Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-07-10 WT Study (UNITY)

by blondie 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    This whole article made me gag or want to throw up. One paragraph in particular says in part .......

    Par 11: '.......It is unloving to treat others as inferior.'

    We have maybe 6 that are disfellowshipped in our hall currently (believe it or not we have had as many as 14 disfellowshipped ........ at one time). We have a BOE that are disfellowship and discipline HAPPY. Anyway, when going over this paragraph at meeting, I couldn't help but think of the hypocrisy that permeates the organization over the disfellowshipping and reinstatement policy alone. The WBTS excells in making people feel INFERIOR. Ask any who have gone thru this disciplinary process!

    Thank you 'Blondie' for your summary. After attending meeting it is good to come home and get your point of view of things. It is always right on! Keep up the good work. Good health to you!

  • hamsterbait

    That photo of the Gibbering buddy has been photoshopped.

    Look at the front row. Second man left. Look at his hand on the table - you see the reflexion of his wrist - but to the left of it - whose flesh os reflected there - It is not the man standing over him as he is positioned wronly, and his skin is too dark.

    Shades of the chinese communists...


  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    more importantly, check out the picture on the wall!!

  • therevealer

    photoshopped!! Ya gotta be kiddin.

  • bobld

    Thanks Blondie.unreal bs

    Why are the GB showing off their material wealth notice the rings on right hand.Do men need to wear rings on the right hand.


  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    "Unity Identifies True Worship"

    Once again, with this title they state something as fact that is PURELY an assumption.

    Alright, it's my turn. I want a shot at it. How about this? - 'Being Rich Brings True Happiness' or 'Owning an Apple iPhone Automatically Makes You Cool' or 'Wearing Earrings Identifies You as Gay' or 'Tattoos Identify You as Part of a Motorcycle Gang'

    Get the point? NONE OF THESE ARE FACTS!! But you can believe any if not all, only if YOU want to. The WTS thrives on stating as fact things that they can't prove. Gotta love it.

    Thanks again Blondie for a wonderful consideration as well as everyone else for their additional insight.


  • WTWizard

    First, to underscore the major difference between jealousy and envy. A person is jealous when, upon seeing you have something nice, wants that item also. A person has envy if, upon seeing you having something nice, wishes to deprive you of it because, if they can't have it, they don't want you to have it either. Jealousy can move a person to work hard toward gaining and earning something someone else has. Envy, on the other hand, moves people to wish to destroy what others have and they do not.

    As for unity, how often you see different rules. You move across congregations, you get different rules. Some hounders are very strict on music, while others in a different congregation are more liberal. Or, you might have one hounder-hounder that, as long as people are turning in decent numbers, couldn't care less about personal preference matters. A hounder-hounder in a contiguous circuit could be very strict, having zero tolerance for anything he doesn't think fits his Code. What unity you do see is because the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger threatens with destruction and ruined lives anyone that disagrees. We saw that with the 9/2007 Kingdumb Misery insert about using independent sources to verify the accuracy of the Washtowel doctrine.

    Even in the world, you are bound to find a measure of unity. True, you will not find it among the people that wish to ruin the country. However, you find unity in people that wish to be free. You find unity in people wanting to celebrate Christmas--when is the last time you saw someone celebrating Christmas in June, using a purple pumpkin with green lights, and having a spirit of taking and austerity on that date? Most people celebrate on December 25, use a Christmas tree that is appropriate for their climate, using pretty lights (red, white, and green are still the most popular colors), and sharing a spirit of sharing and giving, and fesitvity, on that date--and that is in "Satan's" world!

  • BluesBrother

    My outstanding quote was par 8

    "The Governing Body publishes spiritually encouraging literature in many languages. This spiritual food is based on

    God’s Word. Thus, what is taught is not From men but from Jehovah."

    Yes right..? Just because a man rights an article based on The Bible it is said to be "from Jehovah"....Are there not warnings in the Scriptures about presumption? Are they putting themselves on a par with God?

    As WT Wizard clearly explained above, the article writer does not seem to know the difference between envy and jealousy (par 12-13)..Do they have a problem with dubs now expressing displeasure over the life choices they made? It seems so.

    Finally, the "Unity of true Christians" is a clear indication that Armageddon is now so close.....Just as it was in decades before , and the century before......

    BTW ..thanks Blondie...much appreciated

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