Governing Body New Directive For Ex Members

by Hairyhegoat 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • yknot

    I don't think it is a "BOE LTR" rather a mass circulated email..... of (gag) encouragement

  • diamondiiz

    If it's not a wts' letter than who cares? It's some nut job ubber-dub spreading shit around.

  • Mythbuster

    It's from here it looks like. I think I read this here somewhere.


    NEWS RE EARLY OCTOBER 2010 ANNUAL WATCHTOWER MEETING: Four members of the Governing Body were present. These were not named but in the past have included Gerritt Loesch, David Splane, Samuel Herd; John/Jack Barr now about age 99.

    1. The Governing Body will be emphasizing in 2011 that those with ExJW kids who quit Watchtower (or really anyone including dad's ...and mom's who quit WT) are not to be socializing with them under the provision of doing "necessary family business," so as to better get them to want to return to WT. (Anointed JWs outside WT had recommended active JWs use this provision as an act of moderation but the Gov Body opposes regular JWs listening to non-Gov Body anointed ones)

    2. WT complained many older JWs are telling younger ones they regret not getting an education or having a retirement plan. Watchtower says such older ones are like the murmurers of ancient Israel. (This is an attack on both the young and the old of JWs. Loesch expressed great contempt of higher ed at a convention)

    3. There will be an easy English version of WT magazine for lands where English is a major second language. People attending halls in Haiti increased enormously after the earthquake there.(The easy English magazine version will attract even more of the less educated who do not know much English. It may be part of Gov Body member Morris' influence as he has been in translation; he and his wife WT missionaries.)

    4. Very significantly in the previously more liberal Writing Department, the hardliner Gov Body member David Splane will succeed elderly, frail Gov Body member Barr who was known as relatively friendly. (This totally seals control by hardliner conservatives)

    5. Bethelites will be sent out to shadow along with the District Overseers and their wives. (Baltar447 has noted that at a 2 day Circuit Assembly, a D.O. had said the Bible's guidelines are all we need, we don't have a Talmud of rules, must use our own conscience, the Bible itself can be read for family worship night. So WT wants to end what is seen as dangerous teachings by such D.O.s.)

    6. Recently deceased Gov Body member Ted Jaracz's "Ministerial Training School" is being replaced by so-called Bible schools for singles and married couples. (Under the guise of "Bible" learning, more WT operatives will be trained to efficiently do even more policing of everybody ranging from family Bible study nights into the bedrooms)

    7. The numerous worldwide branch closings are not just to save money but for efficiency. Many more will be closed. (Significantly Loesch is nicknamed Mr. Efficiency. He thus appears in overall control along with Splane, favors a "iron rod in a velvet glove" approach. Barr is not dead but they have now moved him to the side.) Please mail some copies of this to active JWs too.

    (edit to add: it looks like this site takes posts from ex-jw boards and consolidates them at one place.)

  • GrandmaJones

    I really think they are speaking of those "disassociated" from the WT. Otherwise, this would be all over the place and I would have heard (I think) from friends who were at the meeting. I haven't seen them in a couple of months, but I am sure it would be all over the hall for something like this to have been said regarding the merely "inactive".

  • Satanus

    Sorry for your plight, goat. It's a criminal org.


  • agonus

    If the ChristianWitnesses post has any truth to it, it looks like my instincts were dead on about Loesch and Splane being the hard-ass alpha dogs. Jehovah couldn't have picked less charismatic men to head up His organization. I've also said in the past that "anointed" JWs are starting to resent the leadership's lack of direction and compassion, and the following sentence is crucial: "Anointed JWs outside WT had recommended active JWs use this provision as an act of moderation..." This implies that there are those who still consider themselves "anointed JWs" who have distanced themselves from the org.

    Things have been getting mighty ugly in Spiritual Paradise lately. I don't expect things to get any prettier any time soon.

    On the bright side however, it won't be long before those with an ounce of compassion and sense start to really wake up.

  • yknot

    Well regarding the 'christianwitnesses' write ups:::::

    I agree that I have heard that the hardliners are the trinity of Losch, Splane and Turd as tag-along...

    Point # 3 .......Morris was never a 'missionary' and couldn't translate his way out of a bag! (hell have you heard his horrific speaking abilities!!!!) ......that was Geof Jackson and his late wife Jenny. (see w06 3/15 p. 26 for confirmation)

    Splane as Writing head has been confirmed.

    I disagree with #6 assertions the point of the name change of MTS was to sound less 'clergy training like'.....the 'Bible School' is more in line with the facade of non-centralized authority and simple Xians all working together in seamless harmony. The fact that they have a 'couples' one to me suggests the lack of single men compared to years before...... or perhaps immorality is still trumping apostasy as causing MTS grads to stumble. Of course this has been linked to increasing the pool to glean COs...... But lets face it yall a trip to Bethel, training and a short stint (ie year) of where the need is greater is a great WTS ladder opportunity if you don't feel you can hack 1-2 year Bethel Service..... frankly I say train all who apply....cuz we all know here that such 'training' has a tendency to 'wake up' the students........ the biggest question in my mind is with the under 50 many will actually apply from Westernized societies and how long until they start posting here?

    I am not completely sold on the 'trinity' being 'absolute' hardliners......but I think they agree to get through 2014 with less casualities they need to maintain the path started by Jaracz. I don't believe that Splane nor Gerrit buy into the appointment myth (remember Splane's 1916 comment on the DVD) so much as desiring to make sure their lifestyle are maintained ... the three 'Es' if you will (entitlement, ego and ease of life)......... I mean come as a demi-god is pretty freakin' good and now with the consolidations they have less speaking appearances and more time to schmoooze the congos/districts that gift the best!

    (for all our sakes I hope they hire a nice acting coach for Tony.....puhlease....if you promise to do so I will pitch in an Andrew Jackson at my CA......yes he really really really sucks in his presenting abilities when you consider he is suppose to be a 'representative of the slave class'!)

  • Hadit

    the close bond between family members can pose a real test of loyalty.

    The bond between family members can be very strong. This brings a test upon a Christian when a marriage mate, a child, a parent, or another close relative is disfellowshipped or has disassociated himself from the congregation.

    Take a look at what they do: bring up the fact that family bonds can be close/strong – then subtly make it seem like there is something wrong with that. What is their remedy? Break the bonds of family by:

    Taking away anything that develops TRUE family bonding time: holidays, birthdays, get togethers at school, friendships with outsiders, intimacies in the bedroom between spouses, cuddling children and holding hands during prayer (in the November 2009 WT there is an eerie picture of what it should look like during a prayer – no touching, robotic and unloving), book study arrangement stopped, coffee after meeting stopped, congregation gatherings curtailed, being told this is not a social club, etc.

    They are meticulously and systematically undermining the family foundation to BREAK THE BONDS of family and to attach each and every individual to the GOVERNING BODY. Loyalty to the governing body is subconsciously layered in at every meeting, assembly, in the WT, the daily text, the songs (set at a certain pace to induce trance & subconscious infiltration), the question/answer format, the pace of the speaker, etc.

    Then when the supposed wrongdoer BREAKS THE BOND of the GB – they TELL the family that the family member broke the FAMILY BOND!

    Yet, by his course, the individual has chosen to break the spiritual bond between him and his believing family.

    he altered the spiritual bond that existed between them.

    This is a deliberate attack on the family unit. Divide and conquer. The GB is subconsciously set in the mind as “family” and the ones to be loyal to. Psychological manipulation and mind control at its best.

    Evil, hateful and despicable.


  • yknot

    culling the herd .....

    which is going to cause either 'double lives' that cause google searches borne out of frustration (and onto JWN), DFd/DAd to pass on JW's web-addy or more posters on JWN because they got cut from the congo for following their conscience!

    Luvs and Hugs to the Writing Department Conscious Class (giggles over their genius)

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    well, if the new hard line IS true, it would likely end up in a WT mag wouldn't it?

    That would be needed to prove the assertations...

    and if it does end up in print then i hope my kids are visiting me on the weekend it is studied! Miss the meeting entirely.

    The problem with the Flock book is that it says ''undue'' association.

    who is to decide what level is undue? Different bodies of elders are slacker/stronger than others so unless its hardline in a magazine it may well get ignored.

    Here here to those who ignore the GB on this! Long may you prosper.


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