I'm coming to the conclusion...the WTBTS is a publishing cult (If its all about the bible why do we have all the books/tracts/magazines. etc)?

by Joliette 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Joliette

    Was watching a video on you-tube (I wish I could copy and paste the link, but cant do it in mozilla firefox). Anyways, the video made a really good point about how the wtbts is not only a religious cult but a publishing cult. The Watchtower has released hundreds of books over the past 100 years. If its always been ALL about the bible, when why do has there been so many books, tracts, and magazines released over the years.

    SIDENOTE: I went to a dollar tree here in my hometown Milwaukee, and brought a King James bible for $1 (thats right, $1!!) Thats it.

  • little witch
    little witch

    Indeed. So much for the "come all drink free" bs, huh? LOL


  • pirata

    I think there are also other possible reasons:

    - Written statements of doctrine are needed to keep worldwide "unity". Otherwise the brothers may go off on independent thinking

    - Since there is a wealth of material provided by the faithful slave, there's no need to do outside research.

    In essence it's essential to preserver a unified non-questioning community.

  • Joliette

    lol @ littlewitch

    Very true Pirata

    Something else that I've always noticed, thats always seemed kinda odd to me:

    The people who appear as actors/models in the watchtower and awakes magagzines arent paid. This is another form of free labor (amongst the people who volunteer at bethel in the first place). Along with actors who work for free, free labor, not only do the rank and file members of Jehovah's Witnesses go out and 'sale' the publications, they go out place the publications, and accept volunteery donations for they publications. is GETTING FD

    FD$ is getting PAID!!!!! LOL

  • little witch
    little witch


    A person can get a free bible all day long from almost any church, neighbor, second hand store, christian run charity, etc...

    Indeed the tower is a propoganda, leaflet, book, cd, and in short, media selling corporation.

    Thanks for the post, I will look for the YT link.


  • thetrueone

    Jesus said to preach his gospel not to sell it.

    Yes the WTS. has always been a religious publishing company at the core,

    the all assuming power cultivated and grew as the company expanded around the globe.

    With the help of stringent indoctrination by the writers/editors. that was purposeful infused as the true gospel preaching.

    The Kingdom Halls are really publishing training locations to properly learn

    how to sell the WTS. literature door to door. The self identifying we are god's only solemn organization

    has gone a long way in convincing people that this what they should be doing to remain in god's approval,

    if they are going to make through Armageddon of course. Thats why they have for decades sold the we are living

    in the last days, do nothing but become a WT preacher and join the society the group that will be on the other side

    of this terrible Armageddon in beautiful Paradise. How about it ?

  • elderelite

    You've taken your first step into a larger world - obi wan kenobi

  • mentallyfree31

    All the literature is necessary. They have to keep people busy, and under destructive mind control. I quit reading it years before I actually "awakened".

  • thetrueone

    They have to keep people busy, and under destructive mind control. I quit reading it years before I actually "awakened".

    good point , In essence JWS have always paid out of their own pockets for their own destructive mind control.

    Its a filthy corrupt operation but unfortunately legal in the STATES where it started and many places around the world.

    The accumulative amount of lies and disingenuous mis-information put out by this organization since

    its very beginings is alarming retrospectively.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Mentallyfree31, you have put it in a nutshell!

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