Asked a JW" Great Responses"

by Beans 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beans

    So I asked my sister a few questions and here is what I got!
    -Will black people turn white and speak Hebrew in the new system?She laughed and said she never heard that before,April 1 1914 Watchtower:All men privledged to live in that new world would return to man`s original state,including man`s original colour and language.
    -Why can the witnesses have blood transfusions in Bulgaria?Oh I have never heard that before,but we are to abstain from blood but it is our own choice!WHAT DOES THAT MEAN! So if a JW was to choose a transfusion I`m sure he would be DFD?
    -Has the WTBTS ever said that the world will come to an end? Oh no! Then I read her the quotes and she seemed very puzzled.
    -I also showed her some pictures of old articles with the cross on them,Oh I`ve never seen that before!
    -I also asked what about the great flood,was the world covered in salt or fresh water and how did the fish survive? Oh I`m not sure.
    -She was also unaware that the society said that they knew where the almighty lived on Alcyone in the Pleiadic stars(1891 Thy Kingdom Come) and then officially said it wasn`t in the 1953 Watchtower.
    -Why was the WTBTS a member of the UN`s NGO`s?Oh they probably just wanted to sit in on the discussions to see what was goin on in the world.

    So many questions so many uncertanties,well at least i got her thinking!


  • terafera

    Beans, good points.

    That made me think of my own little scenario..

    Lets say the WTBTS decided saying 'Good morning' was wrong. They announce that saying 'Good Morning' is actually a form of predicting the future.. since we havent actually gone through the whole morning, and therefore dont know if it will be 'good'. They say that after careful examination of the Scriptures and New Light, saying GOOD MORNING, GOOD NIGHT OR GOOD BYE is unscriptural. How many Witnesses can you see reading this saying, 'oh it makes perfect sense!'

    I can imagine it... I'm surprised they havent come up with it yet!

    It just goes to show.. they believe it is the absolute TRUTH, and nothing, no nothing, you say can change that! If the GB ran outside of Bethel naked and streaked through New York, the Witnesses would say something about they were trying to bring attention to God's Word. There is no reasoning with them. There is a book called Reasoning with the Scriptures. How about Reasoning with the Witnesses!

    you: so ... (question question question)

    JW: I dont know... but if the Society says it, its true!

    you: so.. (question question question)

    JW: oh my Word! Are you reading Apostate stuff? I cant talk any further.... (goes and takes a hot shower with bleach to disinfect the Apostate germs on them)

  • Beans

    Great points,my sister brought out this Reasoning book and was looking for relations to these early quotes but they weren`t in there!
    I was looking at this book and it is very interesting I think it was page 327 where they talk about how ather religions are bad and Hypocritical I was on the floor laughing my ass off!


  • terafera

    so Beans, is that you pictured in your profile?


  • Beans

    Is that your pic it kinda looks like Barbie(she`s hot)or a chick from a video game?I sent you an e-mail with a response.

  • ISP

    Beans said 'well at least i got her thinking!'

    I wouldn't bet on it!


  • Beans

    I would bet on it because I CAN BET!!!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  • Quotes

    Beautiful. My favourite part is when you sister responded with

    Oh they probably just wanted to sit in on the discussions to see what was goin on in the world.
    I should have used that one when I was a kid and wanted to go to the high school dance!!!


    Glen: is that you, and do you WAX, SHAVE, or use a DEPILITORY CREAM? (read in Arnold voice) And how can I increase my pectorals to the mass, density and symetry you have?

    terafera: yowsa, yowsa yowsa!!! I agree with Beans: is that you?

    For interesting Watchtower Society literature quotes, complete with references but without any editorial, check out:

  • slipnslidemaster

    ISP: I was thinking the exact same thing. I wouldn't bet on it.

    But, keep at it. Time and lots of patience and you will get her.

    Slipnslidemaster:"The problem with Ireland is that it’s a country full of genius, but with absolutely no talent."
    - Hugh Leonard

  • Beans

    Dear Quotes:
    I only wax my balls because it feels better when I have my thong on backwards!

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