First official shunning was AWESOME

by SweetBabyCheezits 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • BabaYaga

    Aw, Snap!!! Aw snap indeed! I think you get a prize.

    However, you REFUSED to tell him what kinds of thoughts you were having.....which, if it were me, I'd think "damn, there must be something pretty important he's not telling me". I believe you have planted a seed.

    You are SO right! Good grief... I know that if my dear friend whom I loved and trusted left and didn't tell me what he had discovered, it would only be a matter of time before that gnawing curiousity got to me and my fingers would start TYPING into search fields.

    On that note, be careful what you post on here. I don't think you've said anything too bad about him. But maybe write as though you're hoping he will find your writing. Just a thought.

    A perfectly LOVELY and hopeful and loving thought... a thought which every single one of us who have loved ones still in should always have in mind.

    Nicely said.


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