Is it wrong of me to think of the GB, the Writing Department, Bethelites, Pioneers, as moochers, and leeching bloodsuckers?

by miseryloveselders 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • miseryloveselders

    I'm exhausted right now. It's been a very long day. Both physically, and mentally, althought the latter otweighted the former by tons. We have to make a living. We have to eat, have to provide for ourselves and families. We need shelter and clothing. This week is going to be hell on me at work. On one hand I say to myself, bring it on! On the other hand I say, don't I have some vacation days coming. At any rate, I do what must be done.

    Considering all of what comes with making a living and keeping your head above the it wrong of me to conclude that Bethelites including the GB, heavies on the Writing Department, heavies on the branch committees, is it wrong for me to conclude that they're a bunch of leeching moochers?

    They basically make a living giving talks, having meetings all day, and going out in service. Bunch of moochers right? My brain is swerving and I'm not gonna finish this thread. I'll fix it tommorrow.

  • moshe

    If I was going to be a parasite, I would surely pick a better host to suck dry. That being said, it's an existence for the upper WT leaders that is rich on emotional promises, but poor on actual tangible rewards. Bro Charlie (stay alive 'till 1975) Sinutko is over 70 and lives in a trailer park in California. So much for the WT org giving their prized stooges lavish rewards when their usefulness has dried up.

    How many Bethelites have been given the boot back to special pioneer work in the boondocks recently? What a kick in the @ss for them.

  • GrandmaJones

    I don't think so for the most part. I think most of them believe in what they are doing and are making personal sacrifices in order to do it. Look at Ray Franz and Ed Dunlap, who had to leave Bethel as old men, without job skills, a pension, social security or medicare, no homes, cars etc. They were doing the best they could. They were wrong, misguided, but sincere. We had a CO leave last year to help a dying family member. He had been in the circuit work many years. Really, he has nothing to fall back on. I don't envy their positions.

    You sound tired and mentally exhausted. Judging from your recent posts, I hope you can fit in some time for some much needed recreation. Or at least, a couple of beers...

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    doesnt matter whether it's right or wrong to think of them as moochers


    I used to have to slog it out day in day out to make a living, we applied for Bethel and i am glad we didnt go because the mice at bethel worked longer hours that i even did.

    BUT as for the big boys, department heads, COs DOs, GB etc

    Man they must be laughing in their coffee cups

    The only ones who must laugh harder are their Lawyers.


  • MrFreeze

    If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, looks like a duck, then wait on Jehovah because new light is a comin!

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    When I pioneered I worked 30 to 35 hours a week plus I put in the 90 required for field service. When I was at Bethel I was told by my overseer that I was there for the free food and shelter and I was lazy, but I was the only sister who lifted over 90 pounds over her head that I knew of every day, I was the only sister who worked all the Saturdays they were required to.

    So no I do not think everyone who is in the full time service is lazy, some like me really believed it was the truth and did the best we coudl. But were there lazy ones, you bet all the sisters I hulled around in my car who did not give me a dime for gas and then went home and vegged while I went to work. My overseer at Bethel who called me lazy, I never saw him ever work but just walk around cussing out us who were working and calling us lazy and no good.

    You have a point I think many in the full time service of JW's are totally lazy self-centered and just mean to be around but some of us did not take a cent from anyone and tried our best to do the right thing and provide for ourselves.


  • bluesky3074

    and tried our best to do the right thing ? That's might be great.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    When I was a young married man, and the C.O. came around trying to kick our backsides into doing more "in the service", I would have tended to agree with you. Then , during the recession of the early 1990s, when we were all broke, and they wanted our money to build an assembly hall, I woiuld have upheld you all the way!

    However, in the cold light of day as it is to me right now, I go along with Grandma Jones:

    - i.e. these poor mugs are just another class of victims!


    P.S: Reality hits hard when you have a young family to support - and that is where I think the COs, DOs and GB are removed from reality.

  • wannabefree

    I might agree with those members of the Governing Body who know or suspect the religion is a crock of bs but keep playing follow us the leader, building a new paradise on earth complex up north to retire to.

    All the rank and file volunteers who are making great sacrifices, I would agree with the no vote on that part.

  • Joliette

    >>>I might agree with those members of the Governing Body who know or suspect the religion is a crock of bs but keep playing follow us the leader, building a new paradise on earth complex up north to retire to

    MY HAT OFF TO YOU! Its all about making themseleves look good. I watched the 'Faith in Action' DVD and I know its all just a big act. They know WAAAAY MORE then what their saying, its just all about keep up with doctrine and making themselves look innocent.

    GB AND ALL THE BETHEL HEAVIES and Liars---I mean lawyers: ITS TIME FOR YOUR CURTAIN CALL! Its time for the show to end!

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