Did You Notice Most Elders Are "Weird"?

by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious
    I think that anyone who would play the role of an irritating little red spot is weird...

    On that note, think about the role Elders are asked to play: Heart Readers.

    No one can read the heart but God (according to WT theology) but they have to do it as imperfect humans, but they still are held accountable if they are wrong (according to the new elder book).

    Anyone who takes on that kind of responsibility... has to be at least a *little* weird.



    The one who posted this thread is probably BatShit Crazy..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • undercover

    I knew some weird elders, but most were not weird...most were fooled into thinking they were special.

    One of the kindest, well-meaning elders I knew was also one of the most demon superstitious elders I knew. When it came to demons and demonism he bordered on delusional and obsessed, but in dealing with the friends and how to run a JC meeting and his parts from the stage, he was a top notch good guy.

    I guess we all have our own weirdnesses. When you're in the spotlight or are being criticized those quirks and weird things stand out more than in someone who isn't being singled out.

  • snowbird

    The JW religion is weird.

    What do you expect?


  • bohm

    All 3 elders i have had contact with has been less weird than the average.

  • ssn587

    Yeah, I think the wierd part is that they or at least some of them think they were actually appointed by H.S., but in fact it was holy shit !!!! heeees an elder? The other side of the coin is, is that there are a lot of them who actually want to take care of the flock, at least I'm hoping so. But in reality, I haven't met many of them I thought very much of.

  • Quentin

    Minimus you served on boe's, you said "most", what's your thoughts, eh? I never had to deal with elders. Weird in what way, I'm weird, so I've been told.

  • minimus

    Kind of eccentric weird. Odd.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    The BOE at the hall I go to has 8 elders. Of that number only 2 are what I would call weird. My experience was that most were fairly normal with the exception that they thought they were special. But the weird ones weren't all that common. Then again, maybe I'm weird and that clouds my perception?

  • drewcoul

    The ones I have known have been mostly good hearted and reasonable. Especially the older ones. The younger ones I've known have been the ones who were weird. I remember working for an elder one summer whom I always liked and respected. We drove by a house where a girl from the hall lived with her non-believing husband. He looks over at me and says, (referring to her husband) "He's an arrogant shit isn't he?" I almost peed my pants laughing. I was shocked but completely agreed. Those are the ones who I always liked. They are the balanced ones. They call them like they see them.

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