Elder's advice we remember

by Newborn 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Newborn

    I remember ones when I was quite tired and low one elder said to me " it says in the bible that the one who endures to the end will survive, so really the ONLY thing you/we have to do is to endure".

    Wow, gee, really!! Hey well THAT's a relief and encouraging....thanks....

    I think that all that enduring was what made me tired and depressed in the first place....

    What do you have to relate?


  • darthfader

    "Stay Single"... this coming from all the Married Elders... they really must hate their wives...

  • antes8080

    " stay single" that advice is giving by mostlymarried ppl elders or not lol.... one elder told me and my wife dont pioneer you both have good jobs buy a house go on vacations,, so thats what we have done,, great advice!!!!

  • Newborn

    darthfather: hahahaha

    antes 8080: is he still an elder who gave you that advice, (if it's true)

  • clarity

    "No sense in coming to the kingdom hall,..if you're not going out in service!"

    Uhhmm ... OK!

  • Desert Rat
    Desert Rat

    The best advice? I heard an elder in our congregation say in a public talk, "You must test daily to make sure you are in the truth, because if you aren't, you are wasting your time." Wow!! When I tested, I found out I wasn't, and that's when I left!! About 5 years later, I heard that he was no longer an elder, or in "the truth" either! He must have taken his own advice!

  • fokyc

    If you don't sing the songs, you might just as well not come to the meetings!

    I don't sing, SO I don't go!

  • antes8080

    Newborn- yes he is still a elder and is the cboe of his cong... and is true story,,, not only that he also has told many times to save for retirement it was odd to me couse at that time i was younger now that am in my early 30's am glad i dint leave my job and did follow his advice on saving a lil more and will hopefully be able to retire at age 50ish...

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    "Never make permanent decisions in a temporary state of mine", always liked that one.

  • Mandette

    My dad who was an elder, always encouraged me to have a retirement and health insurance. Kinda a contradiction of what the society teaches. He said that "I would be happy later that I have it".

    He was so right. I have a retirement. I can retire in 10-13 yrs with 80% of my wages. I'm glad I listened to him. Thanks Daddy!

    As far as other elders in the congregation they were full of sh*t! I shouldn't live alone, I shouldn't buy a home, I should move home, work part time and help my parents(very capable INDEPENDENT parents). I shouldn't go to college, work full time, have such a "unencouraging" job. SOOOO glad I didn't listen to those bastards.


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