BrotherDan's POV

by PSacramento 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • PSacramento

    Brotherdan seems to have left and before he did he psoted this:

    So this is goodbye. Thanks for the help in getting out of the cult. But thanks for nothing in your attempts to destroy the faith of other people (inluding mine).

    Does he have a point?

    Now, as most of you know, I personally do NOt think that having our faith questioned or attacke dis a BAD thing, it cause us to not only endure but to truly understand what we believe and why we do it, just like the early apologist did.

    At the same time though I wonder how many people that were trying to leave the WT got turned back by not just the attack on THEIR faith but FAITH in general.

    Do some truly try to attack and destroy people's faith?

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    I believe many of the mankind's problems stem from misinformation, disinformation, counterknowledge, superstition, irrationality, baloney, etc... a lack of critical thinking in lieu of misplaced faith or trust. On this board, the subject is often faith. If someone asserts something as fact that can only be categorized as faith, I tend to wanna deconstruct the logic that led them to that assertion. Why encourage the spread of misinformation?

    You will be hard pressed to find a scientist who tucks tail and runs because other scientists are picking apart his theories... because science THRIVES under scrutiny. Peer review is not a back-patting ceremony.

  • sir82

    Since when does "questioning" = "attacking" and "attempting to destroy"?

    Faith is irrational (by definition). It deserves tough questions.

    If someone can't stand to see those questions, if it causes emotional turmoil that spills over into "real life", perhaps they are better off not seeing them and staying away from message boards where they appear.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Do some truly try to attack and destroy people's faith?

    That's never been my intent personally. But I certainly have the right to feel as strongly about my beliefs as others do, and to articulate why I feel that way. When someone posts something on a discussion board, they should expect to have their views challenged by those who may disagree.

  • PSacramento

    Not getting into science because that is something different and I would argue that any scientist bringing something new to the forefront must have started with a belief of faith of that thing existing, even if there was no proof or evidence of it and I am sure that in the process, he went through many a riduicle and "attack", one wonders how many scientists have held back or are held back because of that.

    The scientific community is NOT that open.

    That said, I don't think that faith being questioned is the issue, I think that perhaps HOW it is questioned is.

  • leavingwt

    According to brotherdan's own words, he believes in Hellfire, Trinity and Biblical Inerrancy.

    I'm not familiar with a single ex-JW forum that would be a "perfect fit" for him, with the above in mind.

    I hope he returns, here. I enjoyed his threads.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    True, science is something different: a search for truth, not contentment and peace.

    one wonders how many scientists have held back or are held back because of that.

    One also wonders what kind of person hopes to be a real scientist without having his theories scrutinized.

    The scientific community is NOT that open.

    Please explain.

    I don't think that faith being questioned is the issue, I think that perhaps HOW it is questioned is.

    What method of questioning would be best for exposing erroneous logic without offending?

  • journey-on

    I have noticed that there are a few extremists here that carry it too far. I'm sure it hinders the way out for some of the seeking lurkers. My faith in a conscious divine intelligence that I call the Eternal One (and some people might call God) cannot be destroyed by these radical deniers. I have paved my own path with personal experiences and research of my own.

    After a dry period, I went through a very intense "rethink" where my goal was to reconcile science and God. I read and read and read. I think the very first book that started my search was, "God and the New Physics" by Paul Davies. Then, I began to pray again in a way that I hadn't known from my JW upbringing. A door opened and I couldn't close it now if I wanted to. So, there is absolutely nothing anybody could do or say that could take my faith in myself (not to mention a divine intelligent force) away. It's permanent and fixed.

    I don't get on the threads that debate it. But, speaking of that, perhaps it would be considerate to save the vicious rabid attacks against God and faith for those threads that seek that debate rather than bully one's way onto any and all threads and start an immediate attack.

  • undercover

    eh, some people are just drama queens...

  • zoiks

    Undercover, you took the words right out of my mouth!

    Now I'm leaving forever.

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