Elder knocks on my door... couldn't see who it was and I opened it...

by Soldier77 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    SOLDIER- Sounds like you handled it well. Thanks for sharing. From what you mentioned it seems like this elder may be having cracks appear in his armor or doubts about the organization himself based on seeing his son getting victimized also by the WT society. Many times when a injustice hits us at home- it can open someone's eyes up to eventually exiting the cult and waking up. I hope this happens to this elder. He sounds like a decent enough person. You probably gave him some good things to think about and reflect on ! Good job

  • Soldier77

    Thanks Mr. Flipper. I hope so too. When I was active and hung out with the other actives, he was always the cool guy with all the cool stories and some stuff that made you go, wait a minute, he didn't just say that did he?

    I wonder how long it will take him to crack the facade off and see it for what it truly is.

  • truthseekeriam

    I agree with Flipper.

    Somehow people become a bit more sympathetic when they are seeing the other side to those smiling faces themselves.

    Sadly for most they prefer to believe victims of the WTS are exaggerating or out right lying when we speak up about how unfairly we are treated in these situations.

    I just hope what you said to this elder stays on his mind and he starts questioning, why? Who knows that letter to society and their response just might open his eyes.

    I also want to say I'm sorry for him bringing it up once again I know how hard it is to get back on track after they disrupt you, yet again....

    It sucks!

  • Soldier77

    Thanks truthseekerIam. It's like a dark cloud that continues to hover over my head, just when I think it's over and done with, ops, here it comes again! The sad thing is that my mother knows all of this and has been through worse and yet still squaks the company line of 'trust in Jehovah', 'Jehovah will set matters straight in his due time' or 'Jehovah is using you to clean up his congregation through unusual means.' I shit you not. Quite sad how far in she's being controlled.

  • steve2

    This elder is most likely genuinely sincere in his empathy and validation of your situation. There was an elder in my local congregation who was able to empathize with troubled witnesses on a one-to-one basis, but when other elders were present, he became a Yes Man. It was distressing for troubled witnesses because it felt to them as if this elder had betrayed their confidence. Attribute good motives to the elder, but you're so right: don't let your guard down.

  • Soldier77

    steve2, couldn't agree with you more. I've seen that so many times over, one on one an elder seems like your best friend, then get him with another one and more, all bets are off, you're in deep shyte.

  • truthseekeriam

    Yeah Soldier I've heard the same things from my mom.

    Thankfully, my daughter knows we choose protecting her at all costs and hopefully she'll be just fine as she grows into a young lady.

    I wish you the best and hope them elders just leave you alone!!

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More
    He then relates to me his situation with his son and that his son is going through very similar victimization by the WTS with hsi ex-wife yadda yadda. In fact, he did most of the talking from that point and at the end he told me that he was putting together a letter to the society about the abuse that I've been put through for years by the elders and they way they manipulate the outcome of the JC rulings.

    From the above, I think he just wants to use you and your situation to bolster his own case....that's the cynic in me speaking. If he really wanted to help YOU, he would have been there for YOU before this issue in his own family came along...he hopes there will be strength in numbers, but if so, he's sadly mistaken when it comes to the leadership of this outfit. All they care about is the face they put out to the world - shameless PR, nothing more.

    Thanks so much for sharing your story. You have a wonderful style of writing - I really enjoyed reading it. I shit you not!

  • Sayswho

    Thanks for sharing this with us...

    I cannot see why it would make any difference if he is sincere...Unless you need closure, but it sounds like you already have it.

    Lets hope he wakes up and uses his position to bring real help to people he comes in contact with.



    TheTrueOne wrote:

    A maligning fallacy, elders only care about their own expressive power and control over people that the WTS has created for them and the imaginary powerful one. Elders and other JWS can put a phony pretentious appearance

    This was my experience. Initial kindness could translate as Theocratic Warfare. Loyalty to the borg first. Always, even if they get slapped first. If suddenly three elders are standing at your door you will know it is a Judicial Committee coming to judge you.

    Soldier, I would like to see you healed from the traumas the organization has put you through. It would be nice if the elder was truly sincere and trying to help. But, I think like some others here, that he might be trying to bolster his own case.

    I sincerely hope I am wrong in your case.



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