Weezer's new album cover - a WT picture?!?

by weezer1 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • shepherd

    Lots are noticing the similarity and it is being discussed on a few forums. The cover is not the only link:

    "Here is a brief list of the people who are "on drugs" in Weezer's new video for the song "We Are All on Drugs": a pair of Jehovah's Witnesses, the paperboy..." - http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1506594/20050728/weezer.jhtml

    One person wrote " The album art is mimicking Jehovah's Witness propaganda art" which I liked.

    Larger version of the cover can be found here: http://blambloozers.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/weezer-death-to-false-metal1.jpg

  • HintOfLime

    Ha ha ha. Totally intentional. Freaking awesome.

    - Lime

  • Nosferatu

    I may end up buying that album just for the cover art alone.

  • miseryloveselders

    Ya know something....does this mean the WT and JWs have become caricatures of themselves? When the literature that the WT prints and holds in high esteem becomes the cover art for an album by a geek/stoner band, what does that say about the perception of WT literature and JWs as whole?

  • donuthole

    Ohnoes! The Watchtower is going to sue Weezer for trademark infringement and shutdown the band and get the record pulled from the shelves!! Won't someone please think of the Weezer fans!!

  • undercover

    I love how they even have the different kinds of harvest in the wheelbarrow, just like WT illustrations have done.

    Where else but in Paradise Earth® can you get pumpkins and pineapples from the same farm?

  • zoiks

    I might have to pick this up when it comes out.

  • watson

    Wonder what kind of a positive spin the young witnoids will put on this. "Mom, Dad! This is a great album! I think they may be studying! Can I buy it?"

  • blondie

    Amazing, I wonder if was patterned after some WTS art...wouldn't be the first time the WTS "borrowed" someone's work.

  • ReallyTrulyAthena

    donuthole - I nearly choked on my coffee reading your comment. HAHAHA

    Oh man, that cover just gave me the heebie-jeebies Reminds me of the paintings my elder Dad had strewn around our house. Seriously, we had one IN THE KITCHEN hung on the wall behind the stove that was this psychedelic interpretation of Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount. I was "greatly encouraged and spiritually upbuilt" whilst flipping pancakes for family breakfast.

    You know times are tough when the JW head illustrator has to take side jobs doing album cover art. That's so brazen. LOLZ

    Looks like Death to False Metal is some of their "B-side" songs that were previously recorded but never released...cool!

    Edited to add: Hi and welcome, weezer1!

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