Which is the most ridiculous religion?

by sleepy 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • GentlyFeral

    Well, now: I've come to believe some things that other people would find ridiculous -- but they make my life better, and me more brave and generous. No, I'm not going to post an itemized list.

    But I will quote a book that influenced me tremendously because it reached me at the right time:

    "True religion gives the believer wit, levity and command. Religion which makes the believer dull, benighted and obtuse is not spiritual and has to be rejected."

    Father Don Cupitt, in Taking Leave of God


  • GoldDustWoman

    To Gilwarrior,

    The Mormons you see riding bikes are Missionaries. Usually, they are young men that have just graduated high school. The LDS church requires that all men go out on Missionary for two years. This is all financed by the boys families. They live with local Mormon families and are given a small allowance to buy necessities. Hence, the bicycles. Their job is to bring people into the LDS church.

    When the two years is up, they generally are off to college. Most likely a university in Utah


    Closed minds always seem to be connected to open mouths

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    I'm sorry folks, but for absolute weirdness and mind control, I believe the JW's rank number one.

    For real danger to mankind, my vote goes to Muslims. I know, I know, not all Muslims are terrorists, but enough are bloodthirsty nutballs to shade the entire group as dangerous.

    "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Say what you will about the Mormans, I know several, and one thing their religion doesn't do, they could care less if you investigate or read about other religions. They don't care if you attend other relgion's wedding, funeral, meetings, functions, or whatever. They don't have Elder's watching every movement you make - they are a very open religion. Also, they don't shun people, as they find that contrary to what Jesus Christ would do..

  • larc

    For those who mentioned the Amish, do a search on the term amishabuse, to see SilentLambs counter part in that religion.

  • Flip
    Which is the most ridiculous religion?

    Actually, any religion makes a lot of sense...when you're the one in control of writing the cheques.


  • heathen

    I would have to say the vodoo religion ranks as one of the strangest forms of religion.trying to make people zombies or putting curses on people is definately rediculous in my book .catholicism is also extremely ridiculous ,when you look at the history of oppression during the crusades and iqisitions and the beliefe the pope is filling the apposle peters role,it's just a total joke to me .the hindu religion I agree is very strange.There are actually satanic religions that you have to wonder who in their right mind would be a part of .

  • plmkrzy

    Any religion that believes Jesus Christ came to earth in
    a space ship.

  • joelbear


    They believe salvation comes through bathing in peanut butter

    and worship lug nuts.


  • sleepy

    Scientology: founded by L.Ron Hubbard.
    Use dianetics which is a form of pshycotheropy.
    Hubbard believed that mental illness and forms of physical illness are caused by emograms or incompletely assimalated traumatic experiences, broth pre and post natal.
    These enograms are confronted by theropy with an auditor and thus exorcised.
    At the same time they free your wallet of all its treasures.

    Unification church :founded by Rev Sun Myung Moon.
    Also know as Moonies.
    Is Based on book writen by Moon called Divine principle which teaches that the original purpose of creation was to set up the perfect family.
    This has found its fullfilment in Mr and Mrs Moon.
    The church teaches that marriage is essential for spiritual fullfilment, and marriage partners are sometimes chosen by Rev Moon.
    They are famous for their mass wedding ceremonies undertaken by Rev Moon and Mrs Moon.
    This religion is perfect if you're too ugly to attract a women or a man.

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