How do you feel about religion as a whole?

by FatherFirst 67 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • flipper

    A person doesn't HAVE to be religious to do good to and for others or to BE a good person. One thing that's always bothered me is how when I've met somebody for the first time that's a " born again " Christian or is very active in their church- when initially meeting them they always have to tell me " I'm a Christian " - or " " we're Christians " - and I feel like saying , " so your point is " ? I mean- I don't say when I first meet somebody, " Hi ! My name is Flipper, I'm an agnostic or atheist ! "

    Point is - I don't CARE what somebody CLAIMS to be - I'm more concerned with getting to know who they are AUTHENTICALLY - not their branding or marketing of themselves through some organization or religious affiliation. I'm not going to tell somebody I'm better than them for being an agnostic or atheist- but by gawd- I'm not going to believe anybody that says they are better than me because they're "Christian" either. Because it has NO bearing on whether a person is evil or good. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • TheFadingAlbatros

    I need religion as a whole like I need a hole in the head

  • Xanthippe
    Where there is poverty there is religion. Certainly true of my family when I was growing up. Introduce education and a decent standard of living and immediately there is time and the inclination to examine reality. Agnosticism and atheism tend to follow.
  • Butyoucanneverleave
    My spouse always said that religion as a whole is a hole.
  • user100
    religion = shit
  • EndofMysteries

    Religion has done a lot of good. It can be used for good or bad. 500/1000 years ago when much of the world was warring tribes religion is what brought peace. Religion united man, it's also responsible for much of the advancement of civilization. We wouldn't be where we are today without it. Religion reigned in on barbarism, punishment or reward in the afterlife depending on how you treat fellow man. Religion can keep in check a truly evil person if they believe there is punishment or reward for how they treat others in an afterlife. Religion can also make a good person evil depending on what they are taught to believe. (ISIS, crusades, killing of apostates, human sacrifice, etc) Then many also absolutely don't want to believe that this life is it, they need some hope that there is a continuation or more after this. Some don't care, they are fully happy believing this is it and don't care if there is a chance of anything else.

    You can find faults and positives in religion, atheism, agnosticism. It can be debated forever because not any one has only positives and no negatives. Depends on the people and how they respond to it.

  • cofty
    500/1000 years ago when much of the world was warring tribes religion is what brought peace

    Said nobody who had read any history at all ever!

  • freemindfade

    “With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.” ― Steven Weinberg

    *drops the mic and walks away...*

  • FayeDunaway
    Yes I agree, but it can work both ways. Sometimes 'evil' people do good things because of religion.
  • FatherFirst
    Examples FayDunaway? And before you ask for some from me... my family, when they disowned me and their granddaughter because of what they believed.

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