"Evolution is JUST a Theory!"

by sabastious 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nickolas

    Mad Sweeney: Creation is not a scientific theory.

    No, but a theory nevertheless, which proports to explain life and all its complexity in competition with the (scientific) theory of evolution. See definition below. 1, 2 and 3 relate to scientific theory, 4, 5 and 6 fit non-scientific theory.

    the·o·ry (th-r, thîr)

    n.pl.the·o·ries 1. A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena. 2. The branch of a science or art consisting of its explanatory statements, accepted principles, and methods of analysis, as opposed to practice: a fine musician who had never studied theory. 3. A set of theorems that constitute a systematic view of a branch of mathematics. 4. Abstract reasoning; speculation: a decision based on experience rather than theory. 5. A belief or principle that guides action or assists comprehension or judgment: staked out the house on the theory that criminals usually return to the scene of the crime. 6. An assumption based on limited information or knowledge; a conjecture.

  • Lily Pie
    Lily Pie

    On and odd note. I love the theory of evolution. It's my favourite scientific discovery of all time. It makes me weepy when I'm out in nature and I see it's effects in real life.

    So beautiful.

    You can believe in evolution AND God. I don't see why not. As a species we have believed much stupider things.

    Lily Pie

  • ziddina

    "Evolution is JUST a Theory!"

    Aaaand all religions are JUST fairy tales...

    Zid - who likes Lily Pie's comment, even tho I personally cannot believe in a "god" after all that I've seen that supports evolution...

  • tec

    You can believe in evolution AND God.

    Yes, we can. I see absolutely no reason why not.


  • Markfromcali

    It's not just a matter of what you believe or the content, but there is the fallacy of holding on to beliefs in terms of absolutes regardless of whether it's positive or negative beliefs. I don't know, I guess some sense of security may have something to do with it but it only makes sense to have reasons for what you believe, which means it is conditional. Also since peoples identities are tied in to their beliefs I guess that accounts for being resistant to change.

    EDIT: For that matter, why is it necessary to hold a belief on everything - especially if it's on something one does not even understand or know about?

  • thetrueone

    There is a theory that Jehovah's Witnesses are actually Jehovah's witnesses.

  • Markfromcali

    That's brilliant Trueone! Are they, or is that an identity that they believe themselves to be? What we do know is they are people like anyone else, and that is not dependent on believing anything. You are what you are, things are what they are, beliefs are what you think about them.

  • Farkel

    Evolution is just a theory and Intelligent Design is just a fantasy.

    At least theories have some facts behind them.


  • simon17

    No, but [creation is] a theory nevertheless, which proports to explain life and all its complexity in competition with the (scientific) theory of evolution. See definition below. 1, 2 and 3 relate to scientific theory, 4, 5 and 6 fit non-scientific theory.

    No, you're wrong. Your mixing up the two defintions of theory. Creation is a theory in the vernacular. Anyone can make up any guess and call it a theory any time (like a conspiracy theory... happens all the time with no real basis). A scientific theory must explain a wide variety of observations and successfully unify and answer a host of different questions with an explanation that has never been proven wrong. Creation is not a scientific theory in any sense of the word. Why? #1, the BIBLICAN account of creation is not supported by the physical evidence. Creation in general is not a scientific occurrence anyway.

    Now, you may point to the creation of the universe (before the big bang). There are no accepted scientific theories as to what caused that. The evidence does not support any conclusion. There are hypothesis. And creation is just as good as any of these hypothesis at this point because they all lack evidence.

  • PSacramento

    Lets remember one thing guys, Genesis is NOT a science book and was not written to explain the sceince of Creation, nomatter how many believer and non-believers would liek to put that on the writer(s) of Genesis.

    That said, the biblical account of creation is not that far off, if we remove the "story telling" and look at what is said:

    There was nothing, then there was "light" and from the moment, life began in the universe.

    Man was "created" of the earth as were all the living creatures.

    In the end, all Genesis says, in terms of the beginning of life, is that at one point there was nothing and then there was the beginning of life, which was something that the ancients did NOT believe since most though that the universe was "always there" much like many scientists used to believe too and some still do.

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