are you wondering

by TheLoveDoctor 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheLoveDoctor

    I stepped down in feb last year. I had time to read the whole bible once it took me 2.5 years then very recently it took me a year. I did not find the bible very comforting, way to much condoned murder only some of Jesus words were worth something and so much repetition. then began reading other books also that i had the time to reflect on in my life and experieces. the generation change and also a few other important things which u should investigate yourself prove to me if holy spirit is guiding them its not working very well. It should not be makeing errors. Iv come to believe that the watchtower is used to condition us. Yes although i would never think that way once. since 1994 been a mservant then elder for 5 years. I am one that loves people and did what was asked of me so i was bussy setting an example. when your that bussy you only think what you have been fed to think.

    I pioneered 5years also and never really liked the preaching work, got lots of calls a study here and there but I love people so i has fun in service. I guess what i want to say is there is a whole lot out there and not just wtower. I believe that all have a right to thier beliefs thoughts opinons even when i dont agree. Now that i have read sites like and others i believe that the governing body is decective. the bible says to the making of many books is worrisom yet wt has produced over 200 books, manny brochurs and on and on. the things that i find in the bible to be true and that make sense are the simple statements jesus made. Most of them people know and get its applying it not so easy cause were all wraped up in something that just dont matter.

    when i use to prepare for bible highlights or just read the bible and questions by research sometimes it didnt make that much sense or i could say most answers well thats what you say.. realizing that there are others who make some sense. the society focuses so much on prophecy to convince us that the end is very near and we must have a sense of urgency. a sense of urgency last only so long i mean really. every one prophesy they talk about has 2 and 3 fullfillments, that what they say, I'v come to say Come on now.

    I still love the witnesses I know because i love people not because of god or religion. I m still in cause i'll lose my family. I have always believed life is what you make of it and true happyness is not what someday will come but you can have anytime cause it is a state of mind and is effected by what you trulllly believe and by the way you act or live and not based on others or what they tell you.

    I got your statements earlier about how others are well basicly cridicle, though at times i agree with them time i dont. we all will deal diffrently.

    If i could suggest one thing, don't get your info from one sorse. the more you reserch the better informed youll be and the more satistied youll be, question things

    take care

  • OnTheWayOut

    Nice post, LD. Thanks for opening up like that. One thing I want to say:

    I believe that all have a right to thier beliefs thoughts opinons even when i dont agree.

    I tend to agree. But the problem is that some people (like the typical JW) don't really have "their" own beliefs and opinions. When you ask someone what they think of something and they say they will have to research it (in their WT-Library) and get back to you, they are not exerting a right to their personal beliefs. They are just ignorant of what the WTS teaching/belief is, so they need to learn that and then repeat it back to you as their own belief.

  • wobble

    BIG Welcome the Love Doctor !

    Overdue I know, but I did not say welcome before. I empathise with your position, I too stayed in a lot longer than I should have because of the love I felt for those who showed so much love to me, and because all my family were in.

    I have faded since spring 2008, well not so much faded, I left then. My family still have normal relations with me, and it seems to work well.

    OTWO, you seem to be saying that JW's are trapped in a mind-control cult ? this astounds me (not).

  • Nobleheart

    LD welcome here. Great post. You made some good points about the WT publishing too many books (which in principle they condemn for others, but in practice view it as abundant "timely spiritual food"); also Jesus' simple statements, being of value from the entire Bible. And prophecies with lesser and greater fulfillment also ticked me off, I always had doubts that they were crazy concoctions of a group of men who probably didn't believe themselves what they were writing.

  • TheLoveDoctor

    thanks all for the comments, there are so manny decient people out there

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    The only reliable sorse of cridicle information is a DICTIONARY. I suggest you obtain one and use it. Outside the WTB&TS ignorance is not considered a virtue.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Now Nathan play nice

    Here we encourage people to read everything they can get their hands or eyes on. Never ever take the word of one person or organization as the sole authority on something. Like you said we are all different and what works for one person might not work for the next

    (Thank goodness for spellcheck because I can't type worth a hill of beans)

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Lee, I think I am playing VERY nice.

    Rather than allowing my good friend THELOVEDOCTOR to continue in the path of ignorance and be ridiculed behind his back, I exhort him to improve himself.

    I am perhaps the worst typist on this board, and I use the Google Toolbar Spellcheck on almost every message to "check myself before I wreck myself."

    THE JWs were content to let THELOVEDOCTOR wallow in ignorance so they could exploit him. Not I.

    I wonder how THELOVEDOCTOR feels about my advice for him?

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