danger for JW,s on facebook

by jam 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jam

    Background; MY son A agnostic, baptize but never DF. The JW member of the family

    knows his view. I have two daughters that are still in, one I see and talk with her

    each month, no problem but my oldest daughter that,s another case. Her oldest

    daughter was baptize last year At 12 yrs. old , how sad. Two years ago

    my son was schedule for A business trip in her city, so he call and told her he

    would like to meet her and the kids and introduce his girlfriend. To make A long story short

    my daughter email my son and told him he is not welcome. Well that ended thier

    relationship. The 13yr. old I last saw her when she was 6 and the 8yr. old I do not

    know her name. Well yesterday the 13yr. old pop up on my son facebook and

    ask can she be added to his list of facebook friends. My son thought and told her

    It,s not A good idea with out your parent approval. What do you think?


  • mrsjones5

    Sounds like she's trying to reach out to her uncle. If one one my kids wanted to friend my brother (who I'm currently not talking to) I would let them. I've been accussed of putting the kids in the middle but I haven't, it's my siblings who are being gutless and don't call their niece and nephews.

  • jam

    mrsjones I thought the same, maybe she is reaching out. Time will tell.

  • Pahpa

    I'm dumbfounded by how many JWs including elders are posted on Facebook.

    I thought the Watchtower discouraged this type of thing? Recently, my

    daugther was contacted by her uncle, an elder. Of course, he tried to

    preach to her. She quickly removed her name. But I wondered if JWs

    see this as means to "count time" in the comfort of their homes. I must

    admit it is better than going from "house to house." I wonder what the

    official view of the Watchtower is on this latest trend?

  • LostGeneration

    Facebook is another genie they cant put back in the bottle. Its going to be especially damaging to them over the next "generation" (i mean real generation not the 150 year WT overlapping generation) as kids open FB accounts at around 10 years and information flows freely.

    Pahpa, i dont think there is an "official" view on FB as in that company mentioned in the WT. They usually have their CO and DO heavys work anti-facebook rants into the assembly parts resulting in the sheep deactivating their accounts for a week or two, then they get bored and reactivate them once the guilt trip fades.

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