ONE book they printed shoots them down -which one do you think it is?

by hamsterbait 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hamsterbait

    Remember Deut.18 "when the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not come true, that is the word Jehovah did not speak."

    Also "the prophet who presumes to speak in my name a word I have not commanded.. must DIE."

    "The Nations shall know that I am Jehovah" Book said quite plainly on p 236(?) that the great tribulation would start before the end of the 20th century.

    In the same book they said that Jehovahs witnesses serve as the mouthpiece of Jehovah and speak as Jehovah's PROPHET.

    Confirmation of page numbers welcome as I no longer have the book. Nor do I want to pollute my hard disk with the CD.

    I know most dubs you speak to will conveniently forget this book as OLD LIGHT. But why would anybody take them seriously after just this one gaffe?

    I smell the perfume of freedom...


  • leavingwt

    Yes, that's a good one.

    It's hard to beat this one. . .

    'Millions Now Living Will Never Die'

  • designs

    I would have picked The Proclaimers Book. A fictionalized recounting of their history.

  • Sharpie

    Millions now living will never die - That's a good one, but I remember as of 2009 they changed the title of it. They now quote it as "Millions now living MAY never die" So keep your eyes out for that.

    Most damning thing they wrote? Hmm. I'd have to go with The Proclaimers since most people have access to it and it mentions Beth Sarim, Christmas, and other goodies.

  • mentallyfree31

    I love the Studies in the Scriptures. There are entire 60 page sections "proving" crazy ideas that aren't even taught anymore. Russell even says on one part that since they have approached it from six or seven angles and they all support it, one would be a fool not to believe it.



  • Gregor

    I would like to place the book "Your Will Be Done on Earth" into consideration by the Academy in the category of "Books that Haunt the WTS"

  • BurnTheShips

    Life, How Did It Get Here?

    By Evolution, or by Creation?


  • wasblind

    " Most damning thing they wrote? Hmm. I'd have to go with The Proclaimers since most people have access to it and it mentions Beth Sarim, Christmas, and other goodies."

    Yea Sharpie,

    Beth Sarim is truly a tangible testament of a false prophecy

  • blondie

    The Bible................

  • Gregor

    pithy, Blondie, baby, very pithy.

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