The Powerful Trend No One Comments On

by metatron 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    "research is showing activation of an area of
    the brain identified in addicts when a texter
    does not receive a response ... jonesing for
    a reply!!!"

    A few of us are in the same position.


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    If unlimited porn lead to impotence in bored unemployable 25 year olds, would that be such a bad thing?

  • mamalove

    This is very true. It can be addictive to see new emails and messages. The more stuff that is networked, the more curious people are.

  • Satanus


    Must be a monkey thing. Isn't there a kids series about a monkey called curious george? Always gets himself into tight spots.


  • JimmyPage

    I see addicts like this at my place of work and it annoys the crap out of me.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises


    "Curiosity killed the cat" - not just a monkey thing?

  • Satanus

    Prolly, just a matter of time before companies start making them check their electronics at the door. Like the other addiction, cigarettes, techno tweeker toys need to be restricted in some places. In some places, regular cell phones are already restricted from use while driving. They still can do hands free, though.


  • notverylikely

    Damn kids, get the hell off my lawn with you cell phones and the baggy pants and the phones and the beeps!

    Grumpy old out of touch people are funny!

  • flipper

    METATRON- Good thread. There was a trandit train operator a couple years ago in Southern California who was texting on his cell phone and crashed the train, killing a good number of people I remember. I notice lots of young people doing this as well - constantly texting or using electronic devices. So, yes- I can see the correlation of being in such a habit that one can't break away from it. Certainly being in a mind control cult like the witnesses is a VERY damaging habit for many which is hard to break , until some get mistreated by WT authority figures and wake up

  • ziddina

    Metatron wrote...

    "I have all the free porn I want - to the point (now often reported but NOT analyzed by the medical establishment) that I am effectively impotent ( this is not a joke). ..."

    And Eric356 asked...

    "How does unlimited porn -> impotence? ..."

    Yeah, Metatron, I totally agree with your assessment of the situation. I've already experienced the feeling of "Internet Addiction", when I became 'addicted' to reading and posting on this site - and I'm not really joking, either...

    I've attributed it to finding out (within one year) all the rotten, nasty lies that I was unaware of, even after leaving the Watchtower Society 25 years ago...

    But it's much more than that...

    As to porn causing impotence, it DEFINITELY does!!! Probably not right away; probably not in every man, but looking at porn leads to impotence because there IS NO SUCH THING as a perfect "10"...

    Even the most beautiful women have flaws. All women - and men - age. If a man is in a relationship with a woman, but is looking at - let's say, overparticipating in porn, he eventually reaches the point that the woman he's with CANNOT COMPETE with the "fantasy" women that are out there in the porn realm...

    Never mind that they're airbrushed within an inch of their lives, set up in totally artificial environments or starved and mammary-implanted to look like 38 DD fourteen-year-old waifs....

    NOT like REAL women, at all...

    And when fantasy replaces reality....

    BOOOM!!! You're impotent around real women, because you're always looking for that unreachable, unattainable "FANTASY" woman who will NEVER exist!!!

    That fantasy woman won't even exist after they start building realistic android sex toys either, boys... I can just see it now.... The poor single guy spends boo coo bucks on the latest model, "Chardonnai 3000" (Or "Cherry 2000..."), only to realise, after he's played with her for a few months, that he's suddenly bored by her...

    So, out he goes, looking for the next sexual high...

    And that's the REAL underlying problem with porn... It's a sexual addiction, not a realistic viewpoint of the world and people within it..


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