WT Jan 2011 - Grieving Holy Spirit Defined?

by sabastious 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tec

    It is very clever to turn someone someone showing love and support for a friend or loved one, into someone grieving against God unless they hand their friend or loved one over.


  • blondie

    I had a close relative that was an alcoholic and I asked the elders to help them; they ignored it. When they got professional help and told the elders, they just encouraged them to continue. Now in another congregation they might have brought the full weight of their boot down on their neck.

    As in many other threads, it depends on the individual elders in that congregation; elder response will vary from congregation to congregation, from region to region.

    Added: the response will be different if it is alcohol rather than illegal drugs.

  • wasblind

    Thank you Blondie,

    the reason I asked, is because when I was studying

    I was told that the whole organization was in sync with

    one another, Now I see it's for Organizational rules and

    regulations. And that the Elders do have discretion over

    matters in individual congs

  • Nice_Dream

    wasblind - I know someone who has been DF'd because of an alcohol problem. He had been going to AA meetings for a long time and the elders told him to stop. Fortunately this guy refused to stop going and told the elders he needs to go to the AA meetings to keep his problem in check. Apparently the elders were ok with it when he told them he replaces their idea of "God" with "Jehovah."

    I think it is so stupid that untrained elders can encourage an alcoholic to stop seeking help when they can't offer real help in return.

  • wasblind

    Wow Nice_Dream,

    He just might have to change to a cong that might work with his problem

  • wasblind

    If i was Him,

    I'd use this as an excuse to make my exit

  • Nice_Dream

    wasblind - He has a nice wife who isn't a witness and doesn't agree with lots of their teachings...so you never know. There's hope for him still!

  • sabastious
    They truly are the Pharisees of the 21st century.

    I agree bxjw, but they don't have a patent on 21st century hypocrisy :)


  • MrMonroe

    Pleasing our greatest Friend, Jehovah, is always the right thing to do. When we put him first, others who love him will respect us for our loyalty and become true friends.

    So I get it now. I keep a close eye out for the failings of my brothers. When I see any transgression, perhaps his failure to walk out of a movie because there's some bonking in it, or he got really pissed and stupid when I was round at his place one night with a few beers, I inform the elders to show I am putting Jehovah first. The wrongdoer get counseled, reproved or possibly disfellowshipped. When my brothers in the congregation see that I helped keep the congregation clean by informing the elders, their respect for me grows and they become my true friends.

    This is an organization I want to be part of.

    And let's face it. Jehovah sees all, right? He knows my brother got a bit of a woody watching that movie, or got so smashed on those beers that his prayer before our meal was a bit wobbly and rambling. Now Jehovah can't tell the elders, can he? He's using me, correct? I am God's eyes and ears. I must do this more often. Possibly there are more of my brothers erring. Respect for me within the congregation must surely grow.

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