I am looking for 8 feet room divider for inside my home.

by asilentone 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • asilentone

    Snoozy, yes I have looked at craigslist many times. I have never find any 8 ft divider listing from craigslist in my area. It must be 8 ft.

  • Snoozy

    What area are you from?


    The one I found in Missouri had a picture ..you could copy from it and do the same. It can't be too hard to screw a hinge from one section to the other..heck even I could do it. An old lady of 67. Just make sure the wood you pick is pretty lightweight..lol

    I would post a pic but my stupid computer won't post them ..it's messed up.

    Here is a link showing them but you will have to copy the link. It won't post in link format.


  • asilentone

    Snoozy, I am in Atlanta, GA.

  • asilentone

    Wow it looks nice!

  • Snoozy

    I don't think you could buy the marerials that cheap..better to try and find some used ones or buy some really thin stuff to make it with.

    Even garage sales may have one.


  • asilentone

    Snoozy, I just emailed the interior designer near my home to see if she can help me.

  • Snoozy

    Just remember that when you see something used advertised you can sometimes talk them down quite a bit if they haven't sold it for a while.

    I saw some in GA for$150. for 2, they may separate them and lower the price.

    It never hurts to ask..

    Good luck!


  • asilentone

    Did you saw some in GA for $150 recently? I would like to see it.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Take a look at Penny's or Sear's online catalogs for ideas. I agree with CoCo that the best idea might be to build it yourself.

    I just built a 8 foot wall in my LR for visual privacy, dividing off a small area for a computer desk and bookcases. I am pretty versitile in construction projects, and you may not be. My partition is permanent. I see you want it removable.

    You might want to look at some office furniture ads/pictures. I have seen 8 foot padded partitions [removable] with bipod legs on both ends and middle for support - that could be done very simply with just some light lumber, fabric, and a staple gun.

    Good luck with the project.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Made an incorrect correction - deleted....

    Shouldn't try to think at 2:20 a.m.



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