Apostate Hall of Fame

by RunningMan 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • RunningMan

    I would like to take a moment to pay tribute to those giants of Apostasy, those pioneers who have paved the way for the rest of us to apostatize in relative comfort and security.

    So, with no further introduction, I present my rendition of:


    1. Ray Franz - This selection really requires no explanation.

    2. James Penton - James was really the first Apostate scholar. His book was by far the most well written and comprehensive analysis of the JW religion up to that point. He establised the Apostate movement as credible and well informed. As well, he put Lethbridge, Alberta on the map as the "Apostate Capital of Canada".

    3. Carl Olaf Johnsson - This early Apostate apologist paved the way for future logical refutations of the Society's teachings. His book "The Gentile Times Revisited" was the first of its kind, and proved that the Society could be challenged without bringing down divine vengance, and that apostate arguments could reach even the highest levels of the organization.

    4. The Renegades - As the field of Apostasy emerged, a new class of practitioners developed. Fueled by desire to help the pitiful souls trapped within the Watchtower, persons like Bill Bowen and Lee Elder have selflessly sacrificed themselves to bring changes from within, so that maybe, someday, fewer individuals will be sacrificed on the alter of the WBTS.

    5. The Informers - In order to spread the Apostate gospel, persons like Randy Watters and Kent Stienhaug have developed comprehensive repositories of WT-busting literature, including personal testimonies, logical refutations, and physical documentation of lies, deceit, and cover-ups. These repositories are instrumental in curing persons of JW-itis and vaccinating potential converts against this terrible disease. My personal thanks to Timothy Campbell at beyondjw.com for being instrumental in my deprogramming and publishing some of my stuff.

    6. The Networkers - Countless persons, like our own Simon, spend their resources to get the Good News of Apostasy out to goatlike ones. These persons spend time, energy, and money to host web sites, chat rooms, distribute news releases, and otherwise Advertise, Advertise, Advertise the message.

    Thanks to all of you, from the great unwashed masses of fringe JW's. You have changed our lives. We, and hopefully the Society, will never be the same.

    My message to you is this: Your efforts and sacrifices are not in vain.

    So, in the most un-JWlike gesture that I can make, I SALUTE YOU.

  • Adonai438

    What does it say about a religion when all the BIG GUYS leave?
    Many of their books they still use are written by those who have DAed themselves because WT doctrine is not in the Bible- Bet they don't tell their mambers the author of the book they are studying is an apsotate.

  • Faithful2Jah

    I take exception to one of your nominees in category #5, Kent Stienhaug. As Pete Rose has been kept out of the Baseball Hall of Fame due to his immoral and embarrassing activities, Kent Stienhaug should be banned for life from the Apostates Hall of Fame for the same reasons. His tasteless attacks on Jesus Christ and his filthy mouth have no doubt caused many JWs, who may have given serious consideration to what apostates have to say, to cover their eyes and quickly run back to "the truth."

    Kent should be let into the Apostate Hall of Fame when they let Pete Rose into the Baseball Hall of fame, and not a minute sooner.

  • expatbrit

    We need another category for die-hard witnesses who feel it their duty to combat apostates on the web, and in doing so, damage the Watchtower far more effectively than most of us ever will.

    The Pyrrhics, perhaps?


  • waiting

    Oh, Kent's ok. Afterall, he's a man. I'm a woman who works solely with men - so I'm a low authority on men - and my husband says "What do you expect? All men are bastards." So there, definitive proof of sorts.

    In actuality, some jw came on here once quoting her CO as saying about "that Steinhaug man." Quote: "That Steinhaug man has caused more brothers to leave the Truth than reading Crisis of Conscience ever did."

    For some unknown reason, Kent took exception to her quote, when in actuality, it was an apostate-sort of compliment.

    His site is hard nosed, like Kent is sometimes. But the Watchtower Observer has a wealth of information - and keeps getting better everyday. He does his job well.

    Do I agree with Kent all the time? No - but then, he's told me he doesn't respect me anyway....so like I care, eh?

    But his place is a valuable - true - source of information. And Kent's ok too. Tad grumpy, however.


    ps: I was j-o-k-i-n-g about the *man* remarks. As I've said previously, "some men aren't louses." - and I was really trying to be politically correct that time.

  • Kenneson

    Add to your list that old -timey great William J. Schnell who wrote "Thirty Years A Watchtower Slave."

  • RunningMan

    With regard to Ray's book, Adonai's comment made me think. Crisis of Consience is just as relevant and current today as it was 20 years ago. How many of the Society's books of that age are still current?

    I defend Kent's presence in the list. He is like Dirty Harry. Modern day apostates can apostatize in comfort because others have gone before us to clean up the mess. Who do you want doing this job - PeeWee Herman? Besides, what could be more embarassing and immoral than the group he is exposing?

    As for all the others who are missing, I have undoubtedly missed many of them. Feel free to post your additions.

  • Satanus


    Don't forget schnell. His book is dynamite. I think he was the first w real inside info.

    Thanks SS

  • Mindchild

    Running Man says:

    I defend Kent's presence in the list. He is like Dirty Harry. Modern day apostates can apostatize in comfort because others have gone before us to clean up the mess. Who do you want doing this job - PeeWee Herman? Besides, what could be more embarassing and immoral than the group he is exposing?
    Good one dude! Kent does remind me of him too He is the kind of guy that takes no shit and if you try to dump on him, he dumps right back. He is rather peaceful and cool if you don't provoke him. I think we need people like him who bitch slap the WTS and make them shit a collective brick now and then. I bet you he starts each day by calling up the Watchtower Bile and Tract Society and says...Do you feel lucky today Punks!

    Go Kent go.


  • openminded

    What-about You Know? Oh this is the Apostate hall of Fame. Im sorry I thought it was the Hall of Shame. My bad.

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