Is The Governing Body Paid? If So, How Much?

by Cold Steel 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Just curious. If they have living expenses, it must mean that they do their jobs all the time. But these men also are of the anointed class, right? Of all the anointed, who gets to be in the Governing Body? And when there's a vacancy, who determines which of the anointed gets to fill it? Judging from the website, this body isn't publicized much. I did a search and all I got were a bunch of articles on the blood issue.

    I suppose that when one of the Loyal and Inconspicuous Servants dies, it gets around the JW community, does it not? Do they take resumes for the position and does the group keep lists of those who are anointed?

    Who occupies the top position? Why doesn't he have a column in the Watchtower or Awake?

  • 3Mozzies

    I've read on this forum that this cult brings in about $1,000,000,000 (1 Billion) a year.

    The GB live very well, not sure if they get loads of cash in their pocket, but all things are paid for them.

    They DO however get paid with POWER & GLORY! 7 million drones worship them, hang onto every word that comes out of their mouth. That's worth more than cash. Donald Trump & Bill Gates have more cash than any GB member but no one worships them. I bet Donald Trump would pay billion$ to have 7 million people worship him.


  • pontoon

    I don't think they get any more money than any other bethelite, BUT, just think of what is included in their COMPENSATION PACKAGE. Medical, dental, vision, beautiful apts, no electric bill, haircuts, meals, plane tickets to any place in the world, Wtower car and driver if they want one, clothing allowance, motel rooms, and last but not all, GREEN HAND SHAKES. I used to work for a man (very wealthy) and one of the GB would visit him often. My boss treated him like he was something more than human and and kept him in the $$$$. I don't know of any average R&F he visited.

  • pontoon
  • blondie

    As Bethelites the GB receive the same compensation and benefits. The Bethel system works on seniority, the longer a person is in "full-time" work the better room they will have; Bethelites bid on rooms as they open up.

    New GB members are selected by the current GB members; it's much like how elders are chosen. Only male and only anointed. In the past possible candidates have been brought to Bethel to work and be observed and "trained." They tend to be previous COs and DOs who have closer contact with New York as individuals.

    Green handshakes are extended to many Bethelites who are viewed by the rank and file as taking a vow of poverty. I don't doubt that some of the R&F hope to gain contacts and influence by doing this.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel
    They DO however get paid with POWER & GLORY! 7 million drones worship them, hang onto every word that comes out of their mouth. That's worth more than cash. Donald Trump & Bill Gates have more cash than any GB member but no one worships them. I bet Donald Trump would pay billion$ to have 7 million people worship him.

    That surprises me. Do many JWs know the names of their leaders? Do they say, "In the June Watchtower, we're told thus and so," or are people ever named? Do members ever say, "Elder So&So said in a meeting in May, ..."? And how are they addressed? If one came to your area and you went to hear them speak, would you call them "elder" or "brother"? Do they normally stay home or do they maintain a busy schedule, running around and ordaining people?

    When someone becomes a member of the GB, are they ordained and, if so, by whom? What is said in such a ceremony?

    New GB members are selected by the current GB members; it's much like how elders are chosen. Only male and only anointed. In the past possible candidates have been brought to Bethel to work and be observed and "trained." They tend to be previous COs and DOs who have closer contact with New York as individuals.

    So they must know this person is anointed. Do new GB members generally know the established members, or has anyone ever been surprised by a calling? I suppose it's a lifetime thing.

    Who is the leader today, and how does he administer the affairs of the kingdom? Could he, alone, change the blood doctrine? Or would it require the consent of the others? When Peter had the vision showing him that the Gospel should be taken to the Gentiles, the matter was pretty much settled. Peter was the senior apostle at the time, so does it work the same with the GB?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    They're just called "brother So and so" to their face.

    There is no database of anointed JWs. If nobody on the GB knows you personally, you have absolutely zero chance of ever becoming a GB member.

    The surviving GB appoints replacement members of the GB. In the past the tendency was for prominent members to nominate and get one of their sycophants appointed. That way there is no real change in philosophy or challenge to the status quo.

    The real question is: what happens if they all pass away at once? THEN who picks the new GB?


    This is what you need to know . Any wrongs on their part in financial matters is their responsibility before God.

    If they teach the truth the blood is on your head if you attack them in an unjustified way .

    In my posts on alt.religion.jehovahs-witn I show Jehovah's Witnesses are the true christian organization. If you don't agree with that then there is none true christian organization today on this planet earth.

  • wannabefree
    If you don't agree with that then there is none true christian organization today on this planet earth.


    It's called faith. It's the only thing that can be true. The wheat and the weeds are growing together, the harvest will be done by angels. JW's new light realize they are not doing a separating work anymore, the separation is yet in the future, even by current Witness teaching.

  • cheerios

    >>If you don't agree with that then there is none true christian organization today on this planet earth.<<

    lol!! astounding logic! astounding! i need to sit down after reading that one ...

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