PLH gets invite to sunday public talk

by peaceloveharmony 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • peaceloveharmony

    well guys, my mom invited me to this sunday's public talk. my esteemed bro-in-law, who is visiting from out of state, will be the speaker. actually, i guess technically, my sister invited me, thru my mom of course since she doesn't really associate with me *gag*

    i will go not because i think i'll be interested in anything i hear from the platform but because i think i can use this opportunity to instill some thinking ability into my brothers raised-as-witnesses brains. plus this may be the only chance i see my sis on her visit. very very sad it has to be at the kingdum hall. hmm, wonder if i'll get the invite for lunch after the meeting? normally, it would be assumed i'd come over for lunch, but hey with mr elder b-i-l there, who knows! he is not my favorite person :) can you tell?? hehe

    anyway, i'll be sure to chug lots of coffee before the meeting so i can stay awake! (may also help with the hangover, got a girls night thing planned saturday night. thank god the cong. voted to change the start time to 10am!)



    not a RULES girl

  • freeman

    Yep, drink lots of coffee before you go, and don’t forget to bring a barf bag, it may come in handy. Good luck.


  • zev

    good luck.

    don't let 'em convert ya or nuttin

    Learn about the Wtbts and the U.N.
    ** **

  • slipnslidemaster

    I've got one word for you:

    ear plugs.

    If that doesn't work, keep picturing the speaker to be Jan.

    Slipnslidemaster:"The problem with Ireland is that it’s a country full of genius, but with absolutely no talent."
    - Hugh Leonard

  • ashitaka

    you could always stick yourfingers in your ears and hum, or shout "praise the LORD!!" really load, just to shake things up.....


  • peaceloveharmony

    hehehe, i wish you guys could come with me! wouldn't be boring at all :)

    i usually go for the short skirt, knee boots and big smile. that seems to disarm the jws pretty well.

    but i'll keep a supply of ear plugs and barf bags handy

    not a RULES girl

  • closer2fine

    I think I might be able to stomache a public talk - but never a watchtower study - ick!!


    Solid stone is just sand and water, baby
    Sand and water, and a million years gone by - beth nielsen chapman

  • outnfree

    closer -- that's just what I was thinking.

    Perhaps 'mony's b-in-law is actually a polished speaker, wouldn't be so bad. But then she'll have to sit through the WT study and pretend to be interested.

    'mony --

    I think going will be very good for familial relations. You don't have to shun any of them just because they're brats to you! Show them that TRUE Christian love! I hope you ARE invited to lunch, honey, and that you can feel your sister's love (and she yours)through all the WT garbage that comprises the wall between the two of you.



    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • AjaxMan


    Where will be the meeting?

    Can I come?
    I am gonna show up with a Blood Bank T-Shirt saying Recycle Life, Give Blood lol



    Have Fun!


  • peaceloveharmony


    yes the wt will be hell! guess i'll revert to my youth and daydream that 45 minutes away


    thanks for your words of encouragement regarding my sister. i just hope by showing her love and acceptance, the cracks in the wt facade she has built up around her continue to grow. i miss my real sister but she's been taken hostage by the wts!


    hey, i'm in mpls, mn @ picture of you in your "recycle life, give blood" t-shirt! thanks for the hugs

    to all


    not a RULES girl

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