I'm rather glad JWs can't vote!

by laverite 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • laverite

    I'm rather glad JWs can't vote! This doesn't apply to our brothers and sisters here on JWN (well, most of them, anyway). I'm thinking more of the ones who are not yet members of the conscious class.

    What would a society look like if JWs had a political say? I'm imagining a new TV show...something like..... Bethel Gone Wild might sum it up.

  • brotherdan

    I'd watch that!

    Although Bethel HAS gone wild. It's a wilder place than most people imagine. Seriously, I was so girl deprived when I was there that it turned me into a...well...

  • laverite

    Brother Dan,

    My mind STILL just can't compute Brother Dan + Bethel. I am reminded of it now and again when I read a current (or old) Bro. Dan post. It takes my breath away a little when reminded that you were at Bethel (2 years or so?) because it's a factoid that just never sticks in my memory. I write replies about it. I then I kick myself for having forgotten it AGAIN. Then I swear up and down and all over the place to never forget that fact about you ever ever again which I promptly and immediatley forget.

    It just doesn't compute. At all. You are so not Bethel (your mind is way too cool). I don't know how you survived your time there. You have stick-to-it-iveness and that will serve you well for your family in the coming months!

  • laverite

    Bro. Dan,

    It's not natural to be deprived. Bethel seems to be all about deprivation (of sleep, of freedom, of thinking, of sex, of wearing regular clothes...etc. Imagine if they could vote Bethel in control of the world.

  • brotherdan
    (2 years or so?)

    Actually from 2000 to 2002. So I've been out for a while. Although I was the same there as I am now, except I believed all the bull that they were shoveling into my mouth.

    I've always been a free spirit, to the detriment of my parents (and now wife). I CAN'T do things or not do things when I don't believe it.

  • VampireDCLXV

    Why worry about if JW's could vote? On avarage they're about 1/1000 of the population...


  • laverite

    Brother Dan - That's a good quality!

    Vamp - not worried. Just thought it would be fun to chit chat about what if on election day. Did you vote?

  • VampireDCLXV

    There is no vote in MY part of the world right now...


  • Ding

    A lot of people take the right to vote for granted.

    They know they can vote so they don't bother...

  • laverite

    OMG, Vamp. I'm such an idiot. I knew that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D'Oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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