Samson the Unvulnerable?

by VM44 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • finallyfree!

    jewish mythology...aka: christianity and the bible

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    The story of samson tying 300 foxes together setting them on fire to run thru the fields is so crazy i don't even know what to do with that thought

  • AGuest

    Okay, on the serious side, now (peace to you all), the explanation is rather simple, actually:

    Israel (and particularly the Jews) had a way of beefing up their prowess... and accomplishments/victories... in order to scare the be-jeezus out of their rivals/enemies. The stylus of their secretaries/copyists was false more than it was true, which is why my Lord stated the same "Woe" to them as he did to the Pharisees ("Hypocrites!"). And why one is not thinking... or reasoning... very clearly if one believes that ALL that is written in the Bible is true and accurate. True, there are some fantasmagorical things reported on in there that are true, but there's a lot that isn't.

    How does one know? Simple: ask. Go to the One the opening of whose lips is about uprightness. Whose palate in low tones utters truth itself; to whose lips wickedness is something detestable. And all of the sayings of whose mouth a re in righteousness with NOTHING among them twisted or crooked.

    The one who does that doesn't have to spin their wheels wondering which accounts are true and accurate and which aren't. Or if ANY of them are. Because they will know.

    Frees up a WHOLE lot of time to think upon other things. IMHO. Like forgiving others so that YOU can move on... showing mercy and compassion because that is what YOU want to be shown. Doing good because... well, it's GOOD to do good. Positive, worthy things. I mean, it's not like we all have eternity right now to do such things...

    Life is short, dear ones. Better to make the best/most of it, if and when you can!

    Again, peace to you all!

    A slave of Christ,


  • heathen

    no no no , sampson was a jedi and actually had a light saber that looked like the jaw bone of an ass ...... he he

  • VM44

    Here is a question to think about.

    What did Samson do other than kill people?

  • fulltimestudent

    What else did Samson do, beside killing people? That's not really a fair comment VM44, - grin. The Bible is quite clear that that he could do other things.

    Judges 16:22 shows he could grow a good head of hair ( it grew 'luxuriantly' as Freddy would have it) totally stuffing up the claim of the author of 1 Corinthians 11:14 that long hair disgraced a man, and that the only custom for congregations of god was short hair for men.

    But, Samson was also (despite his claim to fame as a murderer) a believer in the slogan, 'make love, not war.' Samson spent an inordinate amount of time rooting women. In fact, you'd have to say that he was one of those men who could not keep his fly zipped. (OK, I know its an anachronism, but I do not know the street expression for that period).

    We know from the biblical record that Samson became obsessed with a (presumably) beautiful Philistine girl (Ju 14: 1) and even though she was eventually given to another man as wife, Samson was still obsessed and trying to get into her panties anyway (or, whatever girls wore then). (15:1).

    And then we find him walking down a street in Gaza and looking at the prostitutes advertising their wares, and engaging the services of one of these girls. (16:1)

    And after that, there is the more famous interlude with Delilah. (16:4) Interestingly, that verse says he fell in love with Delilah and the Septuagint translators decided to use a form of the word agape, to describe his 'love'.

    So, I guess we can also describe Samson as obsessed with sex.

  • Nobleheart

    fulltimestudent - your post is right on. Reading Samson's account, I couldn't help but think of him as a weak man who couldn't resist a pretty face. How he came to be one of the twelve judges is beyond me.

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