boy ever since. So when the company I worked for computerised I found myself moved into the EDP dept cause I knew how to spell PC and never looked back. I'm now the systems manager of the core product in Sydney of a major international company and I owe it all to a computer game. ;)

    I was basically numb for the first 3 years after I left then I moved to Sydney for a job offer. Then I really let my hair down and did everything I had denied myself, all in all it was a fun time lol. I've never wanted kids and I've never married, had some girlfriends but the relationships never lasted more than a year which was usually to long for me. I've come to the conclusion that I'm a bit of a loner by nature, I keep a few close friends and that's enough for me. I like being able to do what I like when I like and not have to answer to anyone. I've been in a pseudo (FWB) relaitionship for the last few years which is perfect for both of us.

    I was very angry with my family for a very long time and it poisioned everything in my life, having a very high stress job at the same time didn't help either. Then about 8 years ago I was retrenched and walked away with a years pay. I decided to take an extended vaction and de-stress, it was at this point I wrote a very long letter to my family explaining exactly what had happened and why I had left the org then I told them what I thought of their actions and how they had no clue what real love was and then told them to f k off. I really enjoyed writing that letter ;) From then on I got better, I accepted what had happened and largely moved on. When I returned to work 18 months later I was working with some of the guys that I had previously and every one of them came up to me an remarked what a changed person I was - "Your actually nice". That made me laugh.

    Thanks for readiing. I had thought of doing this years ago when I first found this site but couldn't bring myself to do it. Actually reading this site was painful to me and I've stayed away from it and other like it. I've been pleasantly suprised to find the experience enjoyable and maybe even mildly cathartic. I think my journey out is complete.

    Till lata stay safe all


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises


    I read your post last night but I was too involved in watching the news about the floods.

    Anyway, I enjoy reading your story. And it's great to have more Aussies here (we're horribly outnumbered, lol).

  • doofdaddy

    A good read. I too have realised that I am a loner by nature (despite having a wide cross section of social friends) and now really enjoy my own space. Also the same with relationships fb's have been the order of the day for a number of years. Is this an Aussie thing? LOL!

  • BabaYaga

    Hello and welcome, Gemmel.


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Also the same with relationships fb's have been the order of the day for a number of years. Is this an Aussie thing? LOL!

    I don't think it's purely an Aussie thing but we are pretty relaxed about r'ships over here, so I think we get away with such things more than our American cousins can.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    When you live on the arse end of the planet you have to bump your threads when you go to bed, then again when you wake up.

    Your intro to puters sounds very much like mine. I still have a couple of old Apples in my collection. I've been thinking about firing them up to see they are still OK. I have got rid of my holiday season visitors now, so no more excuses



  • jwfacts
  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    welcome from another aussie...

    good to read your story and survival!

    keep posting...


  • smiddy

    G`Day Cobber

    Welcome to the board


  • bigmouth

    Gidday Gemmell from a Kiwi mate. Soon to be another Aussie (6 weeks)

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