It's time to say goodbye to JWD - I sold it !

by Simon 54 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Magnum
    OK, I admit it. I fell for it. When I got to the part about selling it to the Watchtower, I stopped in shock, but then I realized the date.
  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle
  • neverendingjourney
    Damn, I worked so hard on that, literally for minutes, and no one fell for it at all ?!?

    The internet has ruined April Fool's Day.

    As part of my morning routine I check online news sites as well as my Twitter feed. Both are full of April Fool's references. No chance anyone will catch me unprepared.

  • cappytan
    I saw the headline and thought it was real, but when I opened the thread I was like, WHEW! April fools!
  • Giordano

    Don't feel bad Simon you had me for a while since it sounded logical.....WT buying up competing sites. Scientology did that a while back they bought an anti cult site and tried to convert it's members.

    if you spent another minute or two on it I would have been cutting my wrist.

  • Vidiot

    Very smoothly executed.

    Well done.

  • talesin

    Nice one.

  • Cadellin

    Okay, you totally got me. My heart stopped when I saw your line about selling it to the WT. It makes sense--I can imagine they would be willing to pay $$ to shut down any sites like this. And then your line about putting your family's future first...OMG.

    GOOD ONE!!!

  • Oubliette
    You had me ... for about 3.75 nanoseconds!
  • cappytan
    Simon, you should have placed it as an announcement banner across the top of the screen like you did for that ABC Nightline announcement. That would have really got some folks. lol

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