Where is the Truth???????

by BC 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • BC

    I studied with the JWs for a number of years and I found that on your doorstep they were the friendliest people in the world, but the firsrt time I stepped into the KH, with the exception of a few they didn't want to know!!!!!!!!! I sat on a chair alone for the whole of Most meetings, sometimes I even had a whole row to myself.

    I then began to realise that I was only a statistic on a monthly report card. In other words if someone was pioneering or it was raining they only had to come and see me to make their hours up.

    Question the blood issue and they will walk past your house with their heads down and push your magazines through the letter box when they know you are out to avoid seeing you.

    I love my family, but according to the JWs my lovely husband, my children and my grandaughter who I love more than life itself have no chance in the new system. Do I choose between them and this cold congregation?

    Where is the 'Truth'?

  • TR

    Hi, BC.

    Where is the 'Truth'?
    Good question. Answer: Very little if any "truth" at the Kingdom Hall.

    It's a very cold and monotonous existance, isn't it?


    "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    --Benjamin Franklin, 1759

  • Beans

    Please choose your family they will always be there for you.If creation is true and there is such a thing as a New System (Which I don`t believe in)and you are a good person you`ll be included!

    If god is real how stupid is this guy why didn`t he make it a perfect world when he started instead of making it a big experimentfor his own joy?

  • Celia

    Welcome, Newbie !
    The truth is certainly not to be found among the JWs.
    JWs used to visit me quite often, sometimes once a week during some periods.
    I asked them in, we talked, compared texts in our Bibles....
    Until one day one of the nice ladies told me (she was getting tired of all my questions)that I won't be saved when Armageddon comes, if I don't go out and spread the good news... and my 3 or 4 year old son would very soon be destroyed by their god, if i didn't become a JW....
    That was the end of their visits, and the beginning of my research into this dangerous sect.

  • Ranchette

    The Truth is that there is no "Truth".

    What I mean is that there is NO religion on this earth that has a monopoly on truth.

    Once you accept this you can relax and truly enjoy life for the first time ever.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    What is truth?? The WT does not even know what truth is because they are always changing their concept of what truth is year to year and month to month...


    "I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's."
    Mark Twain

  • Satanus

    There is no one truth. Truths are scattered all around. As somebody used to say, don't say i found the truth, say i found a truth.


  • Okidok

    Hi BC
    The Truth is a progressive experience in your life

    "It takes two to speak the truth -- one to speak, and another to
    ---Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)

  • BC

    Thankyou all for your replies.

    Ranchette....'No religion on earth has monopoly on truth' I once said this to the person I was studying with, I cannot remember their response.

  • Mollie

    CHOOSE YOUR FAMILY! I was a JW for over 20 years. I have been out for 10 years. I had friends in the truth for 20 years, when it comes down to it, no one will stand beside you like your family. I'm telling you, if it had not been for my family, my sister and one friend that was a witness, but now isn't, especially, I would not have made it through all the turmoil that I went through to get out and try to keep my dignity. The so called friends you think you have, will high tail it out of there the first time they think you are leaving the "truth". I guess they think that Satan is going to pop out of you or something. It is bizarre.

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