by freskalynn 21 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • jookbeard

    what is the symbolism linked to Jaracz' fist? I've heard this somewhere before?

  • DagothUr

    I'd call 50% true, the rest just manure.

    What is the story with my fist? I was holding a small piece of paper which had on it the name of the man who gets the big bucks from the WT accounts. You'll never know who he is! Ok, I'll give you a hint: it's not Jehovah and definetly not Jesus Christ!

    Teddy Jaracz, your loving brother.

  • Soldier77

    Hmm... I think there is some truth in there. It's a bit sensationalized and stretched at a lot of points. But I know a couple 'ex-bethelites' and they say that bethel isn't what it's all cracked up to be, there's a lot behind the scenes going on. Shady stuff.

    If half of this is based on truth, then like we've all been saying of late, the grip is tightening and it will get worse sooner than later.

  • rocketman

    This one sentence spells doom for this whole "revelation":

    "He doesn’t know for sure, but wonders it they may be for bunkers"

  • elderelite

    ... Sigh.... this is the biggest bunch of hooey i have read in a loooonnnng time... i listened to much of the call and at first thought it was possibly true but the further it went it became clear it was nonsense. Having spent some time at bethel I can confirm some of what was said.. the stupider parts anyway.. yes couch would have a masterbation talk with new boys, but that stopped in the late 80's im told. To many new ones comming at that time. the silly rumor about "10 year bethelites" having "secret instructions" was a rumor way back then but was always just that.. a rumor. i was very friendly with a lot of long timers when I was there and they laughed at that all the time. Whay MAY be true is that department heads have those instructions, but even that is not all that nefarious frankly... upper managment having instructions on what to do in a worst case secenario is just logical.

    but my time at bethel was long ago.. I can however speak with certainty about local congreations.. any talk about elders and their wives "spying" or being more nosey is rediculous.. they have ALWAYS been nosey... nothing new or more intense about it. Congreagaitons have always abused power, some more than others, and frankly this is sensationlized drivel as well. Its a shame, because as others have said, there is more than enough to reason on and use as it is without tabloid tripe

  • undercover
    Sensationalistic claptrap. Nuggets of minor half-truths surrounded by fantasy.
    It's stuff like this that gives ex-JWs a bad name. People think y'all are nuttier than a fruitcake when they read drivel like this.
    There is plenty enough of legitimate, well-documented reasons to criticize the WTS - we don't need the addled ramblings of attention seekers and conspiracy nuts added to the mix.


    It's shit like this that hurts the efforts of faders and inactive ones who are working to try to free their JW family member's minds of the WT control. The sensationalistic and conspiracy minded BS is what attracts attention, even in JW circles, while the real issues go overlooked or get ignored (hello...people die from the blood doctrine, not rumored undeground bunkers). And then these ridiculous claims can be easily debunked and it gives JWs who might have been ready to question pause to ever consider any criticism of the WTS, thus setting back our efforts. So, thanks for nothing...

    I bet the GB and their lackeys just lick their lips when they see this kind of stuff. It plays right into their hands: "apostates spread lies and half-truths trying to undermine us. Don't listen to their sensational stories."

    And what really disheartened me on the other "Johnny" thread was that the common sense, "this sounds bogus" comments were outnumbered 2 to 1 by "wow...lookit this...ain't that sumthin" comments. What happened to the lesson we learned after leaving the WTS... namely, to question the source and research to confirm or squash the claims?

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Thanks Undercover

    You are so right on. I remember when I was in my early 20's I used to take the bus to work and read my WT like I was told to do and a man much like this Johnny thing tried to give me some books on the WTS and I refused to read them because they sounded crazy.

    If this man had tried in another way I probably would have listened and saved myself years of pain. I often think back and wish I had opened my ears to him. But it was how he handled himself to me he sound somewhat crazy like Johnny.

    Thanks undercover for what you are saying. It really and truly hurts the faders and inactive ones who are trying to free their family's. You are so right the GB and their lackeys love this, I just wish it would stop. There is too much out there that is true from the their own stuff without having to use half truths.


  • shamus100

    I've said it for a long time, this Three or Seven??!!??!! Screens of the Watchtower is completely out to lunch.

    Who the fuck would take them seriously at the best of times, let alone now?

  • Vidiot

    undercover - "It's shit like this that hurts the efforts of faders and inactive ones who are working to try to free their JW family member's minds of the WT control. The sensationalistic and conspiracy minded BS is what attracts attention, even in JW circles, while the real issues go overlooked or get ignored (hello...people die from the blood doctrine, not rumored undeground bunkers). And then these ridiculous claims can be easily debunked and it gives JWs who might have been ready to question pause to ever consider any criticism of the WTS, thus setting back our efforts. So, thanks for nothing...I bet the GB and their lackeys just lick their lips when they see this kind of stuff. It plays right into their hands: "apostates spread lies and half-truths trying to undermine us. Don't listen to their sensational stories."

    God, I just got the most bizarre image...

    Imagine if the GB were actually responsible for creating apostate websites back in the 90s as a kind of "cointelpro"-type program; they mandate them to be as weird and over-the-top as possible, just to scare the strays back to mother.

    Then the whole thing gets away from them and becomes the real effing deal...WT blowback.

    PS: No, I don't really believe this, but it's a neat idea. Kind of like the idea of diverting funds and volunteer manpower to make a secret and super-secure undergroud complex at the new HQ site to ride out the Big A.

  • Awen

    I would be most interested in finding out from what congregations the anointed were difellowshipped from in Virgibia or South Carolina. I persdonally know a few ones from South Carolina. I know of one in particular in Myrtle Beach, SC (the same congregation I'm from).

    It makes me laugh that they were disfellowshipped for having an alternate Bible study, when you consider this is the same exact thing that CT Russell did in the beginning when he was associated with the Seventh Day Adventists. Perhaps the WTS is afraid of the new anointed starting their own cult in opposition to the WTS? I highly doubt it. More than likely they were simply reading the Bible and discussing it without official WT literature, which of course is a big no-no. Disfellowshipping them does nothing to their relationship with God. JW like to assume that disfellowshipping is always for adultery, fornication or one of the "big sins". Many times it's for simply having a difference of opinion. But since the GB or the elders never publish why the person was disfellowshipped (in direct opposition to what is pointed out in 1st and 2nd Corinthinas) everyone just assumes it was for something really bad and subsequently cut off relations with the disfellowshipped ones.

    While I feel bad for those ones disfellowshipped, I'm pretty sure they're okay also. Just as long as they do not leat the fear of men get to them and realize that the WTS has no authority whatsoever to affect their relationship with GOD.



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