Do you agree to disagree?

by cyberjesus 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    I say I do, dear CJ (peace to you!) when I discern that there is no further POINT in continuing: I do not see the other person's perspective nor do they see mine. Sometimes it's a clear case of me/they not wanting to... other times it is not. I will give you an example, based on dear sir's (peace to you, as well!) comment below:

    I reserve the right to question it and point out logical inconsistencies or conflicts with known facts, and ask for explanations of how one's faith endures despite those obstacles.

    I believe in evolution... of certain non-human species. Birds, for example. I know for a FACT that one species of bird breeding with other species of birds can create an entirely new species over time. Or that the seeds of one plant can cross-pollenate with the species of another plant and create and entirely new species. I absolutely accept that. What I do not accept... due to the plethora of logical inconsistencies or conflicts... is that one kind evolves, naturally or otherwise... into another kind. When we look at heiroglyphics man looks exactly the same then as he does now: upright, two legs, a head, two arms, etc. When we look at cave drawings that are supposedly tens of thousands of years old... man AND animals look exactly the same then as they do now.

    I understand that there is a THEORY that we all "evolved" from some one-celled creature that supposedly came from the ocean, which was a "soup" of some sort at the time. But it is ILLOGICAL to ME... that this creature, after growing legs and coming out of the water... became another creature... and then another... and then another... and so on, so that you have all that exists now. MY "logic", however, says that if little One Celly grew legs and came out... okay, let's say TWO One Cellies came out... and they mated... the only thing that would result is another One Celly. Okay, so maybe Baby Celly had a mutation - he is still a One Celly. Even if two mutated One Cellies were born... and mated... you would still only get more (possibly) mutated One Cellies. Yes, I understand that the mutation could be that One Celly is now a TWO Celly. But he would not be a cow, for example. He would still be a Celly - whether with one, two, or ten thousand cells. Now, I believe a FEMALE Celly can mutate into a MALE Celly... and vice versa. But... still a Celly... not a cow.

    I base this on my OBSERVATION (which blows me away, when others throw this word around at those who walk by faith!)... that cows... make more cows. Not horses. And lions... make more lions... not bears. True, a horse and a donkey make a mule... but then that mule is... wait for it... sterile. Can't make any MORE mules. And a lion and a tiger can make a liger. But you often have the same problem. You certainly don't end up with a shark, though.

    And humans... while we DO evolve intellectually... do NOT evolve PHYSICALLY... or into other kinds... OR species. You can mate a woman with our next closest "kind"... a primate. You're not gonna get a humate. Or a chimpman. Or a gorillagirl. Ain't... gonna... happen.

    Why? Because, while there are MILLIONS of SPECIES... there are less than 200 KINDS. A bird will NEVER be a dog. A snake will NEVER be a rabbit. And that is what "origin of the SPECIES" and things like this suggest. It entirely disregards what comes BEFORE a species... which is a kind. Yet, you see no "origin of the KIND." Why? Because seeking answers to THAT would entirely undermine and bring down the "theories" regarding evolution of SPECIES.

    BUT... I would never get into an extensive discussion of these things with some who "disagreed" with my position. Why? What... would... be... the... point? To be "right"? So, I'm right - big deal! HE doesn't think so... and so why "argue"? His/her mind is made up, if only for now. Just like some cannot see how folks like me see through eyes of faith (makes NO sense to them!)... I can't see how someone can't see the absolute illogic in the belief that we evolved from a lower life form. If we DID... we would still BE evolving. Yet, we aren't, physically. While it's true we've made some great strides, we are still the frail, puny, subject to sickness, disease, and death humans we've always been. We just THINK we're "healthier" because of all of medicine, drugs, vices, and other things that either MASK our frailties... temporarily cure them (because we still die)... or make us forget them. We even believe we live... longer! Seriously? Maybe more than, say, 10, 100, 1,000 years ago... but if we go by the RECORD... no one's come near to Methuselah in some time.

    (I know, I know... some don't believe that "record". Not that I'm saying it's accurate. It is funny, though, that some of these same ones will believe other ancient writings...)

    So, anyway, based on what I SEE... we are the same as we have always been. Thus, logic says to ME that we can't find the "missing link"... because there ISN'T one. That there is a "Lucy" doesn't mean that she was human... or NOT that she was a human suffering from some deformity, etc.

    While science is a WONDERFUL thing it, like religion, is also a business. LOT of money involved. For some, it IS a religion. And just like religion it, too, has its charlatans. So, I can't see the point in arguing it. For me, sometimes it's just easier to SAY, "Let's agree to disagree"... so that I can move on. Because I sometimes have more important things (to ME) to do than go round and round while getting "nowhere."

    You don't have to agree with... but I don't have to agree with you, either.

    Peace to you all!

    A slave of Christ,

    SA, who watched a History Channel show on the "Big Bang" the other day that was chock FULL of holes!

  • PSacramento

    I agree to disagree ALOT ! LOL !
    I have friends that are Jewish, muslim, hindi and atheist and WE tend to agree to disagree A LOT !!

    BUT, never on the true key issues: Love, compassion, tolerance and acceptence.

    I think that is the main thing, we can disagree on minor things, like religious doctrine that is really based on human interpretation, but those things are OK to "agree to disagree", like the Trinity or Bible Innerrancy and such.

    I mean, agree to disagree on the things that we don't know, one way or another, to be 100% like we think they are, just makes sense.

  • PSacramento

    I am saddened by our loss of Brotherdan for these forums...

  • DanaBug

    Yep, I did. The argument didn't make any sense to me and I couldn't articulate why, so I let it go. I couldn't argue it any further.

    I'm not good at debating, or even well educated (yet). But I'm working on it.

  • cyberjesus

    ps: well theres noneed to be sad anymore.

  • ProdigalSon


    I agree there must be some sort of creature or thing who created the Universe...But it's not Jay Hoover, for sure.

    Why not?

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