The WTS - The Thief of Dreams and Souls

by Hopscotch 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy

    And a few weeks ago my elderly JW dad who had restablished a small amount of phone contact with me after my mother in laws passing last year wrote me a curt note saying he did not want me to contact him again. He told me his eldership could be in jeopardy if he continued contact with me (I'm not df'd or da'd) and that was too important to him to lose.

    Hopscotch , That is so , that your biological father puts a" Position" in a religous organisation above his relationship with his daughter to the extent he will sever his relationship with you to maintain his position as an elder in the Jehovahs Witness organization .

    For anybody who are thinking Jehovahs Witnesses are just another normal religion , think again , they do destroy families .

    hopscotch , you know that you and your husband can take all the vibes and support that this site can give you to cope with at this time.Take care


  • Hopscotch

    Smiddy - Sorry I've only just found your reply now. Thanks so much for your kind words. You're right about this site giving us support when we really need it when horrible things like that happen.

    It was finding this site and reading the personal stories on here when I first started fading (without knowing that's what I was doing) that I realised for the first time it wasn't me it was 'them' (WTS) who had the problem. I was not evil, satanic, spiritually sick, deceptive and all the other things I had been called - I was just a normal person waking up to all the lies and brain washing that I had been fed for 40 years.

    It was an amazing relief and that then spurred me on to do more research and eventually get the courage to share what I had found with my husband (who already unknown to me had lots of doubts) and within a short time we had faded for good.

    Even though I don't post much I come back and read this site often for encouragement and support.

    Thanks again Smiddy


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