Witnesses Now for Jesus Convention ...Oct. 15,16,17.

by braveheart 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • designs


    Its what Evangelicals and Fundamentalists believe, having gone to most of their Churches after leaving the Witnesses I have first hand knowledge- see my thread on EvangelicalFundamentalists and Witnesses joined at the Hip and what they do to their children.

    As for their version of someone called Jesus, its just that a version based on the teachings of a bunch of early Bishops and hardly anything like a first century Observant Jewish Itinerant Rabbi trying to help his people to follow the Torah and Talmud and the 'Golden Rule' taught by Rabbi Hillel a few centuries before.

  • braveheart

    Hey Designs...I read your thread...thanks for that...I think?...I'm still processing... sorry to hear your church experiences have been WTesk. I would run for the door also.

    I am all about a healthy, well balanced church...that focuses on God, Christ and the Word.

    Comparing our church to ...KH, WTS, GB ...a man-made religious Mother ORG, who places itself on par with GOD himself...

    doesn't match up..IMHO. Child abuse ?? I have never run into that...maybe I don't understand or relate to the child abuse you speak of.

    We are free in Christ...to worship where we want...its good to find something that fits.

    Our dress, haircuts, what we do and don't do...it's our choice..with the kids...ie, traditional service, contemporary rock it out with the youth service ...etc,etc

    If I ever felt pressured into anything....like the WT theocratic treadmill...Adios!

    Thank you for your thoughts...and I'm glad you were able to get your family out of the WT cult.

    Peace and Strength to you. -BH

  • Chalam

    Amen braveheart!

    Galatians 5:1 (New International Version)

    Freedom in Christ
    1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

    2 Corinthians 3:17 (New International Version)

    17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

    Blessings in Christ,


  • designs

    Weren't you the one who uses the term Heresy, you are not free you are just in another Cult with more members and a different set of Rules.

    Been there seen that....

  • braveheart

    Hello Chalam Steve...You always have just the right WORD at the ready...thank you for that.

    Hello again Designs... I don't recall using the word 'heresy' on this board....

    I am quite sure I am not in another Cult...but thank you for your concern.

    I have Steven Hassan's Book on Cult Mind Control...and looking forward to reading it.

    Peace. -BH

  • designs

    Braveheart- My comment was posted after Stephen's so it was directed at him not you. He is the one who uses terms like Heresy, classic Us vs Them programming. Enjoy Hassan's book, I have not read it but many here have found it beneficial. I chose another route through college and had some excellent instructors in psychology and training in family counseling.

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