Why people don't believe in God

by pressman 87 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    Alright. Enough is enough.

    I wrote the book of love.

    I am Colonel Mustard and I killed Mr. Boddy in the Billiard Room with a revolver.

    I let the dogs out.

    I really am my brother's keeper.

    I am Batman.

    While I was not Jack the Ripper, I knew him.

    I figured out how thousands of men could build the pyramids in the middle of the desert.

    I faked everyone out on Loch Ness Monster and Big Foot. That was me.

    I erected Stonehenge.

    I am D.B. Cooper. I got away with the money.

    I actually was Luke's (and Laia's) father.

    .....and of course, I am God.

    You just have to believe me. Otherwise, you are chickenshit. Why? Because I said so.

  • azor

    On the way out - I agree wholeheartedly regarding your example about children's hospitals. It is a tremendous demonstration that there is no god.

    Over the last few years I have spent many nights in one with my son. When I was able to actually fall asleep I would often be woken by children crying in pain. They were not my children and yet my heart ached to help them. Let me tell you the silence from above on those sleepless nights was deafening.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    "Why people don't believe in God"

    Because your god doesn't fill up our tummies like the god below.

  • steve2

    Pressman has a mission and we are his targets.

    If only his juvenile aims weren't such embarrassing misfires.

    He stands as an example of the benefits of "true" belief?? Yikes!

    He both asks and answers his own trite ready-made questions - all that is lacking is the spoon with which to feed us.

    Surely the man's life cause deserves far better-formed arguments than the ones he lazily produces.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I didn't search through the pages. Maybe this wasn't already posted:



    You just open a book and let your eyes twirl.....pressman

    ................Image result for i just rolled my eyes so hard i saw my brain

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    God wants friends and will kill for it. Bend your knees kiss his ass that's the type of he's looking for, people that will fear him and give him undying obedience.

    God just needs to get a puppy of something and leave humans alone. Seems God is always in the throws of depression over his involvement with humans, and throws a fit when things didn't turn out the way he narcissistically planned, and goes on a killing rampage and takes a blood bath. It's hard to make and keep friends when he is so ill tempered.

  • daringhart13
    Pressman.......are you counting your time?
  • Garrett

    I'll give you my current take on god. I say current, because I'm at a stage in my life where I'm still figuring things out.

    first off, you're speaking of the Christian God,however, if you were born in India, you would most likely be Hindu and would not believe in the Christian God. So your belief is solely based on where you were born and who you were raised by.

    now, since we're speaking of the God of the bible I will say that ere are things that no longer make sense in my mind. First off, the flood seems impossible, second allowing rape (even if it was in the Old Testament, God would of known it was terrible and should of stopped it) what about slavery? Famine? Why wait until now (since everyone says the end is close) to take action? Jehovah would of proved a long time ago that he was right about the whole issue of universal sovereignty. why wait until the entire earth was filed with billions of people? I guess he doesn't want anyone to beat his record of mass killing, eh?

    now what I do believe is this. I believe that we are here on earth, and we need to make the most out of our life here, not just for ourselves, but for others as well. We should try to help and positively impact the lives of those that we cross paths with. As for God, no one can provide sufficient evidence that he is or isn't, so I remain agnostic. However, I don't believe in the God of the bible or any of the other made up gods of different religions. I only entertain the thought that there might be s higher power.



  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury
    I'm guessing this is satire or else he's trolling. otherwise I cant work out how these kind of people can be so dumb.

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