Why people don't believe in God

by pressman 87 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • steve2

    Unfortunately, pressman cannot move beyond hurling accusations: He asks and lacks the decency to even listen to answers. He then feels besieged by overwhelming critcism. Look to yourself for the reason.

    So he continues to "ask and answer", "ask and answer", "ask and answer" and on and on. If I were the True God, I'd be having burning thoughts about deserving a better press than that regurgitated by Pressman.

    Where are the believers on this forum who could string together respectable reasons for belief in God?

    Pressman is his own worst enemy when it comes to badly composed rhetoric.

  • pronomono
    Billy, that pic struck a coulrophobic/leporiphobic nerve. Lol. Scary!
  • steve2

    Pressman, if as you say God does not choose clowns, then doesn't your rumbled outfit, reddened cheeks, whitened makeup and cherry- topped nose reveal you to be working alone?

  • yodastar
    If there was such a thing as a God like the bible describes, the answer is - because he does not believe in us.
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    I see now why religious fundamentalism causes one's brain to shrink from lack of proper use as one lives his life by the precepts of faith and blindly follows a ridged set of rules based on the the whims of some fantasy figure Deity.

    Through lack of use and faulty reasoning the brain shrinks and this topic is proof I think of a loose it or use it with regards to the brains ability to process information though unused circuitry due to religious prejudice.

    To increase brain power one must resist tendency for every thing to become routine so that we change things up do things differently and get out of the automatic pilot while we live our life and religious fundamentalism with it's routine propaganda makes life remarkable simple and boring a snooze feast of sermons about how to life life in uniformity.

  • EdenOne
    you just need to believe

    If God is at least half all-powerful, for sure he could find a way to provide unequivocal EVIDENCE of his existence, so that we don't have to rely on belief, but in true knowledge. Why would God require us to believe, when it would be so easy to let us know? There's no virtue of faith over knowledge that I can think of.

    Alas, we're still waiting.


  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    A punishing Deity that feels slighted over disbelief in his existence makes no logical sense as the feelings we experience as humans are transfered to the Deity.
  • jws

    Pressman is typical of the ignorant Christians with closed minds. They cannot even understand people without the same view as themselves. He cannot understand how atheists can't believe in the same things he does. So he has to try to come up with his own rationalizations.

    Scared of finding somebody better? What horse-sh*t!!! Really? Einstein, Hawking, and many other scientists and philosophers I consider much smarter than me and it doesn't scare me. Being human is knowing there are people better than us in certain ways and perhaps worse than us in others. Professional athletes are superior to me physically. So what? Great chefs, way better than me at preparing tasty food. So what? This is a stupid argument.

    UFOs. I don't know if hey are real or not, but I consider the possibility. And if they are traveling here, it would indicate an intelligence greater than ours. That's OK with me, so long as they're not invading.

    So this fear of something greater than us is idiotic. But it's the best you can come up with using your limited mental capabilities.

    Fear of God? Most Christians believe all you have to do is turn to God. So why should we fear coming back to him? That's not the issue.

    The reason people don't believe in God has nothing to do with your cockamanie ideas.

    Some more gems from this mental giant:

    that is why euros, jews and arabs have great living conditions without having to bust their ass as much as other people.

    How about South American countries that also have horrible economic conditions yet have a vast population of devout Christians? Also some of the poorest areas in the US are filled with devout Christians. Explain that.

    And I wouldn't exactly say arabs have great living conditions either. The ones with the oil do, but the rest of the country?

    Oh and this.

    Because God blesses and curses generations according to their ancestors deeds and sins. However God is just and his nature requires him to bring out changes upon earth and heaven as he sees fit

    Oh, god blesses and curses generations according to their ancestors but God is just? Me being punished due to something my great-grandfather did hardly seems just or fair. What kind of misguided version of morality do you subscribe to?

    Besides, this is directly in conflict with the Bible itself:

    Deuteronomy 24 - 16 Parents are not to be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their parents; each will die for their own sin.

    Ezekiel 18 - 20 The one who sins is the one who will die. The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child. The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them.

    Cursing generations seems contrary to the statement that the child will not share the guilt of the parent. Obviously you haven't read the Bible Pressman. Or don't believe it.

    What if my grandfather on my mother's side did something that god will bless and my great grandfather on my father's side did something that god will curse? Do I get blessed some and cursed some? Do they cancel out and God leaves me alone? Is this hardly fair. Does that really allow us free will when our hands are forced by bad circumstances or blessed with good ones because of things my ancestors did?

    i have just came here to share my wisdom with the people here but you all don't want it.

    If it was wisdom, we might want it. Share some when you get some.

    if the bible is so fake than how is it that it tells us what is happening as of right now. because in the end, which is close by the signs, you all will come to an understanding of the true god when your getting judged by him.

    It's always possible to try to make things fit. People have been making things "fit" and the last days have been coming since the first century. So it's been getting kind of old. Show us how the Bible has told us what is happening right now that couldn't apply to any period in history? Famine? How about chinese famines that killed over 25 million? Disease? Is it worse now or when the black plague took out a third of Europe? Is a third of everybody you know dead from disease? Violence? People were much more likely to die a violent death in past centuries and millennia than today. In millennia gone by up to a third of people died a violent death. Even among the royalty, over 25% died a violent death. Better today or then?

    What is an uncanny prediction the Bible has made about today?

    Then, you'll want to believe in him because he's right there in your face. but guess what? It will be too late. And he will say to you all, depart from me for i never knew you. And that means all you atheists and non believers who have rejected god.

    A god who used to speak to people regularly has disappeared for thousands of years and now he's going to punish people for not knowing him? If he's real, he could appear and show his power for an earthly population of a few million people but now with the Earth populated with billions, he can't appear? What can't God do? Why can't he do it and prove he exists?

    Instead, all we have to go on is a flawed book full of contradictions and errors that doesn't stand up to scrutiny. And people are skeptical? If the Bible is God's book, isn't that God's fault for doing a sloppy job? Writing a book that can easily be torn apart and thus not believed.

    If God is not known, I'd say it's his own fault. And then he's going to punish us?

    At issue is supposed to be whether God or Satan knows the best way to rule the world, right? How can people make up their mind if they don't believe either exists? Couldn't each side show, at the very least, that they exist?

    Let's say I'm a dad. I have kids that I never talk to. They've never seen pictures of me. Nobody they know has ever seen me. All they have to know anything about me is things people who died before they were even born wrote about me. And nobody the kids know even met these writers.

    These writings supposedly contain rules I want them to follow. They are supposed to love me and if they follow these rules and love me, I will give them a reward. If not, I may torture them forever. But they should know I'm the most loving person there has ever been. I'm love itself.

    But they see no evidence I'm even alive. They have an address and they send mail, but they never hear back.

    When they're sick, they ask for my help. But I don't visit them. And even thought I'm the most brilliant doctor in the world and know cures nobody else does, I don't come and give them these cures. If they get better, I expect them to know I helped. If they don't, I expect them to understand that their discomfort is part of the big picture and for the best and continue to love me.

    If they ask for money, I never send them any. If the money happens to come their way, I expect them to know I arranged for that to happen. If it doesn't, I expect them to know it's part of the big picture. Even though I'm the wealthiest man in the world and could easily give them all the money they need/want.

    Now after years of never talking to my kids, I finally appear. And if they don't run up and wrap their arms around me, I'm going to say "get away from me, you're no children of mine. I never knew you". Seriously? Shouldn't I field some of the blame myself?

    I've been the absent father all of their lives and I'm going to punish them for not being thrilled with me??? And I may decide to torture them forever because of their attitude towards me? Even though I'm the epitome of love.

    Honestly if they did embrace me, I'd be very disappointed with them for being so stupid. Here they are embracing somebody who they have no reason to love. I'd think they're pretty stupid.

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