How was dating as Jehovah Witness?

by Pitchess Co-Gen 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Nickolas

    Holding back the years. The title is Holding back the years.

    You still have time if you are only in your early 30's. Go for it.

    by the way, Life is a vodka commercial.

  • lesabre

    the only guy i ever dated is my hubby. and he was a "dirty worldly boy". we followed all the rules, even better than anyone else. but everyone STILL treated me like CRAP. got accused of getting knocked up before i got married. (they didn't accuse me till after i was married) my hubby went with me to my JC. it was all the worst thing i've ever experienced. that was the thing that made me leave. moved across country. out for good.

    he also got treated like crap by his own friends. even his best friend. because i wasn't a trinitarian and it was too fast. they kicked him out of his band because they thought we'd end up popping out kids, and he would miss practice because of me. lol. all of that just made us SOLID. :) now, all his friends are married. his best friend has a kid. (i dunno about the JW kids.) they all did things how they thought were the "right way", and WE are better off than them! lol. i LOVE it when their wives act totally mean to them in front of everyone, and me and my hubby end up looking absolutely PERFECT.... cause we ARE. ;) it's my silent revenge. haha.

  • Lore

    MY sister wants to get married soon.

    Well since there are no suitable brothers in our hall my family has been visiting other congregations in the area hoping she'll find some single brother and they'll fall in love during the 10 minutes before and after the meeting.

    Turns out there's rarely a single brother there at all.

    But hypothetically if she finds someone what are they supposed to do?

    Well she can start going to his hall, and they can get to know each other in 15 minute time periods before and after each meeting. The can both answer questions and get to know each other by the the way they reword the watchtower answers.

    If it gets more serious they can start going out in field service together.

    And when they are right on the verge of getting married they can start sitting beside each other at the meetings.

    Then get married and be alone with each other for the first time ever. Realize they know NOTHING about each other and be miserable for the rest of their lives.

  • Nickolas


  • serenitynow!

    Lore, do people really observe those kind of dating rules? I know I didn't. I never did a chaperone thing when I was dating one brother. I had a friend whose mom was trying to make sure nothing was going on, one time dropped in unexpectedly when my b/f was at my apartment. She rang the buzzer and I was like, "you've got to go." She was on her way up the front door, I put him out the back door. I was in my early 20s at the time. When she got up to my apartment, she lectured me that I shouldn't have unchaperoned visits with men. I acted like I didn't know what she was talking about.

    When I lived with extended family, my elder uncle who was very protective probably ruined alot of dating opportunities for me. A brother in our hall asked me out. He was totally not my type, shy, maybe a little slow. He was not someone I considered manly, and I was surprised that he even approached me. I went home and told my aunt about it, we laughed and I thought that was the end of it. Next thing I know, the brother wouldn't even speak to me at the hall. Turns out my uncle confronted him and scared him to death. He said there had been a recent JC with a young sister in my hall and he was trying to protect me.

    Anyway, the point is, JW dating sucks,

  • ranmac

    As a young witness, dating was horrible. Looking back its truly disturbing how obsessed the elders were with wether or not me and my girlfriend were touching each other. Always wanting details and publicly humiliating us at times about it, and we werent even baptized. One elder actually advised me to get married even tho I was super young, in college and had no job. He said I could rely on my parents and welfare!!!! I shudder to think about my life if I had followed that advice.

  • Nickolas

    For you born-in guys, when I was growing up all the girls were looking for adventure. Just so you know what you missed ...

    and I'm talking about 40 years ago.

  • wasblind

    well, I grew up as a worldy teen in the 70's,

    the only restrictions I had was a curfew and I couldn't

    date guys who had vans, yea right, as if I couldn't

    get into any mischief in the back seat of a four door

  • Honesty

    How was dating as Jehovah Witness?

    Very secretive.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Make a phone call? You're dating. Write a letter? You're dating. Say hello? You're dating. According to the congregation I played fast and hard with the feelings of many woman by saying hello. I guess if you're married "hello" isn't infidelity but if you're single its fornication. Give me a break, fools.

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