"Birthdays rob the glory of God"

by sabastious 202 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    And I respect it's authority as do all Witnesses.

    You respect the WT more than the bible

  • AGuest
    [Jesus] didn't celebrate Birthdays (despite being fully aware of them! His cousin being beheaded at one).

    You don't know that, dear Debator (peace to you!). For at least one writer states:

    "There are, in fact, many other things also which JAHESHUA did, which, if ever they WERE written... in full detail... I suppose, the world itself could not contain the scrolls written." John 21:25

    So we Christians don't celebrate Birthdays. It is as simple as that.

    Yet, the children of Job, of whom the Most Holy One of Israel Himself said "... there is no one like him in the earth, a man blameless and upright, fearing God, and turning aside from bad"... did so celebrate. And Job loved them. The descendants of Abraham, the three wise men from the East, literally came to celebrate my Lord's birth. The angels literally celebrated my Lord's birth. All of these aside, however, in his admonition to "add no further burden" to those he chose, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, did not include "refrain/keep from celebrating birthdays" among those things cautioned about.

    Finally, you and those you follow miss a very important TRUTH... which is that ALL things clean... to CLEAN people.

    It wasn't till the third century and again under the heavy influence of Rome that Christians started celebrating pagan inspired Birthdays.

    Yet, "christians" adhere to many other customs and traditions rooted in pagan origin. The wedding band, for instance. Because it serves THEIR purpose (i.e., the identification ofmarried individuals), they feel perfectly justified in adopting this custom. When a custom or tradition DOESN'T fit their purpose... they reject it as "unchristian." The truth, however, is that it is hypocrisy. If ONE pagan custom is unclean, they are ALL unclean. And if one is clean... because the person ADOPTING it is clean... then they are ALL clean... by means of such adoption.

    This is the VERY difference between being a FREE person... and one who is still BOUND... to the traditions, customs, and teachings... of men. The former serve at the whim of Christ and so are TRULY free... because HE has set them free FROM the "burden" of trying to adhere to "laws" imposed by MEN... while the latter serve at the whim of MEN... and thus, are still bound. If one has to BE a slave, however, shouldn't one want to be a slave of the One whose service sets them FREE... rather than of those who service further BINDS them??

    We can be unique without needing an annual marking of time passing by which would be irrelevent to God anyway who is beyond time.

    We can say same the same of marriage... anniversaries... graduations... retirments... and other causes for celebration, could we not? For each honor the person(s) they are done for. Yes? Dear Debator, my Lord used the words "leaven" and "hypocrisy" for a reason. You would do well to ask him as to what these reasons are.

    Again, I bid you peace!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ, the WHOM that we go away to (John 6:68)... because there IS no "where"... truly...


  • The Finger
    The Finger


    As sensitive as I am, I think your ignoring me

    The Bible is a book of instructions to live and learn by, not to just find loopholes in to do what we want.
    And I respect it's authority as do all Witnesses......debator/Reniaa

    Jehovah`s Witness`s only repect what the WBT$ says,"The Bible says"..


    You don`t Follow the WBT$ so it`s not really clear what you respect.

    Other than your own Opinion..

    ......................... ...OUTLAW

  • 3dogs1husband

    Hahaha Debator you are sooo funny. It is amazing to me that you found the answer you wanted because you were told what the answer was and you went and found it!

    I have never ever celebrated a Birthday Anniversary EVER. I may or may not agree with some or all of the WT teachings regarding this so called pagen holiday. You would not KNOW because you have yet to think reason and get to know by discusion what moves others hearts, and what could make someone tick. And that is my riddle for you why are you here?

    Personaly I loved the Watchtowers comments about all of these pagen teachings ect...like being a candy gotten from the gutter, even if you washed it off.....would you still eat it? Their point here is to make me turn away from pagen holidays, however that comment was very very important to me and freeing my mind spiritualy, and opening the way to free thinking. The WTBTS is full of false ideas that have been thru a washing and made clean. (the pyramid is all I need to say) I am to eat this candy? The WTBTS has taken their teachings and washed and refined them according to current understandings, you and me are to swallow it. Things that are Pagen. So how can you deny anyone who has washed and refined a pagen holiday, and then feels that may partake....oh wait you cant only the GB can. and the GB says to get off of this site. So either debate from your own mind your own thoughts, or listen to the GB. Can you pick and choose wich ideas you follow? hmmmm that is sounding really really apostate to me..... Debator you are on a slippery slope.

    "I want to discuss why I might celebrate a worldly holiday" -

    I want to talk to apostates - Debator

    If you can not see any truth to the above statement, and make an honesty reply from your heart, your thinking, your reasoning I shall continue to ignore your posts and give them as much importance as I give the reasoning book. Debator tell me why you are on this site and why you feel the WT is wrong for saying you shouldnt be here.

  • thetrueone

    As the great lying Debator stands and raises her Spiritual sword of righteousness to the sky,

    one notices that the sword is made out of cheap plastic and is stamped with made by the Acme. Sword Company.

  • designs


    Do you wear a wedding ring, or if not married, do you approve- you know where this is going. In other words the new christian Religion found its points of compromise along the way. The missionary who self titled himself an apostle named Paul is reportedly to have set up shop in a room in a Synagogue, now you can't get a Christian or a JW to set foot in a Synagogue for fear they'll get the kooties.

    Customs- how strange.........

  • caliber

    We can say same the same of marriage... anniversaries... graduations... retirments... and other causes for celebration, could we not? For each honor the person(s) they are done for

    Rather than being bogged down sorting through rules and laws ..things were made simple for us ..

    The Pharisees obeyed all of the Ten Commandments, yet God was very displeased with them because they did not have love.

    So all of God's requirements for mankind boil down to this one command: "YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF." If you truly do this one thing only, it is enough. It then doesn't matter if you fall short on some of the dozens of others

    For the whole law is fulfilled in one word, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Galatians 5:14 RSV) _____________________________________________________________

    Trying to please God by our own righteousness & obedience is like trying to swim across the ocean.... we may be miles ahead of others in the swim

    by our own strength and self-righteousness ... but still you never reach salvation( the shore across the ocean )of you own power !

  • Mary
    Reniaa-bator bleated: Baptism has pagan ties with other groups, birthdays are of pagan origin.

    Your statement above doesn't even make sense. What 'other groups' are you referring to Reniaa? Ancient Egypt? Is that not 'pagan' enough for you? As I clearly showed you, baptism is linked to the doctrine of the immortality of the soul. Yet Jesus himself was baptised. Care to explain why Jesus participated in a ritual that had it's origins in ancient pagan Egypt? Or are you just going to continue to post your particular brand of spiritual bullshit?

    One Jesus did (he got baptised) the other he had nothing to do with and under inspiration not one apostles gave Jesus's birthdate why?

    Na, na.......answer my question: If birthdays are soooo bad, and Jesus himself knew they were so bad, why are they not condemned anywhere in the bible?

    BTW why are you mixing items with actual celebrations? these are two different things and not comparative at all.

    Oh please. Of course they're comparable to anyone with half a brain. Which of course leaves you out. Both practices have their roots in ancient pagan rituals, yet Rutherfraud decided that the celebration of birthdays was evil while baptism was a-okay. It's called a 'double standard' Reniaa-bator. Even if you're too dumb to see it.

    The difference is between what we have to put up with under the authority of this world and what our heart motivates us to celebrate under Jehovah's rule.

    Once again, your stupidity shines through. Your statement (again) is meaningless and isn't worth the bandwidth it takes up on the computer.

    I have never hankered after the greed and over-indulgence of these feastdays.

    That's probably because no one would ever offer to throw you a birthday party. You're too dumb to have any friends and clearly you haven't gone back to the KH like you said you were going to. Just another pathetic shut-in with apparently nothing to do with her life except post meaningless crap on an 'apostate' website in the desperate attempt to receive Jehovah's blessing.



    I`m choking on my coffee..LOL!!..

    ......................... ...OUTLAW

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