Kingdom Hall dissitents are on the rise!

by Marie B. Paraison 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marie B. Paraison
    Marie B. Paraison

    (Hebrews 10:24,25 ) " And let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together--". Have you ever remarked that these scriptures do not say anything about teaching or instructing? That’s because such is the work of God’s Holy Spirit. Each person should be led by the Holy Spirit not by man. It’s easy to shift this responsibility to an organization that claims to fulfill all our spiritual needs, but is it without cost? There is a high cost to pay when we allow someone else to strip away our rights to be curious and to question the status quo. Here is a classic example: I vividly recall the brothers encouraging the congregation to keep a firm grasp on the promise of everlasting life by attending all five meetings a week, these meetings were described as the firm grip of five fingers. It was explained this way to stress how vital attendance at each meeting was. For many, many decades the meeting schedule we all complied with was – the five meetings which took place during three days of every week. How often a church or congregation meets for worship whether once a week or more is of man’s design but not a mandate from Jehovah/Yah. Now attendance is required two days a week for four meetings but not a question is raised neither is one allowed. All in attendance simply look forward to the next time the number of meetings are decreased and they anticipate the next reduction of pioneer hours (ministry hours) to shout for joy. The Israelites came together on the Sabbath to hear the reading of the Law. However, originally the weekly Sabbath day was observed inside of the private home. ( Exodus 16: 29) " Keep sitting each one in his own place. Let nobody go out from his locality on the seventh day ". Each of us have a complete copy of the Bible in our home, thereby our spiritual needs can be met with the guidance of God’s Holy Spirit. It’s time we act responsibly and have our freedom back.

    I used to believe that great organization skills, the name Jehovah and God’s kingdom were unique of this one true religion until I did my own research. For a long time I was a contented full time pioneer in this organization but at the same time I was in a desperate situation because of poor health. It was by avoiding certain foods as I described in my letters I experienced what is spoken of at ( 1Corinthians 3:16). " Do you not know that you people are God’s temple, and that the spirit of God dwells in you?" God is holy, he requires a clean temple to dwell in. This scripture applies to everybody not just a governing body or circuit overseers. By the way, the governing body and the circuit overseers eat and condone the eating of pork and everything else that are scavengers. These creatures are inherently unclean, unclean is not just a label in the old testament. The light of God’s Holy Spirit set me free from following men and guided me to the truth in the word of God. I am not a member of any particular clan, it is love that motivates me to furnish this explanation. Through various bible teaching methodologies multitudes have already discontinued attending meetings at the Kingdom Hall. Please do not shut me out because I am speaking truth.


    Marie Paraison

    Track three previous posts by typing Marie paraison, on the search bar.

  • Soldier77

    Actually, there are still 5 meetings a week. The book study, or rather the Congregation Bible Study as it is called now, is on the same night as the TMS and SM. So technically, there are still 5.

    Back to your comment about the R&F looking forward to less meetings, maybe that's next, taking out the CBS. Who knows?

  • OnTheWayOut

    Welcome MBP.

    ....these meetings were described as the firm grip of five fingers.

    I will use catchy sayings and phrases. Heck, I will even use figurative analogy to make a point. But I have learned not to lean too heavily upon the same for life itself. If someone comes up with some life-or-death phrase of how to get by, someone else comes up with the opposite:

    Actions speak louder than words.
    The pen is mightier than the sword.

    The bigger the better.
    Good things come in small packages.

    Clothes make the woman.
    Don't judge a book by it's cover.

    The more the merrier.
    Two's company, three's a crowd.

    Better safe than sorry.
    Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    Too many cooks spoil the broth.
    Many hands make light work.

    The glass is half empty.
    The glass is half full.

  • SixofNine

    way to harsh my bacon mellow, newbie.

  • Sayswho

    Ok great...but it will only make a difference to those who are informed and except these real 'truths'. Yes all these are man made up rules...but when 'in' we agree to follow them, why? Because we thought they were necessary. There will always be those who will exploit the weak and unknowing. They become wicked when they know what they are doing is wrong.

    • You and can actively challenge these established doctrine, and policy....unfortunately it will only get u in trouble...but you can save yourself and those who will listen to you.


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