Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 12-19-10 WT Study (HONOR)

by blondie 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 12-19-10 WT Study (OCTOBER 15, 2010, pages 16-20)(HONOR FELLOW BELIEVERS)

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    “In brotherly love have tender affection for one another.

    In showing honor to one another take the lead.” —ROM. 12:10.


    Have you had an elder or other jw yell at you during your active days?

    Did you hear elders yell at each other?

    Is gossip “honoring”?


    1, 2. (a) What admonition does Paul give in his

    letter to the Romans? (b) What questions will we


    IN HIS letter to the Romans, the apostle

    Paul emphasizes the importance for us as

    Christians to show love within the congregation.

    He reminds us that our love should

    be “without hypocrisy.” He also mentions

    “brotherly love” and notes that such love

    should be shown with “tender affection.”

    —Rom.12:9, 10a.


    “us as Christians”—per jws only they are Christians, others are merely “professed” or “so-called” Christians

    Think about who if any showed love, was it unconditional or did it have many strings attached?

    *** w04 4/15 p. 17 par. 1 Pursuing Kindness in a Hostile World ***True, kindness is identified in the Bible as part of “the fruitage of the spirit,” but why is it so difficult to express kindness even in so-called Christian lands?

    2 Of course, having brotherly love involves

    more than merely having warm feelings toward

    others. Such feelings need to be demonstrated

    by actions. After all, no one will

    know of our love and affection unless we give

    out samples, so to speak. Hence, Paul adds

    the admonition: “In showing honor to one

    another take the lead.” (Rom. 12:10b) What

    is involved in showing honor? Why is it important

    to take the lead in showing honor to

    fellow believers? How can we do so?


    More than warm feelings…demonstrated by actions: so what does the WTS suggest are “loving” actions?

    Give out samples????!!!

    Fellow believers—only jws

    Respect and Honor

    3. What meaning does the word “honor” carry in

    the original Bible languages?

    3 The principal Hebrew word for “honor”

    Literally means “heaviness.” A person who is

    honored is regarded as being weighty or as

    amounting to something. The same Hebrew

    word is also often translated in the Scriptures

    as “glory,” which further indicates the

    high regard shown to the one being honored.

    (Gen. 45:13) The Greek word translated

    “honor” in the Bible conveys the sense of

    esteem, value, preciousness. (Luke 14:10)

    Yes, those we honor are precious, valuable

    to us.


    What is the principal Hebrew word for honor…why does the WTS leave it out…are the days of Fred Franz over? So what is the scholarly basis for translating it honor, or glory? What is the Greek word? Scholarly basis?

    4, 5. How are showing honor and having respect

    related? Illustrate.

    4 What is involved in honoring others? It

    starts with respect. In fact, the words “honor”

    and “respect” are often used together because

    they are closely related. Honor is the

    manifestation, or outward demonstration,

    of respect. In other words, respect refers primarily

    to how we view our brother while

    honor refers to how we treat our brother.


    Honor = respect…I know an elder that feels that women and the word respect should not be in the same sentence unless it is saying women should respect men.

    Outward demonstration—so how do men in the WTS honor or respect women?

    View our brother…treat our brother: what happened to women in this equation?

    5 How can a Christian show genuine honor

    to fellow believers if he does not have

    heartfelt respect for them? (3 John 9,10) Just

    as a plant can flourish and last only if it is

    rooted in good soil, so honor can be genuine

    and lasting only if it is rooted in heartfelt respect.

    Since insincere honor does not grow

    out of genuine respect, it will wither sooner

    or later. No wonder, therefore, that Paul preceded

    his admonition to show honor with

    the clear-cut statement: “Let your love be

    without hypocrisy.”—Rom. 12:9; read 1 Peter



    A Christian—only jws

    Fellow believers—only jws


    Insincere honor…whenever a brother or his wife are around influential elders, COs, DOs, etc.

    Hypocrisy---sucking up

    Honor Those Created

    “in the Likeness of God”

    6, 7. Why do we need to have respect for others?

    6 Since having heartfelt respect is a key to

    showing honor, we should never lose sight

    of the Scriptural reasons we have for respecting

    all our brothers. Let us, therefore, consider

    two of those reasons.


    Scriptural reasons—yes, love ordered by law

    All our brothers—no sisters?!

    7 Unlike other creatures on earth, humans

    were created “in the likeness of God.” (Jas.

    3:9) Hence, we possess such godly attributes

    as love, wisdom, and justice. Note what else

    we have received from our Creator. The

    psalmist states: “O Jehovah . . . , you whose

    dignity is recounted above the heavens! . . .

    You also proceeded to make [man] a little

    less than godlike ones, and with glory and

    splendor [“honour,” King James Version] you

    then crowned him.” (Ps. 8:1, 4, 5; 104:1)*

    Humans in general are crowned, or adorned,

    by God with a measure of dignity, glory, and

    honor. Thus, when we dignify another person,

    we are, in effect, acknowledging the

    Source of human dignity, Jehovah. Now,

    if we have valid reasons for showing respect

    to people in general, how much more

    ought we to have respect for fellow believers!—

    John 3:16; Gal. 6:10.

    *David’s expressions in the 8th Psalm are also prophetic,

    pointing to the perfect man Jesus Christ.—Heb.



    Does the WTS really feel women are created in God’s image or is it qualified?

    So sisters are crowned…only if anointed and not until they die.

    Fellow believers—only jws

    *** g80 4/8 p. 5 People—How They Began ***In a particular respect man was in God’s image where woman was not—in headship. (1 Cor. 11:3, 7)

    Members of One Family

    8, 9. What reason for having respect for fellow believers

    does Paul mention?

    8 Another reason why we respect one another

    is mentioned by Paul. Just before he

    gives the admonition to show honor, he

    states: “In brotherly love have tender affection

    for one another.” The Greek expression

    translated “tender affection” refers to the

    strong bond that unites a loving and mutually

    supportive family. Thus, by using

    that expression, Paul emphasizes that relationships

    in the congregation should be as

    strong and as warm as in a close-knit family.

    (Rom. 12:5) Moreover, keep in mind that

    Paul wrote those words to anointed Christians,

    all of whom had been adopted as children

    by the same Father, Jehovah. So in a

    very significant sense, they were a close family.

    Hence, anointed Christians in Paul’s day

    truly had a powerful reason for respecting

    one another. The same holds true for

    anointed ones today.


    So how are jws tender to each…shun if “bad association” missing meetings due to illness, taking care of older parents….

    Close like a family---a family where the WTS endorses spanking.

    Did you realize that the WTS teaches that only the anointed are children of God…the rest will not be until the end of the 1,000 year reign…just friends….God is not our Father, Jesus is not our brother.

    9 What about those who are of the “other

    sheep”? (John 10:16) Although they have

    not yet been adopted as God’s children, they

    can appropriately call one another brother

    and sister because they form one united

    worldwide Christian family. (1 Pet. 2:17; 5:9)

    Thus, if those of the other sheep fully appreciate

    what they are saying when using the

    terms “brother” or “sister,” then they too

    have a powerful reason for having heartfelt

    respect for their fellow believers.—Read 1 Peter



    Other sheep…not yet adopted (did not mention when)

    Call brother and sister…if inactive, or miss 1 meeting a week, how many?

    Can’t remember the first or last name of people at the KH

    Why So Important?

    10, 11. Why is having respect and showing honor

    so important?

    10 Why is having respect and showing

    honor so important? For this reason: By

    showing honor to our brothers and sisters,

    we greatly contribute to the well-being and

    unity of the entire congregation.


    Honor sisters? How? Show respect? How?

    11 Of course, we realize that having a close

    relationship with Jehovah and receiving the

    support of his spirit are the most powerful

    sources of strength that we have as true

    Christians. (Ps. 36:7; John 14:26) At the same

    time, when fellow believers show that they

    appreciate us, we are encouraged. (Prov. 25:

    11) We feel uplifted by a sincere expression

    of appreciation and respect. It gives us added

    strength to continue walking with joy and

    determination on the road to life. You have

    no doubt experienced such feelings yourself.


    Where is the close relationship with Jesus?

    We…true Christians—remember the rest are “professed” or “so-called”

    Show that we appreciate us…I could go three weeks before an elder would say hi and it would be on the fly, “Hi, how are you?” as they keep walking to talk to someone else more important. How many times did others interrupt your conversations with others?

    12. How can each of us contribute to a warm, loving

    atmosphere in the congregation?

    12 Now, since Jehovah knows our inborn

    need for receiving respect, through his

    Word he properly urges us to “be eager to

    show respect for one another.”

    (Rom. 12:10, Today’s English

    Version; read Matthew 7:12.)

    All Christians who take

    that timeless counsel to

    heart contribute to an atmosphere

    of warmth and love

    within the Christian brotherhood.

    Hence, we do well

    to pause and ask ourselves,

    ‘When was the last time that I

    expressed through words and

    actions my heartfelt respect

    for a brother or sister in the



    Need for receiving respect…God may know but not people at the KH

    All Christians—only jws

    When was the last time ….Matthew 5:45-47 only people you like, Gentiles do the same

    A Specific

    Assignment for All

    13. (a) Who should take the lead in showing honor?

    (b) What do Paul’s words found at Romans 1:7


    13 Who should take the

    lead in showing honor? In

    his letter to the Hebrews, Paul

    describes Christian elders as

    “those who are taking the

    lead among you.” (Heb. 13:17) True, elders

    take the lead in numerous activities. Still, as

    shepherds of the flock, they surely need to

    take the lead in honoring fellow believers—

    including fellow elders. For instance,

    when elders meet to consider the spiritual

    needs of the congregation, they honor one

    another by carefully listening to the comments

    made by any of their fellow elders.

    Further, they show honor by taking into

    consideration the views and expressions of

    all the elders when making a decision. (Acts

    15:6-15) We should remember, though, that

    Paul’s letter to the Romans was directed not

    only to the elders but to the entire congregation.

    (Rom. 1:7) Thus, by extension, the admonition

    to take the lead in showing honor

    applies to all of us today.


    Who SHOULD take the lead in showing honor? (but not called leaders)

    Honoring…including fellow elders: quite a few yellers among that group

    CAREFULLY listen to fellow elders; take into consideration views of ALL the elders

    (my way or the highway said one PO to the elders)

    14. (a) Illustrate the difference between showing

    honor and taking the lead in showing honor.

    (b)What question might we ask ourselves?

    14 Note also this aspect of Paul’s counsel.

    He urged his fellow believers in Rome not

    merely to show honor but to take the lead in

    showing honor. Why does that make a difference?

    Think of this example. Would a

    teacher urge a group of literate students to

    learn to read? No. They already know how to

    read. Instead, the teacher would want to

    help the students to read better. Similarly,

    having love for one another, which moves

    us to show honor, is already the identifying

    mark of true Christians. (John 13:35) However,

    just as literate students can make further

    progress by improving their reading

    skills, so we can make further progress by

    taking the lead in showing honor. (1 Thess.

    4:9, 10) That specific assignment is given to

    each one of us. We might ask ourselves, ‘Am

    I doing that—taking the initiative in honoring

    others in the congregation?’

    Picture: How can we show honor to fellow believers?


    Teacher show how to read better…assumption is that those in the congregation are already showing honor?

    AM I DOING THAT—TAKING THE INITIATIVE….what if the elders are not “taking the lead” or worse yet are not showing any honor to others?

    Honor “the Lowly Ones”

    15, 16. (a) When showing honor, whom should

    we not overlook, and why? (b) What may reveal that

    we have heartfelt respect for all our brothers and sisters?

    15 When showing honor, whom in the

    congregation should we not overlook?

    God’s Word states: “He that is showing favor

    to the lowly one is lending to Jehovah,

    and his treatment He will repay to

    him.” (Prov. 19:17) How should the principle

    found in those words affect us as we endeavor

    to take the lead in showing honor?


    So who are the “lowly ones” in the congregation? Who are the “superior ones”?

    16 You will agree that most people manage

    to show honor to their superiors, but these

    same people may treat those whom they

    consider to be their inferiors with little or no

    respect. However, Jehovah is not like that.

    He states: “Those honoring me I shall honor.”

    (1 Sam. 2:30; Ps.113:5-7) Jehovah shows

    honor to all those who serve and honor him.

    He does not ignore “the lowly ones.” (Read

    Isaiah 57:15; 2 Chron. 16:9) Of course, we

    wish to imitate Jehovah. Thus, if we want to

    measure how we fare in showing genuine

    honor, we do well to ask ourselves, ‘How do I

    treat those who have no prominent, or responsible,

    position in the congregation?’

    (John 13:14, 15) The answer to that question

    reveals much about the degree of heartfelt

    respect we have for others.—Read Philippians

    2:3, 4.


    Most people manage to show honor to their superiors---who would that be

    Those whom they consider their inferiors---LOWLY ONES?!

    LOWLY—no prominent or responsible position in the congregation

    Pharisee praying………………….I’m not like this sinner over here

    Showing Honor

    by Giving of Our Time

    17. What is a major way in which we can take the

    lead in showing honor, and why is that so?

    17 What is a major way in which we can

    take the lead in showing honor to all in the

    congregation? By giving others of our time.

    Why is that so? As Christians, we live busy

    lives, and carrying out our numerous important

    congregation activities takes much of

    our time. Not surprisingly, therefore, we

    view time as precious. We realize, too, that

    we should not demand that our brothers

    and sisters give us inordinate amounts of

    their time. Likewise, we appreciate it when

    others in the congregation understand that

    they should not be demanding when it

    comes to asking us for our time.


    So did the elders have time for you? Did the righteously superior have time for you? Did they have time for children and older people?

    So are the “weak” or lowly demanding inordinate time?

    Rather who is demanding of their time, time slips, meeting attendance, etc.?

    18. As shown by the picture on page 18, how might

    we indicate our willingness to give some time to fellow


    18 Nonetheless, we also recognize (especially

    those of us who serve as shepherds in

    the congregation) that our willingness to interrupt

    our activities in order to give some

    time to fellow believers demonstrates that

    we have respect for them. In what way? By

    dropping our activities to give some time to

    our brothers, we say to them, in effect, ‘You

    are so valuable in my eyes that it is more important

    to me to spend some time with you

    than to continue what I am doing.’ (Mark 6:

    30-34) The opposite is also true. If we are reluctant

    to stop our activities so as to give

    some time to our brother, we may make him

    feel that he is of little value to us. Of course,

    it is understood that there are times when an

    urgent matter cannot be interrupted. Still,

    our willingness—or our reluctance—to give

    some of our time to others does reveal much

    about the depth of respect we have in our

    heart for our brothers and sisters.—1 Cor.



    Aren’t the elders first and foremost shepherds to be caring for the sheep…not making schedules, meetings, paperwork, building KHs, etc.?

    Reluctant to stop our activities…what could be more important than caring for the sheep?

    Do you later complain to your friends about those who need you?

    Be Determined to Take the Lead

    19. In what way, other than giving of our time, can

    we show honor to fellow believers?

    19 There are other important ways in

    which we can show honor to fellow believers.

    For instance, when giving them of our

    time, we should also give them our attention.

    Again, Jehovah sets the example. The

    psalmist David states: “The eyes of Jehovah

    are toward the righteous ones, and his ears

    are toward their cry for help.” (Ps. 34:15)We

    strive to imitate Jehovah by turning our

    eyes and ears—our full attention—toward

    our brothers, especially those who approach

    us for help. By doing so, we show them



    Attention…have you ever had another elder come up and interrupt a serious conversation you had with another elder? Or had a sister interrupt your conversation with someone else? Did you feel honored?

    20. What reminders about showing honor do we

    want to keep in mind?

    20 As we have considered, we want to keep

    clearly in mind why we should have heartfelt

    respect for fellow believers. Further, we

    look for opportunities to be the first in expressing

    honor to all, including lowly ones.

    By taking these steps, we will strengthen the

    bond of brotherly love and unity in the congregation.

    Therefore, let all of us continue

    not only to show honor but especially to take

    the lead in showing honor to one another.

    Are you determined to do just that?


    Should SHOW heartfelt respect…LOOK for opportunities to be the first.

    Do You Recall?

    ? How are honor and respect related?

    ? What reasons do we have for honoring

    our fellow believers?

    ? Why is it important to show honor

    to one another?

    ? In what ways can we show honor

    to fellow believers?


    I had 2 sisters who always interrupted me when I was talking to a person new to the KH. They would turn their backs on me and take the conversation off to a different direction and walk away with the person. I tested it out eventually to see if I was imagining it, but no. Another “rejected” sister came over and said that they were protecting them from me, a spiritual defect (a pioneer and an elder’s wife BTW).

    Once I finally was able to talk to the PO about something that was bothering me and a brother just cut me off after the 3 rd word. I waited to see what the PO would do. As I watched the PO walk away, I was disappointed. I had known him since before he was a jw and he seemed to have some real caring. I got my coat and walked out to my car after about 15 minutes had passed and here he came running.

    “I’m sorry, Blondie. Brother So-and-so said it was important.”

    “More important that me?” He knew this was not just a social hi.

    “I can talk now” he said as I saw his wife approaching complaining that they had to go to lunch.

    “I’m sure you don’t think it important enough to interrupt lunch.” I said and got in my car.


    Love, Blondie

  • sd-7

    It would've been appropriate if they said, "How can we show honor? By showing honor to those taking the lead. This is especially so regarding the anointed ones on the Governing Body, who represent the 'faithful and discreet slave' class. By humbly obeying the slave's direction, we honor Jehovah, who honored the slave class with all of Christ's earthly belongings. (Matt. 24:45-47)"

    Maybe next year, eh?

    But that is so true, Blondie. I noticed that conversations at the KH could rarely continue for very long before someone else came up and interrupted. The COBOE at my old congregation would pretty much assume that his very presence near you demanded that you interrupt your current conversation with whoever. And of course, once you got interrupted, that was usually it for talking to that person, most of the time. I don't know if it's just part of the territory or if it has some meaning.

    But it is certainly true that I found myself asking, what is it exactly that elders do? They have a lot of meetings and a lot of paperwork and do a lot of talks and meeting parts and KH building projects and judicial committees. much actual attention did I get as an individual even from my (as it was known then) book study conductor? How many times did he go without so much as greeting me at the KH, much less asking about how I was doing personally? Generally, if I had a problem, I remember--and this is part of what made me dissatisfied with the religion--that all they'd do is lay down the law about the situation and be done with you. There was very little to be said beyond the confines of whatever Watchtower covered the subject. In reading about Jesus Christ, the thing I loved most was that he knew exactly what the Law said, but he didn't choose to merely tell people what the Law said about something; he went beyond the rules and showed us something much deeper, much more profound and relevant to everyday life. You wouldn't know what Jesus was going to say before he said it. I always knew what the elders were going to say before they said it. It made me wonder why I bothered to tell them anything if it's something I could look up myself anyway. Having a bunch of old men who were out of touch with reality know about my problems seemed like an unnecessary middleman. It got tiresome to be a cog in a machine that nobody bothered to do real maintenance on.

    Christians in this town used to believe in things. Honor, respect! Look at you. What do you believe in, huh? WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE IN??!!


  • snowbird


    What is the principal Hebrew word for honor…why does the WTS leave it out…are the days of Fred Franz over? So what is the scholarly basis for translating it honor, or glory? What is the Greek word? Scholarly basis?

    That Hebrew word, kabad, carries the basic meaning of dignity.

    Could that be the reason it wasn't mentioned?


    Good job, Blondie.


  • Mary

    That has got to be one of the biggest Snorefests I've read in a long time. I applaud you Blondie for being able to tackle such a useless study article. To me, it was just the same boring question asked over and over again from paragraph 1 right to the end.

    Of course, the reality is completely different from what they've written. In practice, the higher up you are in rank, the more "honor" you get from those who are beneath you. Here's a brief chart that can sum up the entire "honor system" within the Borg:

    1. Governing Body Members: they get more than just honor---they've equated themselved to be on equal footing with God and they are revered and basically worshipped by millions of members who don't even know their names. They've never gotten one single prophecy right and they hold the record for changing doctrines. They might be responsible for a few hundred thousand deaths by their ban on blood transfusions and they've torn hundreds of thousands of families apart with their disfellowshipping policies, but these are just minor things that you should ignore and never think about again. Now get on your knees humans, and worship us.

    2. Bethelites: This probably varies quite a bit, depending on what your position is there but the party line generally is not challenged. Those who do manual labour get less honour than those who are say, in the Writing or Service Departments. Of course, outside of Emerald City Bethel, everyone gives great honour to all Bethelites, no matter your station, as it's viewed as the center of the universe where Jehover's spirit dwells.

    3. District Overseers: this group gets a significant amount of honour from CO's and all the elders in the district simply because they have the power to take away your power if you display the slightest bit of 'brazen' attitude towards them and their authority. Most DO's are total assholes and drunk on their own self-righteousness. They view themselves as being only slightly beneath those of the Governing Body and deserving of great praise from the rank and file.

    4. Circuit Overseers: Every elder secretly dreads the CO's visit. That's because the CO is always riding the elders' asses as to why the congregation average sucks dead rocks and is even lower than the last time he visited. Are the elders not doing their jobs?! Maybe they're not really elder material or maybe they're spending too much time on the internet or with their families but if the numbers are not better by the next visit, heads are gonna roll. Despite being a jerk-off who's probably never held a real job in his life, the CO's are still shown alot of respect. It's not a genuine respect, but since most elders don't want to be reduced in rank, they suck up to these goombas whenever they're in town.

    5. Elders: Depending on the congregation, some elders are held in genuine high regard by the R&F, for truly caring about the flock and showing a Christian and loving spirit. Of course, these elders are doomed and will eventually be 'run out of town' by their fellow elders who are jealous of the genuine respect they get. They also don't like the 'loving and caring attitude' because it makes them look like a bunch of heartless bastards. Which of course they are, but that's beside the point. Nobody likes a wiseguy and the body of elders will work much better together when they can command honour through fear tactics amongst the brothers and sisters.

    6. Ministerial Servants/Pioneers: They get a certain amount of respect and both groups are probably the most enthusiastic in the congregation. The MS's have their heads up the elders' asses (a prereq if they want to climb the corporate ladder) and the pioneers because the vast majority of them are sisters that are either too dumb or too lazy to go get a real job and this makes them look both busy AND spiritual. Plus, your family will always enjoy more prominence within the congregation if you're a pioneer and you'll be honoured and invited out everywhere.

    7. Rank and File: Meh. It depends on how many hours you get in Field Serve-Us each month. In order to get more honour, you've got to get far more than 10 hours, even if you fake it. If you're a Marginal Dub who gets a mere 2 hours a month, chances are that virtually no one will show you any honour and will only invite you once a year to ease their conscience.

    8. Slackers, Single Mothers or Relative of Disfellowshipped: You are the lowest of the low and are at the bottom of the spiritual food chain where the term "honour" is only ever heard on Perry Mason re-runs late at night. Slackers have no excuse whatsoever---they're just being lazy. They might be working 3 jobs to keep a roof over their family's head, but that's still no excuse for not getting at least 8 hours in each month. What the hell's wrong with you? Single Mothers don't deserve any respect either, unless of course your husband died. But if you got pregos without the ring on your finger, surely you don't expect to get any honour from the rest of the congregation do you? You're lucky not to have a giant "S"(lut) branded on your forehead. Now shut your kid up and pay attention to the morals being taught by God's Chosen Ones. As for the relatives of df'd ones, the only way you'll get any honour is if you completed shun your df'd relative, and treat them as though they were dead. By doing so, you will have shown where your loyalty lies and people will applaud you for your decision. We might even use you for a part on the assembly if you play your cards right.

    9. Independent thinkers: Phhaaaaawwww.....Honour? Don't make us laugh! Not only do you not deserve any honour, you deserve to be stoned to death for some of the questions you've been asking. One are just one sorry step away from getting The Axe and we're keeping a really close eye on you. Our only consolation is that we know Jehovah is going to take great pleasure in making you fall down a big crack in the earth at Armageddon for daring to question His organization.

  • Ding

    Mary's post would make an interesting brochure to hand out to people who decide to study with JWs:

    "Understanding the Pecking Order of the Watchtower Society"

  • sd-7
    Mary's post would make an interesting brochure to hand out to people who decide to study with JWs:
    "Understanding the Pecking Order of the Watchtower Society"

    Scruffy the Janitor seconds that statement.

    Scruffy the Janitor

  • ziddina
    "The principal Hebrew word for "honor" literally means "heaviness." A person who is honored is regarded as being weighty or as amounting to something..."

    The very human level of that meaning is hilarious - in a land and at a time when most of the populace were often teetering on the edge of malnutrition - even starvation, the "fat" men of the land would have been viewed as having a superior morality...

    In other words, if a man were a GLUTTON, or, as a child, swiped food from his siblings' plates or was his mommy's "favorite", so that she stuffed him with food, THAT sort of person would be viewed with honor?????!!!???

    What a skewed mentality!!!


  • ziddina
    "Honor = respect...I know an elder that feels that women and the word respect should not be in the same sentence unless it is saying women should respect men..."

    I agreed with Blondie's comment here, but I didn't realize how skewed the Watchtower Society's mentality is, until I read these items in this study...

    The subheading -

    Honor Those Created

    “in the Likeness of God”

    Ex-cuuuuuuuse ME???

    What, is this another reference to the Gov.Bod??? Aren't we ALL - women included, "created" in the "likeness" of "god"?????

    [And if women WEREN'T "created" in the "likeness" of "god", then here's some more evidence that "god" has a p*nis... ]

    And as this quote stated...

    "Scriptural reasons we have for respecting all our brothers..."
    And as Blondie said, "All our brothers - [What???] no sisters???"

    Yeah, they're using double-bind communication here - or a variation thereof...

    "Since having heartfelt respect is a key to showing honor, we should never lose sight of the Scriptural reasons we have for respecting all our brothers. ....
    7 Unlike other creatures on earth, humans were created "in the likeness of God." ..."

    Just enough oversight and omissions to subtly convey the second-class status of women....

    Then they hammer it home with this scriptural quote:

    "O Jehovah . . . , you whose dignity is recounted above the heavens! . . . You also proceeded to make [man] a little less than godlike ones, and with glory and splendor ["honour," King James Version] you then crowned him."...

    Isn't that just the typical ego-expression of a Middle Eastern man?? "We're right below 'gawd', so obey me, wimmin/mommy, gawddamit!!!"


  • bobld

    Thanks Blondie

    Where is the wbts going with this junk? I hate it, I can not read this junk and waste my time.They are full of ^^^^^.

    Mary I enjoyed your post true to the core.


  • WTWizard

    First, they say that one needs to show love by giving samples. Yet Jehovah continually boasts about his love, and expects us to show it in return without giving any samples himself. As for honoring people, does it show honor to hide pedophiles in the congregation and silence the victims under threat of getting disfellowshipped? Does it show honor if they hide cases where someone was busted for killing and eating a baby? And, doing nothing about it?

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