Psychic feelings anyone?

by 1Robinella 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Markfromcali

    One thing to consider is experiences are by nature temporary, that applies to being "mentally out" as well as anything - whereas if something was a permanent trait it's very different. Aside from the obvious psychological reactions based on peoples belief systems and world views, these things do tend to come in the form of anecdotal accounts, and the attention becomes focused on the experiences rather than a broader contextual view. We tell stories about them, but what is a story? It's an account of something that happened in a limited span of time, but psychic phenomena is, by definition something that does not fit in that usual framework.

    There are people who study this stuff scientifically, but they are obviously on the fringe, some of it is going to be published in a language you're not fluent in and of course the research is not necessarily of a good quality. You can just approach it subjectively and dispense with the objective view, but there again quality is an issue - it's very easy to go a la carte with it like anything else.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Unless you have had such an experience firsthand, it's hard to understand or believe that something like this is possible.

  • Markfromcali

    You'll never understand the experience if you're fixated on belief or being believed in.

    You either have had this kind of experience or not, (which I have) but just telling stories does not make you understand it in any sense of the word. It's like an exJW may feel only an exJW can understand their experience, there's some truth to that but what you're really talking about is being able to empathize, not understanding. You get a bunch of exJWs together and they may reminisce, but that says nothing about how well they understand the experience.

    We all like to be understood but clearly when it comes to something like this, it's a question of whether you understand it yourself, and we clearly don't- that's exactly why it's interesting to talk about. So you can seek to be understood and fulfill that social need, or you can actually get curious to investigate it, but that involves a little more than telling stories. That says nothing about whether you've had those expriences. Then again, people are not always really interested in understanding themselves, regardless of the type of experience.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I know I don't understand it.

    I could say that I have taught myself to be especially aware of certian things due to my personal experiences and that could explain a lot of what happens when I am counseling someone.

    It doesn't explain at all how I can know someone is having trouble with something when I haven't spoken to them in months or years. I just know I can do this with certain people. It happened. I hade these feelings and despite how much I tried to ignore them or discount them when I finally contacted the people they said they were having some pretty big issues to deal with.

    Whatever it is I have learned to listen to it because as in these two cases (and there have probably been others I can't recall right now) those feelings were right.

  • Markfromcali

    And that subjective awareness is certainly valuable and not to be discounted. The issue is when we're communicating about it, especially online we necessarily deal with the objective view.

    Also it's important to distinguish between subjective and personal views. Subjectivity does not necessarily have to do with the influence of personal factors, but if it is viewed personally then there's a lot of baggage that comes with it, and that's just going to obscure our view. That's why I have no interest in relating this kind of experience anymore, it seems to inevitably become another sensationalistic story.

    I don't see why we can't view things both subjectively and objectively, including this kind of experience. Both may have biases but being aware of them is a part of seeing things clearly. We are obviously capable of both perspectives, but we don't seem to make it a habit of having an awareness of both all the time, and perhaps categorize some things as belonging to one view or the other.

  • Leprechaun

    Ultra low frequency (ULF) is what our brains transmit, it is preceaved on certain machines even quite far from the body, say like ten to fifteen feet away. Electromagnetic energy is what ultra low frequency (ULF) is. It has been surmised that the thoughts of all humans are still issuing out from the earth even though those people have long since passed away, much like light from a flash light does only in this case our brain waves from human thought is in a very special spectrum of light energy.

  • 1Robinella

    Hum..very interesting reading. Very often the events of our lives are orchestrated in such a way that it is difficult to miss the lesson. At other times, we are unable, as hard as we try, to understand why a situation has come our way. What we experience as fate, luck, or societal limitations are often circumstances that have been set in motion by a combination of factors, including our thoughts and beliefs, our creative ability, our soul purpose, and our karma. By paying attention to the small coincidences of our daily lives and by noticing the many messages sent to us to help us succeed, we can become conscious of what our soul has come here to learn, and we can contribute to our own learning. The choices and decisions we make each day impact how our future unfolds. When we learn to work in unison with the higher energies, we experience less confusion and more harmony.

    BabaYaga:" I have often wondered where or who or what I would be if I had been encouraged and told it was a gift instead of being told it was "the demons."

    Broken Promises:" I had some inkling towards being psychic but as a good JW I pushed those feelings/experiences away."

    I totally understand. For me, developing intuitive and physical abilities can also at times feel like a leap into the unknown. It may be hard to believe that we have within us the ability to access information or connect to and communicate with the nonphysical. It is also a journey that ignites within us a passion for discovery and relelation. I also have wondered for many, many years why we were taught that such things were the demons speaking. That does not sound like reasonable thinking. The fact that my mother's own fear mixed with JW teachings instilled fear into me. This is something I am working through. Please do not misunderstand me, I believe that their is good and evil people living on the earth and I also believe once passed away these same people mimic the way they lived. If they were a good person, then it's possible they may be a good spirit, but if they passed away as a bad person or angry then it's possible they are a bad spirit. Although I am not new to these type of experiences it's still a learning/understanding of myself as a person and it's nice to know that other JW or ex-JW's have also experienced some type of psychic feelings even though we may not fully understand everything shown or given to us, to me, it's a privilege.

  • Twitch

    I've learned to trust my instincts, follow my gut feeling, listen to "intuition" where possible and try to keep senses and thoughts open to any inspiration, input or insight, which often comes unexpectedly. This is not to say I turn off the logical and fairly rational mind, but is rather something to "balance the equation". It isn't something psychic per se but it may not be far off in a sense. Whatever, trust the gut :)

    PS I can bend spoons wit mah mind but only if nobody's watching,...

  • Hadit

    Very interesting topic. I've always been extremely intuitive to the point that I used to disregard a lot of things because I thought it had to do with demons. I've since dropped that notion completely. I think it has a lot to do with being in tune with what your body is saying and tuning into subconscious goings on.


  • 1Robinella

    Yup, sounds familiar Hadit. I'm very in tune with my body and my surroundings. I'm also in tune with others around me.

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