Do you think that the WT will ban the Internet?

by gilwarrior 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bendrr

    Sure they can ban the internet. Someone else used the term "backdoor ban". Close but I think it would be more accurate to call it an "unnoficial ban". We know that we'll never see in print an outright ban on internet access. But at the same time, it doesn't have to be in print to be enforced.
    Much easier to put the responsibility on the local elders. Word passes down-ranks and reaches local bodies of elders to do all possible to stop any internet access in the local congregations.
    I would expect it to start at Bethel. Very conceiveable to ban Bethelites from using the net. Then highlight in a WT article that "our Brothers and Sisters serving at Bethel do not use the internet and see how well they are doing without it" (or something to that effect).
    I've already offered to set my parents' computer up with a free internet account like Netzero and my Mom quickly said "NO! We don't need that!" It's already being "discouraged" at the local level.

    "You can't have everything, where would you put it?" -- Steven Wright

  • larc


    Banning the internet is no different than banning the library. Both are forms of finding information, simple as that. Now I can sit in my home and find out information, quicker that it would take me to drive to my local library. Plus, there is information here that I could never find at the library, such as you folks.

    The internet rules!

  • DanielHaase

    May not outright "ban" it. I see it getting the same status as "R" rated movies. Besides, where would all the pedophile elders get their motivation??

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