blood trans whos had one and said nothing

by serein 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • serein

    whos not told docs about not wanting one and whos kept quiet and said they would if they needed it,

    who beleives the jws on the blood isuse and who thinks its taken out of context,

    what is the for it proof with out a dout, and what is the against not having one,

    were in the bible does it say u have to give up ur life if u need blood to save urself,

    and were does it say if some one gives it u with out dieing its wrong,

    were is the blood guilt in it if u not killing anyone to get it when its offerd to u freely by persons willing to give u some of theres to save u.

    i know of one woman in perticular who refused when she had twins and she died a few hours later,i was in same position and took it to be here for em whos wrong in ur eyes and whos wrong in gods eyes, i beleive we both right in gods eyes cos she did it thinking she was doing it for god and i did it out of love for my babys so cos god is love he understands why i did it and cares. no one should be put in that situation cos of what the jws say

  • ambersun

    I have not had one personally but a few years ago I talked another close ex JW relative into having one after a difficult child birth. Although she was no longer a JW at that time she was absolutely terified of the consequences of having a transfusion, mainly of upsetting JW relatives and she was in a state of panic. I calmed her and persuaded her that it was more important for her to be around for her lovely new baby and that the JW relatives would never know anything about it unless someone told them. Me and her husband between us talked her into it. I sat by her bedside and watched her skin change from a deathly greyish white to a healthy pink as the transfusion started to take effect. She was up and about within a couple of days and soon recovered enough to care for her lovely little baby. If anyone is to blame for her having a transfusion it is me for talking her into it, and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

    I agree serein, no one should be put in that situation, especially new mothers with tiny new lives to care for. Your babies came first which is only right!

    My love and best wishes to you and your babies.

  • loosie

    The doctors told me my baby needed one... os all the Jw's were there in a heartbeat trying to talk them out of it. I was calm because I knew what my husband would decided together after the goobers left. This was before HIPPA. But knew doctors can't divulge your info with your permission. My son recovered quickly without one, so it never came down to the wire. But hubby and I did to much to get that baby here to let him slip away because of blood. So I let those elders work themselves up into a fit and then they left.

    So any elders reading this from Fullerton CA about 16 years you wasted a buttload of your time. That OBGYN that you reffer all the PG moms too because he knows how to deliver a baby w/o blood...... lol he will do whatever the mom and dad ask him to do. Dumb dumb elders... he took and oath to save life... he didn't take and oath to brainwash people into thinking god will be pissed if you accept blood. He caters to JW's because bloodless surgery is a niche and money can be made....but when it comes down to the wire he will save the life he is responible for saving.

  • DagothUr

    I was always determined to save my life with a transfusion if needed and keep quiet about that. Better to be alive and DF than dead and "righteous". And I used to forget my blood directive at home very often! I almost never had it with me and I never spoke with my family (all members are worldlies) about my desire to respect that blood directive.

  • sabastious
    were in the bible does it say u have to give up ur life if u need blood to save urself

    This is a good point.

    "Abstain from blood" does't equivocate with "Let your child die if he required blood to live."


  • sabastious
    But hubby and I did to much to get that baby here to let him slip away because of blood. So I let those elders work themselves up into a fit and then they left.

    You know the doctrine and the rules. Why do they need to show up?

    Weird religion this one is.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I'll never tell.

  • exwhyzee

    The only thing that makes not taking blood make sense and gives JW's any credibility in this, is the risk of blood bourne disease involved in taking blood. JW's really play this aspect up as proof that it's the right thing to do. Yes there is some risk, but there is also risk of catching a disease by simply staying in a hospital. There is a risk of dying from simply having ones tonsils or appendix taken out yet we would never risk our lives by refusing these.

    I know an EX JW who's formerly Witness daughters begged her to have a transfusion when she was critically ill. It saved her life.

    My father (not a witness but studied for years) signed the no blood paperwork before surgery and died a terrible death a few days later because of blood loss. He was only weeks away from retirement.

    If blood is so sacred, why is it ok for God to let billions of people whose bodies were full of blood, die?

    I would probably avoid taking a transfusion of someone else's blood for as long as possible, but I wouldn't hesitate to store my own blood for use during a surgery or donate it to be used by one of my kids or wife if it's possible to do that.

  • bottleofwater

    Better to be alive and DF than dead and "righteous".

    The definition of "righteous" is subject to change as the GB sees fit.

    Pretty much - righteous today, unrighteous tomorrow.

    In other words: Better to be alive and DF than dead and under the mercy of a two-thirds majority vote of old geezers.

    (Oh wait, I just shit myself!)

  • serein

    the main reasons i left is cos of this stupid blood issue, theres other factors to but cos of this main reason i faded quite fast,they need to change this cos its so stupid,and its put me off them so much cos i could have died in fact i would have died if i dint have it and they would not have cared,

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