What happens when you contact wbts HQ

by Archimendes 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Botzwana

    I had a unique situation a few years ago...I was divorced and 5 years later I had sex with another woman. However I only got on private reproof. After I got off of that I asked if I was free to remarry. Several Elders told me since I was the one that sought out relations with someone else EVEN though it was 5 years after my divorce that it freed my ex wife but since I was the guilty party it didn't free myself. I was confused about that. So I said I would write Bethel. The Elder specifically told me that YOU don't write Bethel...WE write Bethel. I was shocked to the core!

  • serenitynow!

    Well I wrote an emotional 5 page letter to HQ about some things that had gone on in my family , by my father and the WT's failure to discipline him. March 2011 will be 2 years since I sent it. I have NEVER received a written reply. I finally went to my father's congo to speak with the elders. They had received the letter but obviously wern't planning on doing anything until I actually went to the hall.

  • carla

    I have written the 'society' twice and was ignored both times. However the 'cease & desist letter' (use the search engine here) did get a response sent to the elders that our address was off limits for 1 year. I know this because I made my jw get the letter from the elders (I have heard of others doing this also) but have heard this is unusual they would supply a ubm with a written correspondence from the wt to one of us worldy walking corpses.

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