The King Will magnify himself above every god.

by proplog2 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • proplog2

    There is something brewing in Russia.

    The Electronic Telegraph (UK)
    27 January 2002
    Pro-Putin cult urges return to Soviet 'glory'
    By Clem Cecil in Moscow

    A SINISTER new organisation, backed by the Kremlin, is urging the Russian
    people to reject pro-Western views and go back to the "glory" of Soviet

    The 50,000-strong group which calls itself "Walking Together" has strict
    rules and indoctrination methods, but unlike the Chinese group it has the
    support of the authorities.

    "We want to create a new generation to help the president bring Russia out
    of crisis," said its founder, Vasily Yakimenko.

    The Kremlin's clear involvement can be traced back to the group's
    beginnings. Mr Yakimenko left a job in the Kremlin administration, where he
    was overseer of state-run charities, in May 2000 to create Walking Together.

    The senior patron of the movement is Vladislav Surkov, the deputy head of
    the presidential administration.

    The group is vehemently pro-Putin and its first public action was a huge
    rally in November 2000 to celebrate his presidency.

    Wearing T-shirts emblazoned with Putin's face, thousands gathered near the
    Kremlin and spoke of their love for the president. Mr Putin later received
    the organisers of the rally in the Kremlin.

    Russian liberals fear that the group is the embodiment of persistent
    attempts by senior Kremlin officials to set up a new Soviet-style cult of
    personality around the president: nationalism thinly veiled as patriotism
    is a hallmark of Walking Together.

    The group demands strict loyalty and discipline from its members, who are
    handed a long checklist on joining which includes commands to "read at
    least six Russian classics a year, whether you enjoy them or not, and visit
    the site of a battle where the Russians were victorious".

    Mr Yakimenko's latest attempt to indoctrinate members, aged mainly between
    14 and 30, is a proposal to "purify Russian literature". Modern "liberal"
    books, which depict the difficulties of modern Russian life, have been
    damned by Walking Together.

    The group has in turn published thousands of copies of a book of stories
    recounting the Red Army's "glorious victories" during the Second World War.
    These books were offered free in exchange for "corrupting" works.

    Walking Together is secretly sponsored by two companies with close Kremlin
    ties as well as Moscow city council.

    Its outgoings are high: members are divided into groups of five called "red
    stars", each led by a "foreman" who receives a free pager and £30 for his
    services. Each of his five "soldiers" receives £1 as well as free T-Shirts.

    Members are encouraged to recruit others with promises of rank and glory
    reminiscent of Communist indoctrination methods. "Once you have a red star,
    try to persuade another 50 to join.

    "Give them a party if they show interest in the group. You must be able to
    encourage and to punish, then you will become a commander of a division. If
    you persuade another thousand to put their fate in your hands, you will be
    a coordinator."

    Contrary to Watchtower teachings the Bible links the antichrist with the actions of a leader who is supposed to appear on the world stage. You can't help but connect the behavior of the King of the North in Daniel, the revived 2-Horned beast in Revelation and the description of the "man of lawlessness" in 2Thess.

    Dan 11:32 " And those who are acting wickedly against the covenant he will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words."

    Dan 11:37 " to every other god he will give no consideration but over everyone he will magnify himself."

    Rev 13:12 And it makes the earth and those who dwell in it worship the first wild beast, whose death-stroke got healed (USSR/RUSSIA) tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast that had the sword-stroke and yet REVIVED.

    2 Thessalonians 2:3 "it will not come (the rapture;see 2Thess 2:1) unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction. (4)...he lifts himself up over everyone who is called "god" or an object of reverence...publicly showing himself to be a god.

    The confusion over this issue comes from a very depleted old Apostle -John. Apparently the Apostle John was a believer in the idea that he would not die before Jesus returned.

    John 21:23 "...this saying went out among the brothers, that that disciple (John) would not die"

    Poor John. He sounds like so many of those older JW's who in their old age wondered why the end didn't come yet.

    It is a clear case of wishful thinking on John's part when he says:
    1 John 2:18 "Young children, it is the last hour, and just as you have heard that antichrist is coming, EVEN NOW there have come to be many antichrists; from which fact we gain the knowledge that it is the last hour"

    Do you feel his anguish? It clearly was NOT the last hour. John obviously misinterpreted the "fact" that HE was using to prove the end was near. "Hey look Jesus said the antichrist would come. You want anitchrists? I'll give you antichrists. Look they're everywhere." John's real reason for believing the end was near was that his death was near and if he wasn't going to die it had better happen pretty quick."

    No, the antichrist that the bible refers to is not some collective CLASS (don't they love this gimmick?) of dissidents. It is clearly an individual who appears at the time of Christs return.

    Don't underestimate Putin. He is clever. He has his finger on the nuclear button. Some even believe he authorized the bombing of apartment complexes in Moscow to justify the attack on Chechnya. And judging from the above quoted article he is encouraging a "cultish" following. We've seen this before with Hitlers brown shirts. Don't let this period of "friendship" between Bush and Putin lull you. The stern-faced king mentioned in Daniel 8:23-25 "brings many to ruin - during a freedom from care. By the way, the king at Daniel 8:23 becomes powerful but "not by his own power". Putin was positioned and appointed by Yeltsin. Putin came to power without a natural constituency.

  • Satanus


    I read that putin is an orthodox christian. If you are against him as a christian and as part of the superior authority, which god had emplaced, doesn't that make you anti christian?


  • logical

    What makes you think the "kings" are political?

    Cant you see that the fulfillment of the verses you quoted is the one and only Watchtower?

  • logical

    And for your information, John did not die before Christ returned. Christ returned in about 70CE.

    Christ also gave him the revelation.

  • logical


    The dragon gave the first beast in Rev 13 its power. How else would the dragon (satan) want to piss God off? Create a nation? Not likely. More like create lots of false religions that are always at war, always doing bad stuff in GOD's NAME.

    7 heads = 7 major world religions. Out of all religions, which one recieved a death stroke, yet revived?

    Judaism. In circa. 70 CE Jerusalem was destroyed, and with it went Judaism, for Christ was the way to the Father. The Jews had been judged and rejected.

    Nations couldnt care less about the "holy ones" who are a remnant scattered throughout the nations and not a physical church like for example the JW's.

    Going through Revelation 13:11-18 it becomes clear:

    It had 2 horns like a lamb but began speaking as a dragon
    The Wathctower appears lamblike, yet it speaks as a dragon

    It excercises all the authority of the first wild beast
    The Watchtower has the authority of any religion

    It makes the earth and thoose who dwell in it worship the first wild beast, [b]whose death-stroke got healed[b]
    It makes an IMAGE of Judaism, system of rules and regulations, sacrifice (field service) etc

    And it performs great signs so it should even make fire come down out oif heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind

    It misleads those who dwell inthe earth
    This is pretty obvious - blood issue, 144,000 issue, so many things to list here

    While it tells those who dwell on earth to make an image...
    see above point re image of Judaism

    Granted to give breath to the image

    So it should cause to be killed any who do not worship it

    And it puts under compulsion all persons... they should give these a mark in their right hand or forehead
    BAPTISM as a Jehovah's Witness... into the organisation, you cant be a JW, you cant be saved unless you are a JW...

    Regarding the Daniel scriptures you quoted:

    Dan 11:32 " And those who are acting wickedly against the covenant he will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words."
    They can only act wickedly against the covenant if they are IN that covenant... likewise apostasise... how smoothly do the Watchtower talk? Come on, they make a baby's bottom look jagged and rough. The fact is the so called "144,000" have apostasised and turned to worship their false "god" the Watchower, listened to their smooth words, they are acting wickedly against the covenant of Christ by claiming glory for themselves, and shutting up the kingdom of the heavens. See also "Babylon the Great"

    Dan 11:37 " to every other god he will give no consideration but over everyone he will magnify himself."
    The Watchtower give no consideration to any other "god" - the KH's dont have idols or anything, the only idol is the Watchtowe itself. Magnified above all other gods. Including Christ.

    The Watchtower gained control when the Governing Body resigned in October 2000. The GB abandoned the flock to the WTS, John 10:12

  • JT

    "You can't help but connect"

    sad to say my dear friend "You can help not to connect"

    you remind me of some dude in the writing dept of wt who just got his assignment for the WT that is due on 5 weeks

  • proplog2

    Saint Satan:

    You are making some logic errors. Can you figure these out yourself or do you expect me to do that for you?

  • proplog2


    Right no one HAS to connect. Then don't connect. I choose to connect. Don't get hung up on semantics.

  • proplog2


    You've been under too much Watchtower influence.

    "there is a controversy that Jehovah has with the NATIONS" Jer 25:31

  • singsongboi

    so!! i doubt that russia has the strength and resources to be a powerful force again... much more likely russsia will engage with the EU.. many of the 'developments' that u list are just part of 'nation-building' that have already been carried out in nations like the US and the UK

    the next "most" powerful nation will be china. already the overseas chns as a group are the third largest investment group in the world (unless u want to count the EU as a single entity)..

    overseas (including taiwan)chns and china together are likely to overtake a 'slipping" japan that only got where it was because of US prop-ups.

    in the next 50 years they will equal the US in productive capacity..

    all of which shows the nonsense of this use of strange prophecies ....

    of course, maybe, just maybe -- i'm a false prophet!!! kekekekekeke

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