NY Telecom & Wonder Woman 77

by Utopian Reformist 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    While it may be "politically correct" to jump all over NYTelecom, let's face it, how many of you actually laughed at his post, BEFORE recomposing yourself and deciding to "grab a rope" and join the lynch mob?

    I wonder who will be honest. I am not a fan of NYTelecom or FredHall or MadApostate. I know when they lie, but I also know when they tell the truth. It was definitely rude, insensitive, callous, selfish, antagonistic, hurtful, injurious, caustic, horrible, and whatever else anyone can think of, BUT, don't all or some you laugh at the very same thing on TV when your favorite comedian delivers the same message?

    So, it's OK to laugh at the very same thing as long as no one else knows, but for the sake of public politics on this forum, it isn't?

    I am sorry he did it in the first place. It wasn't necessary and was irrelevant. He hurt her feelings and she lashed out verbally and so did others in her defense. I understand everything that happened, but I am also honest enough to admit I spent several minutes laughing before I put my "public elder" hat back on and joined the tirade.

    I just wanted to be honest about it and show some courage to look at myself publicly. It is a shame our humor has been sub-consciously trained over the years by cartoons, comedians, sitcoms, and movies to laugh at the superficial differences in us all, but I think we can all learn from it. Honesty is the best policy.

    Ask Louie Anderson, Rosie O'Donnell, Dom DeLuise, Chris Farley, John Belushi, John Candy, Mimi, etc..

    Even though I am in great shape, I have a big mediterranean nose, I am not attractive facially, I am hairy and scary in appearance. I lead off with most of the jokes about that all the time. Just relax and be yourself and realize we can all push each other's buttons.

    It's only life.

  • ladonna


    A great post with filled with fact rather than frills.

    Bravo UR,

    Manners require time, and nothing is more vulgar than haste.
    —Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • nytelecom2

    I certainly appreciate you honesty.
    The issue of obesity has been
    one of serious concern for me..Especially when it involves young
    children. I have never been obese. Nor do I suffer from low self
    esteem as some would hope. It is my wish that all humans antis or
    not be in the best physical condition possible. If you are a
    witness, we should bring glory to Jehovahs in all aspects of our lives, and this certainly would involve our bodies. If you are an
    anti you should be in shape to fight aggainst terrorist, after all,
    when was the last time you saw a fat Taliban member??

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist



    I know the "powers that be" lambasted you about that post. Forget about it. It's done and over with at this point. But, I gotta tell you, I don't buy that last message you posted about being concerned.

    You know you enjoyed it and you know it was comical and you know it was going to get a few laughs and start some trouble. It's just your mischievous "web" nature. I know you by now.

    Relax and just be more careful next time. P.S. I secretly have the exact same sense of humor! Imagine that!

  • hillary_step
    Even though I am in great shape, I have a big mediterranean nose, I am not attractive facially, I am hairy and scary in appearance.

    My God, you sound like the women one encounters in Health Food Stores.

    Seriously Utopian, NYT motive in posting his comments was malevolent and hurtfull, it worked and the person concerned was deeply hurt.

    The kind of 'jokes' that you allude to in your post are uttered on a much more level playing field and I would suggest spoken with an entirely different motive.

    NYT is not a witty person, though he tries to be. Perhaps this was an example of another failed attempt at humor, but personally I think there was more to it than that.

    From a beautiful HS, who still turns heads as he walks past crowds, and who hopes that it is not curiosity.

  • nytelecom2

    actually hillary..if you review some of my posts
    in other threads you will indeed find that my motive
    is concern.. health is an important issue..especially here in the USA..............however if you antis keep talking smack
    im bout to go Howard Stern on ya'll

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Hey Hilary Step:

    That was a good one. You're right about my scary appearance, except I don't support the use of or purchase supplements, herbs or synthetic vitamins and health food stores.

    Anyway, NYT was definitely up to no good, despite his pitiful recant. So, you still turn heads? Good for you and enjoy!

    I only get the "oh my God what is that" or the "eeewww, what is he doing here" or sometimes the "yuk, I'm gonna hurl". But, at least I am below 15% body fat, muscular and fit. I can't do anything about the head and the hair, but hey, one out of three ain't bad, right?

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist


    You wouldn't last five minutes with Howard Stern. You had better have a GREAT story, have it memorized, tell it briefly and as quickly as possbile so as not to annoy him, or you don't get any coverage.

    Simple. I don't think you would get past Babba-Buie!

  • dubla
    actually hillary..if you review some of my posts
    in other threads you will indeed find that my motive
    is concern..

    actually nytel, reviewing your past posts will only show an intelligent person that you like to present the facade that your motive is concern. its quite obvious to any knowledgable reader that the motives behind your attacks are to inflict pain, however childish this may be. it is normally unsuccessful, but sometimes, as was the case with wonderwoman, you succeed in your goal, no doubt leaving the computer with a satisfied grin. you would like us to believe that health is your motive, when in actuality, i have witnessed countless attacks by you, having nothing to do with health matters. you are just a confused fence rider with a low self-esteem trying to find his way. we all sincerely hope you find it someday.


  • LDH
    when was the last time you saw a fat Taliban member??

    Perhaps the lack of decent facilities & food has something to do with that.

    UR, I didn't laugh at all.

    You mentioned a WHOLE bunch of celebs who are fat; they are in the public eye much more than Wonderwoman. And by their joking about their size, they have given us permission to do the same.

    Nowhere on any of wonderwoman's posts, did she give us permission to make fun of her size. Since we don't know her personally, we don't have permission to talk about her, esp. making fun of a sensitive topic.


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