Got My Medical Marijuana Card Today....

by dssynergy 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • dssynergy

    So I'm in California on business for 3 months, possibly more. Might just decide to stay. I'm enjoying the sun...

    Anyhow - I just went in and got my marijuana card today. Bought a vaporizer - and someone gave me a very fine bag...I'm all set. Just curious how things would shake out when I go back to Oregon/Washington and someone finds out - I'm fading, but I'm technically still in.

    And, if you think it will go badly - anyone have any recommendations on how to handle it??

    Thanks in advance. :-)

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    One toke over the line sweet Jesus....

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Here's the Lawrence Welk cover he's talking about. I've got to put this on Vampire's greatest covers ever thread too. Lawrence Welk thought it was a gospel song when he introduced it, lol

  • dssynergy


  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    I've never done Marijuana....don't know what all the fuss is about....

  • Snoozy

    Wow, I never thought of this but you made me wonder what if you are a JW and get a medical Marijuana card? What would they do?

    After all it is for medicinal purposes.. What would/can they do? Discriminate? Disfellowship? How can they object?

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    I sort of want to get one just to test it out. Actually, I'm pretty sure they do nothing. It's like any other prescription.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Wickipedia says 50% of British Columbians have tried marijuana, the highest rate in the world! I'm not sayin whether I've done it or not... I'm just reporting the facts!

  • AudeSapere
    Snoozy wrote: After all it is for medicinal purposes.. What would/can they do? Discriminate? Disfellowship? How can they object?

    Blood Transfusions are for medicinal purposes, too.


  • dogon

    If you have never done weed, and want to know what its like, get a bottle of presure whip cream. when empty finish the bottle by letting it presure off in your mouth and breath in the gas. Its nitrous oxid and will give you about the same buzz. It last for only about 5 min. and no harm. Pot does the same for longer.

    How does the congergations in the California area view pot if its medical? Do they just let it go or is it a disfellowshipping offence no mater what? I can not imagin those old fucks at brooklyn letting it go for any reason. Bunch of idiots.

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