I Am Curious, So A Couple/Few Questions, If I May...

by AGuest 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • PSacramento

    Understood, thanks Shelby :)

  • Inkie

    SA, I stand corrected, educated, and edified. My spirit totally agrees with the biblical points you pointed out to me. Thank you. When you quoted the biblical texts I had no choice but to agree as I have read these texts before on numerous occasions. Thank you for the admonishment. --Inkie

  • believingxjw


    Well, I think I'm understanding your beliefs a little better.

    I believe the Biblical language used to describe the seraphs and other heavenly ones including God himself are all in symbol making it simpler for us to understand rather than literal. But we are all free Christians and you certainly can believe as your heart impels you or as you believe the Christ is instructing you. I don't see where God is included in the seraph "kind" but I'm sure you have reason for believing so.

    Christ's love upon you and yours, SA.


  • AGuest

    Greetings, again, dear BXJW (peace to you!).

    I don't see where God is included in the seraph "kind" but I'm sure you have reason for believing so.

    Perhaps this will help. They are the words of my Lord, as to the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... through his servant David:

    But in my distress I cried out to JaHVeH; yes, I prayed to my God for help. He heard me from his sanctuary; my cry reached his ears. Then the earth quaked and trembled; the foundations of the mountains shook; they quaked because of his anger. Smoke poured from his nostrils; fierce flames leaped from his mouth; glowing coals flamed forth from him. He opened the heavens and came down; dark storm clouds were beneath his feet. He rode upon a cherub and flew, soaring with the wings of a spirit." (Psalm 18:6-10, Masoretic Text)

    The following can help, although it is not entirely accurate. Close... but no cigar... but helpful (if you need clarification, let me know):

    But you don't have to take my word for it, dear BXJW, truly. There is One who can tell you of these things, just as he told me: the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, who is the Son and Christ, of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... about whom we are speaking. While cannot see the Most Holy One Himself... we can see... and hear... His "reflection," Christ. And THAT One can tell all kings of things about the Father, including what His appearance truly is.

    Again, I bid you peace!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • believingxjw


    Very interesting quote, thank you. Yet, from the scripture alone how do we know that the description in that scripture is to be taken literally? Take a close look at my avatar randomly assigned to me. A dragon with a three sided head, three eyes, and snakes coming forth from it, but that avatar is only a representation not actually me.

    Christ's love upon you.

  • AGuest
    but that avatar is only a representation not actually me

    Yes, dear BXJW (peace to you!)... but Christ is MORE than an avatar, is he not? Is he not the image... and exact representation... of the Most Holy One of Israel? I have seen him... and know what HE looks like, so when I read Psalms 18:6-10... I know "exactly" what it's speaking about. The description is absolutely accurate.

    It is where the "myth" about "fire breathing dragons"... and such being "bad"... came from, dear one. Serpents... with legs and wings... that fly... and breath fire. That... really is the description of seraphs (note, JAH is the only that breathes fire, however - all, though, including him, appear as engulfed in flames - Daniel 10:9; Psalm 97:3)... which description has been terrestrialized. Transliterated to fit things in THIS world. Because those who created such myths... could not related to any other.

    I hope that helps, dear one, and may our Lord's love... and peace... be upon you... as well!

    A slave of Christ,


  • DagothUr

    Paul was a manipulator, just like any other elder, pastor or priest. He was smart enough to understand Judaism was dead and he also understood the bright future of the new religion. That is if Paul was a real person at all. Or if Jesus was real at all.

  • believingxjw


    Thank you for your patience. You wrote, "I have seen him... and know what HE looks like, so when I read Psalms 18:6-10... I know "exactly" what it's speaking about. The description is absolutely accurate."

    I hope you understand that unless, and until, I myself am convinced of such things I must remain as I am. If the Christ is as you say he will help me to see it. Until then, I am as I am and cannot go beyond what I've learned.

    I wish you God's love and peace, as I know you also hope the same for me and all who seek God through his Son.


  • AGuest
    I hope you understand that unless, and until, I myself am convinced of such things I must remain as I am.

    I ABSOLUTELY understand, dear BXJW (again, peace to you!). My task is not to convert anyone - I am not sent for that reason. I am only to speak the truth ABOUT the Truth... and about the Most Holy One of Israel. Some will hear and get the sense of it; some will refrain. Either way, it is NOT me that they should be listening to, but Christ. I am only trying to now speak the "pure" language of truth... just as I hear it FROM the truth... in an effort to work out MY salvation. I am really nothing more than a "rock" crying out.

    If the Christ is as you say he will help me to see it.

    And I have NO doubt he will, if it is God's will! May it be so!

    Until then, I am as I am and cannot go beyond what I've learned.

    And you shouldn't... for I am not your leader; he is. So, HE is the One you should follow... wherever HE goes... and NOT me.

    I wish you God's love and peace, as I know you also hope the same for me and all who seek God through his Son.

    I accept your wish, dear one... and ask that the underserved kindness and mercy of my Father, the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, and the love and peace of the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, be upon you... and your entire household... to time indefinite!

    YOUR servant, as I am servant to ALL those of the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... and a slave of Christ,


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