UFO's: Are they from outer space or a orchestrated event from earth?

by cameo-d 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • cameo-d

    So, have you ever seen one? Do you believe it is some government plot? Why?

    Do you think ET's are scouting us out...and for what reason?

    Do you think abduction hysteria will be the next wave of weird news to set people on the edge of their seats?

    Could it be a planned orchestration by governments to distract the general public from something more serious that is going on?

    Could this be some illusion/propaganda by religionists to attempt to create a "rapture story"?

  • VampireDCLXV

    Oh boy! I should've known you'd do something weird like this...


  • cameo-d

    Well, the Pope says we have Space Brothers.

  • darkuncle29

    I'm inclined to think a bit of all of the above except for the fake rapture idea.

  • cameo-d

    So, DU, do you think it is secret military operations? Why would they not unveil the technology if they have it? What would they be using this for that they would need to keep it secret?

  • darkuncle29

    So, DU, do you think it is secret military operations?

    Maybe, but not all of it.

    Why would they not unveil the technology if they have it?

    So that BP can keep selling us gas, Detroit can try to sell us cars, and airlines can keep cramming us in jets like sardines in metal cans. $$$$$

    We pay a lot for our energy; gas, electricity. If we didn't need to buy energy then the energy merchants would go out of business. Then the people who sell us equipment that use those energy sources would go out of business.

    What would they be using this for that they would need to keep it secret?

    I don't know. Perhaps the manipulation of economies, markets, govts and people.

  • ProdigalSon

    We aren't alone in the universe and we never have been. There's evidence all over the planet of past alien visitation, in the monoliths located all over the world's magnetic grid vortices...places like Stonehenge, Giza, Macchu Picchu, etc... Also, we periodically get "zapped" with energy that causes quantum leaps in evolution, and periods of enlightenment such as occurred in the time of Pythagoras, Sybil of Cumea, etc.... THIS guy explains it very nicely...

    Drunvalo Melchizedek-Birth of a New Humanity


    They have been very limited in how much they can interfere with our free will. We were put here to evolve find our own way back to the Creator. They have been helping us all along...


    Seven former U.S. Air Force personnel gathered in Washington Monday to recount UFO sightings over nuclear weapons facilities in decades past – accounts that a UFO researcher says show extraterrestrial beings are interested in the world’s nuclear arms race and may be sending humans a message. At a news conference at the National Press Club, the six former officers and one ex-enlisted man recalled either personal sightings or reports from subordinates and others of UFOs hovering over nuclear missile silos or nuclear weapons storage areas in the 1960s, '70s and '80s. Three of the former Air Force officers – though they hadn’t seen the UFOs themselves - told reporters that UFOs hovering over silos around Montana’s Malmstrom Air Force Base in 1967 appeared to have temporarily deactivated some of the nuclear missiles. Much of the testimony already has appeared in books, websites and elsewhere. But UFO researcher and author Robert Hastings, who organized the news conference, said the time has come for the U.S. government to acknowledge the UFO visits. “I believe - these gentlemen believe - that this planet is being visited by beings from another world, who for whatever reason have taken an interest in the nuclear arms race which began at the end of World War II,” said Hastings, who added that more than 120 former military personnel have told him about UFOs visiting nuclear sites. “Regarding the missile shutdown incidents, my opinion … is that whoever are aboard these craft are sending a signal to both Washington and Moscow, among others, that we are playing with fire – that the possession and threatened use of nuclear weapons potentially threatens the human race and the integrity of the planetary environment,” he said.

    So, there are negative ET's and benevolent ET's. The negative ones wish to infringe on the free will of others. Since Love is the underlying principle of the universe, it always wins out over fear and selfishness. This is the wonderful thing about the New Age, the universe will no longer tolerate selfishness and all the disgusting traits that go along with it like GREED.

    The negative elite leadership on this planet has of course known about the aliens and have been working with the negative ET's, and will try to attack and destroy the benevolent ones, who are trying to help us. Such attacks already happened back during the Roswell incident, as former Canadian Prime Minister Paul Hellyer related...


  • ssn587

    I myself lean towards belief but very guardedly, one experience i know of personally was when a aircontroller called out aircraft and told us a jet or something was moving very fast from our rear, they were on the same altitude as us and the same flight path, we turned around and didn't see anything, yet the ground controllers were still telling us it was headed in, skies were clear absolutely nothing in sight, yet ground control was getting radar on it and us, a few seconds later they called us to ask what it was as it just passed over us, well we say nothing, and I mean nothing, yet ground control for two-three more minutes continued to send us info on the unidentified craft that they had on radar. so to say nothing else somewhat spooky, we wondered if something was really there or was it just shadow blips or WTF?

    Several years later talked to two individual were talking about their visit to Hawaii, both didn't know each other, there were just several of us sitting around shooting the bull. One brought up the fact that he had a UFO incident or that was what he thought it was while out on the beach late one evening. said a craft of some sort showing two bright lights was just off the beach approx 100 yrds or so, no noise, and the beach wasnt quiet it moved up and down the beach for several miles always staying just out at approx 100 yds. he mentioned this and said he hadn't told anyone about it but it was something he had always wondered about. Another individual at the table said when did this happen they talked about the date of the even and then the other person mentioned that they were on the same beach about 1/4 mile from the other group and all of them had seen it too. They had later called into authorities and were told to go home they were probably drunk. this was the funny part both individuals were non drinkes and never had been, one a mormon, the other just never drank, didn't like it so didn't do it. Now when they talked about this it definitely made me think as both were very reliable people in very responsible jobs and up until that time hadn't even known each other. So???????????

  • only me
    only me

    I don't know, I guess put me in the both category by default. There's definitely something going on.

    I read Outlaw's topic last night before I went to bed and then woke up to the Coast to Coast show on the radio. Just guess what they were talking about?


    Hope that works, Firefox gives me problems on this site.

    Anyway, the guest, Richard Lawrence, gave the history of UFO sightings back to the ancients. There's too much to try and quote but he tied in nuclear distruction and said it appears they are trying to save us from distroying civilization in a nuclear Armageddon. Said there has been a pattern through aeons of our species destroying planets and civilizations and these entities saving us.

    Interesting stuff even if you don't believe.

  • cameo-d

    only me: There's definitely something going on.

    I read Outlaw's topic last night before I went to bed and then woke up to the Coast to Coast show on the radio. Just guess what they were talking about?


    Thanks for the info.

    Yes, there is something going on. And I imagine it has been going on for quite a while. These "aliens" have already been communicating with us. They read our discussion boards and watch how we have been interacting with others. They know very well all that is going on here.

    And what better way to communicate with us than under the cover of an anonymous board? You can't see them, but you read their words.

    Perhaps they have always dealt with humans under the cloak of invisibility.

    So people do not believe in an invisible creator that they cannot see? Do you not believe cameo-d is real? And yet you cannot see me, you cannot hear my voice, no one here personally knows me. How do you know that I myself am not an alien life communicating with you?

    They are here. And they have been communicating with us through internet...the cloak of invisibility.

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